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Re: 5:2 + 8 hour diet + 16/8
18 Jun 2013, 08:30
Fed up of starving myself and not losing any weight.Decided to go for 5:2 + 16/8 last week instead of just 5:2,weighed myself this morning and I haven't lost anything.I've been eating sensibly on non fast days and going swimming and walking.What else can I do,I started 5:2 mid Jan weighing 70.6kgs,now 63kgs where I seem to have been stuck at for ever.Any advice,I want to get down to 60kgs.
Re: 5:2 + 8 hour diet + 16/8
18 Jun 2013, 08:45
For the past two weeks I've been doing 16:8 most days with a couple of fast days in between but not two a week. According to my scales this morning I've lost another two pounds which means just one pound till maintenance!

I can't believe it especially as I ate tonnes on one of the 16:8 days as I was at an 18th birthday party complete with chocolate fountain that I was very fond of!

I think a change can kick start a plateau, my changes have been 4:3, liquid fasting, and now 16:8. I didn't do them all at once obviously but each time I've played around with the diet a little, it seems to start getting the weight off again :)

Official weigh day on Thursday and I'm hoping it will still be the same by then!
Re: 5:2 + 8 hour diet + 16/8
18 Jun 2013, 08:52
Lel20 wrote: Fed up of starving myself and not losing any weight.Decided to go for 5:2 + 16/8 last week instead of just 5:2,weighed myself this morning and I haven't lost anything.I've been eating sensibly on non fast days and going swimming and walking.What else can I do,I started 5:2 mid Jan weighing 70.6kgs,now 63kgs where I seem to have been stuck at for ever.Any advice,I want to get down to 60kgs.

It can go like that and then out of the blue you will drop again, like your body is working away at a reset then just dumps some fat. I altered to 16/8 for 2 weeks when stuck for too long, and that seemed to wake my body up again, now I'm 5:2 again and losing gently but steadily.
There are many processes occurring inside, try measuring your waist once a month, that can show changes where weight doesn't.
Chin up. Pip pip
Re: 5:2 + 8 hour diet + 16/8
18 Jun 2013, 19:49
Will be doing 16:8 this week, rather than fasting ... Had narrow escape and witnessed bad accident on Sunday, and didn't feel like going the Full Monty this week. Thought of just forgetting entirely this week, but then ended up missing breakfast. Had decent lunch and evening meal in 8 hour window and will continue this for rest of week, and see what happens.
Re: 5:2 + 8 hour diet + 16/8
18 Jun 2013, 20:01
Silverdarling wrote: ... Had narrow escape and witnessed bad accident on Sunday.

Glad you're still with us :heart: :heart:
Re: 5:2 + 8 hour diet + 16/8
19 Jun 2013, 05:04
I had all the intentions in the world of keeping this up but it's been a struggle and I am feeling very deprived. I love breakfast and miss my favourite cereal in the morning , miss having the milky coffee in the mornings too. My 3 weeks of 16:8 and 5:2 together have had mixed results. I lost the first week, put on the second and stayed the same the 3rd week, I am still over what I put on the 2nd week now.
I have relaxed it now and gone back to 5:2 and had breakfast this morning and my milky coffee's with skim milk. I haven't actually had lunch because I have been busy.
But having the 2 different type strategies has felt too restricting and felt like I have too many rules. I think my inner child is rebelling lol . I may still go back to this but for now no it stops.
I only have a couple of kilo's to lose and my BMI is not huge and to be honest I am feeling pretty good right now , I am fitting into clothes that I had stopped being able to wear a long time ago so there is no rush for me to lose those 2 kilo's and at the back of my mind those 2 kilo's are not a huge priority just a nice goal.I have actually lost more that the 2.9kg mentioned in my weight lose here I started dieting before I came her and have now lost 6.6kg . I am going to continue 5:2 as I don't feel ready yet or secure enough to maintain. But good luck and admirations to all those who continue .
Re: 5:2 + 8 hour diet + 16/8
19 Jun 2013, 09:07
I'm thinking about giving this a go next week - but the straight 16:8, no 500 calorie days in there. I have been doing 5:2 for 4 months, but am REALLY starting to struggle with the fast days - I dread them, I don't enjoy them, I am distracted all day by thoughts of food...Anyway. I still have 2kg to lose, but am hoping that maybe chaging to 16:8 will shake things up. Are at least give me a mental break for a few weeks and then I can return to 5:2 if nothing happens on the scales.
Re: 5:2 + 8 hour diet + 16/8
19 Jun 2013, 11:05
sounds like a good plan lucy - if it's not suiting you at the moment, change it around :)
Re: 5:2 + 8 hour diet + 16/8
19 Jun 2013, 18:06
Hello lovelies,
2 weeks ago I started 16:8 whilst still doing 2 fast days. It's been good, I don't really miss breakfast so 16:8 is easy. :smile:
However, Friday & Monday my boys had birthdays (17yrs & 19yrs) and for the first time in years I joined in with the food... But I think I went a little mad.. :cry: the scales aren't being kind~ official weigh in will be Friday. I can feel myself panicking! I fasted Tuesday instead of Monday (due to birthday!) and today was going to be 16:8 but due to a lot going on at work, finishing late etc it, got to 3pm and I still hadn't eaten so decided to continue with a usual fast day. It's gong fine, I've drunk plenty & the gorgeous weather (long may it last!) has diminished my appetite!

