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General 5:2 and Fasting Chat

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To be honest with you, Caroline, even if they sea was full of tuna I'd rather not eat its tinned version. It's like eating string with very bad smell.
On the other hand, there is a small fish farm in a Greek island which grows (is that the right term for fish, LOL) a unique kind of tuna and sells its fillet in jars of olive oil and it is very tasty! There is no danger for the species but it is still more expensive than fresh fish which is expensive to eat daily.
I too have a long journey ahead and at times have felt despondent so I understand your sentiment. I have also lost nearly 2 stone, but at times find myself focusing on the road ahead and then I remind myself that this journey is for the rest if my life, not just for losing this weight, that for me means having the tools to not only lose the weight but then keep it off and be healthier for the rest of my life. Each fast takes me closer to my goal and then it will take me beyond. I thought I'd always be obese, but I now know I won't, that is a message that also keeps me positive. I'm glad the response here has helped you as reading them has helped me too, in a years time we will be proof this works and in ten years time people will be wondering what all those other continuous deprivation diets were about. Keep fasting and keep posting, you have done so well already :0)
Carorees and TML13 - I am sure that sugar poses a much higher risk of cancer than protein!

The foods I listed were only a loose example of what I would eat in a day. As regards expense, a bar of chocolate can cost as much as pork chop.

I don't eat vast amounts of protein, even though I don't eat many carbs. I probably eat less of it than an average person on the forum.
Tomtank, you seem to forget that there are other carbs than sugar...
And yes, a chocolate bar might cost as much as a pork chop but most of us won't eat a chocolate at once (and even if it did it wouldn't be daily) while it's not easy to fill one's stomach with one pork chop.
Additionally, good chocolate is far more healthy than pork!
Last, since not many people are getting full with sugar while some people seem to do so with protein, according to research, the latter have more risks to suffer from a few diseases than those who eat something sweet once or twice a week.
Mariposa thank you for your post I'm glad you have found something positive from this thread. I also agree that this process is part of a worthwhile journey to better health etc.
I weighed today & I have lost 1lb 12oz this week that is slightly more than my average so I do feel pleased with myself. Good luck to others weighing in today. :clover:
tomtank wrote: Carorees and TML13 - I am sure that sugar poses a much higher risk of cancer than protein!

The foods I listed were only a loose example of what I would eat in a day. As regards expense, a bar of chocolate can cost as much as pork chop.

I don't eat vast amounts of protein, even though I don't eat many carbs. I probably eat less of it than an average person on the forum.

If you look in the 5:2 labs section you will find links to many papers describing the link between IGF1 and its site of action, mTOR, and cancer and you will also find evidence that to reduce IGF1 you need to reduce protein to about 0.8g/kg body weight/day. There may be a link between hyperglycemia and mTOR activation but that is not so clear.

So, I don't think there is evidence that sugar poses a greater cancer risk than protein. I think it's important to realise that if you adopt a low carb diet you should not replace the carbs with protein if you want to keep your cancer risk down.

I'm glad you have avoided that pitfall!
TML13 - you say that good chocolate is healthier than pork!

I'm lost for words, to be honest!

I wonder how many people on the forum would be surprised by your view.
Tis not a bad thing to be lost for words from time to time... ;-)
TML13 - I find it so disappointing that what should be an open forum to discuss the diet, and to help people with their weight loss, has become very similar to Twitter.

We must be able to give our opinions and share experiences without members of the forum grouping together and making somewhat spiteful comments.

I am sure if anyone else on here had mentioned that they enjoyed tuna, it would not have attracted any comments at all.

I understand that you may not eat much meat, if any, but to make the suggestion that chocolate is healthier than pork is not sending the right message to those who are trying to live healthier lives.

We must all agree to disagree sometimes.
Of course I do eat meat and enjoy it very much. I also make fun of my mum everytime she tells me that she will make tuna salad and suggest that she should also make spaghetti out of rubber bands. It is not spiteful, it is a joke! :-)
I believe that a chocolate of good quality is better food than pork. And I do like both of them, although not at the same time.
You see, IMO, a healthy life comes from eating everything in moderation and not from excluding food groups. Each to their own...
Isis - fantastic weight loss - and this week's to add to it as well! i hope you are feeling better now than a few days ago. One of the joys of this forum is the support that can be gained almost instantly when you need it - as shown in this thread :victory: :like: :victory:

TML I too adore chocolate, could not live without it, and the posts here have just reminded me that years ago my GP actually told me to eat chocolate ... The dark kind (lol!) as it was a proven source of iron ... :grin: :grin: :grin:
My GP and my rheumatologists (yeah, I got two, how cool am I) told me that it is very important to not forget to eat a piece of good (dark, over 70% cocoa) chocolate everyday. I was shocked that someone would actually imply that I could forget to eat chocolate, LOLOLOL!!!

Edit to say: it is also proven to prevent Altzheimers, my grandmother eats her chocolate everyday, bless her!
Haha :lol: :wink: as if we need any more excuses! Though I must admit I do eat less than I used to, effect of 5:2, :shock: :grin:
I never ate too much (well, as a grown up I mean, LOL) because I don't like Greek chocolate very much and I have to eat my English one carefully so that I won't run out. Thank God I have lots off friends who make sure I always have some, not to mention the tens of bars that I bring back with me when I visit, LOL!
I still remember one time when me dad came back from Germany and he brought me a 2 KILOS bar of chocolate and I ate at all in an afternoon. The next morning, I was full of red dots! My mum went mad because she thought that it was from the chocolate (guess who she blamed? me dad! LOL) but as it turned out it was a coincidence and I had the chicken pox!
Well done Isis. That's fantastic x
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