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Breakfast... Is It Necessary?
23 May 2013, 19:46
This may open up a can of worms as I know that there are so many schools of thought that it's impossible to get a clear answer...

I'm one of these people who isn't fussed about breakfast and never used to eat it, however, when I went to my doctor I got an ear bashing for not eating it so for the next month I eat a bowl of cereal diligently every morning and low and behold I lost 10kg without even trying.... I've put it all back on now though annoyingly.

I still find breakfast a chore and I find it makes me more hungry during the day, but I've always wondered if there might be some truth in what they say when they suggest that it switches your metabolism going in the morning and that the reason it makes you more hungry is that your body is actually needing to be fed by either food or our fat stores and that those hunger pains are a good thing....

I'd like to see if people have weight loss experiences from both sides of the argument. Was weight loss faster with breakfast? The same? X
Weight loss is more about the total calorie intake over a long period. Some days I eat breakfast and some days I don't. If I ate a huge meal the night before, obviously, I don't need breakfast or sometimes even lunch.
I know having breakfast makes me feel more hungry but when I miss breakfast I dont feel hungry at all until much later
I'm with Carol on that!
I am with Carol and Annie!!
Buti I'm wondering if that hunger could be a good thing? Could that be our bodies starting to tick over and start digesting and does that signify a kick start to the fat burning process? X
I've only done two fast days so far so not a lot to draw on but on the first fast I ate a light breakfast of fruit. On the second I waited till the evening to eat. I was much hungrier during the day when I ate breakfast, think the hunger switch had well and truly switched on then
HopefulHeart wrote: But I'm wondering if that hunger could be a good thing? Could that be our bodies starting to tick over and start digesting and does that signify a kick start to the fat burning process? X

Nope! When you get into ketosis the hunger goes.
I don't think breakfast is necessary, nor do I think it's unnecessary. It's up to each person and their own metabolism. Sometimes I eat breakfast, sometimes I don't. Eating it does tend to make me hungrier toward lunch time, but with this WoE, I notice that not eating breakfast makes it more likely I'll binge when I next eat. So I eat breakfast and have miso soup to get me thru the afternoon if I need it.

The last time I lost weight was due to working at a physically active job. My work day started very early in the morning. Too early for me to be hungry and also once I ate the activeness of the work made me feel sick. So I tended to skip lunch as well as breakfast on work days. Now I'm eating breakfast regularly and losing weight. Go with what you are comfortable with.
I always ate breakfast but never do now since starting this WOE. I'm not hungry in the mornings but I do miss the yummyness of porridge and honey
Eating something for breakfast helps knock down my blood sugar which sometimes is high in the morning. I would rather it stayed low to promote fat release (less sugar = less insulin = more fat release for burning).

It's usually less than 150 cals though. Even 10 almonds suffice.
Interesting. So the dawn phenomenon persists until you eat something? Does it have to be low carb? For people who get the dawn phenomenon do they also get high blood sugar during daytime fasting through gluconeogenesis? Does that imply less protein sparing during fasting?
don't know if it has to be low carb, as I eat that way anyhow and if trying to get the blood sugar down the last thing I would reach for is some sort of sugar.

When I tried an oat bran porridge the glucose meter went into double figures, so I won't try that again on a regular basis.

Will have another stabbing session in the morning.
I don't eat breakfast (or lunch) on fast days but do on feed days, either a fresh fruit salad or porridge. I have lost 10.5 kg in the ten weeks I've been on 5:2 so having breakfast certainly hasn't slowed down my weight loss. :smile:
Opp lost my post
Phil or caroees would love to read more about ketosis. Has a discussion been had on 5:2 Forum about it and if so can anyone provide the links. I know I was in ketosis when I was loosing but now I have stalled don't get that new mow hay smell
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