I'm worried though cos I know that a gain will set me back & I will get annoyed with myself. I've worked so hard and since changing to 5:2. In April haven't felt as if I'm on a diet. I've only lost 10 pounds since 2/4/13 (lost 31 pounds in total since Jan) but I LOVE 5:2 and 16:8. I have an important wedding at the end of the summer and want to lose another stone but there are only 9 weeks to go.
Hmmm I appear to be waffling! X
Re: 5:2 + 8 hour diet + 16/8
19 Jun 2013, 18:26
Hang in there Pumpkin! You are in a panic and yet you don't have anything to panic about ... yet. You are doing what needs to be done and you can't change what has already been done. You are doing fine and if you don't believe me we'll just have to track @janeg down on her holiday so she can bring out her old wet fish! :grin: :heart:
Re: 5:2 + 8 hour diet + 16/8
19 Jun 2013, 18:46
That made me laugh @betsysgr8~ thank you!! X
Re: 5:2 + 8 hour diet + 16/8
19 Jun 2013, 18:57

Waffle away as I believe waffling burns calories, just don't eat the waffles, simples!

Ballerina x :heart:
Re: 5:2 + 8 hour diet + 16/8
20 Jun 2013, 00:04
I have slept on it, and think I'm going to do half and half, as I am not quite rpepared yet to give up the 5:2 altogether, as I want to health benefits, and still have a few kg to lose. So insted I am going to commit to one fast per week (i.e. 6:1 - 20 hour fast than 500cal), and then twice a week do a 16:8, simply by skipping my breakfast and then eating a normal lunch and dinner. So the calorie deficit should be about the same as before, given I've been struggling so much that I regularly stuf up my second fast day and eat about 1000 calories anyway! Hopefully this will be a mental break, and less challenging. I think the days I skip breaky shouldn't be so bad, as I know I won;t be starving all day like on my fast day, rather I can still get a proper lunch and dinner. xx
Re: 5:2 + 8 hour diet + 16/8
20 Jun 2013, 00:06
Ballerina,you are so amusing
Piece of advice please
I am almost at goal weight ,I notice that I lose about 200 g on a fast day but back it goes the next day
I don't count calories on feast days but I really don't eat much
Yesterday I tried to do 16-8 but was too hungry so ate an apple by 12
Then had miso soup for lunch,veg soup and some bread at 4 pm
Dinner was baked fish,veg,salad,bit more bread
Later I had diet yogurt,a few,squares dark choc,an orange and a guava
Before bed I had a drink of rice milk
Put on weight lost the day before
Was that too much food ?
Or is it because I ate late at night?
Not sure what to do today,third fast?
Re: 5:2 + 8 hour diet + 16/8
20 Jun 2013, 00:35
Yeah I tried 16/8 along with 5:2 and its just too much for me from a restriction/motivation standpoint. I found myself binging a bit in my window, basically wiping out any benefit. On 5:2 what gets me through is knowing I can have a regular meal the next day, but adding 16/8 doesn't do it. I think 1 or the other can be good, but not designed to go together in back to back days unless there is a certain purpose, such as getting through a plateau or something. The 2 together can be some serious calorie restriction which long term may not be beneficial.

I may consider 16/8 by itself when I am maintaining.
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