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It seems such a long way to go!
06 Jun 2013, 08:52
I know I'm not the only one on the forum who still has lots of weight to lose. I am a slow loser & at this rate I will be doing this until June 2014 to try & lose a further four stone to reach my first goal weight of 10 stone. I have lost 23 lbs. since Christmas & 15lbs since starting 5:2ing at the end of January & joining this forum. It seems such a long way to go & although I am also doing this for the health benefits having had breast cancer & my Mother died from breast cancer & Dementia, my weight loss seems so slow :cry:
I suppose because I am rather an impatient person it is getting to me today. I am on my second day of also trying 16:8ing & feeling hungry. Does anyone else feel despondent like me? & how do you pep yourself up to keep going for the long term? I keep telling myself this is a WOL but that is not helping today :frown: Sorry for the moan.
Isis, not sure if this is the answer you are looking for but I was not satisfied with my weight loss and I tried to speed things up. First I did 4:3, then I started counting calories and since neither worked, I do 2 days of following Dukan's attack weekly (not on fast days). I'm very happy with my weight loss now and I finally feel good and happy (I was miserable lately).

What I'm trying to say is, if you don't like it, work around it till you do!
Hello Isis
moan away!
It does seem a long time , but how long did it take to go on? And if it comes off quickly, it's more likely to go back on again and you'll have flabby bits and wrinkles!
You've done really well so far and are working towards better health and hopefully warding off the tragic health problems that your mother had.
Your overall goal is admirable and attainable. Have you thought of giving yourself mini goals and targets with rewards along the way? You've lost a stone and three quarters since Christmas which is amazing- nearly 2 stones! That is something to celebrate! :star:
ANd your loss may be slow, but it's a damn sight faster than mine!
What are your measurements like? What clothes are you fitting into? There's more to this than the numbers on the scale!
It is a long term commitment - be kind to yourself !
And I'll send either a hug or a slap around the head with a wet fish- whichever you choose if either will help ;)
We all have down days but you need to give yourself a pat on the back, you've done really well with your loss so far, yes it is a slow weight loss programme but it's far more likely to be sustainable - diets that help you lose weight quickly aren't sustainable and that's probably why most of us have yoyoed with our weight - I've been putting the same one/two stone on and off for most of my adult life ?! Chin up - set yourself mini-targets - half a stone perhaps, you'll reach these far quicker and hopefully this will help you get to the goal at the end which at the moment seems so far away. :clover:
I know what you mean! When I have a slow down and the Libra app says my predicted date for reaching my goal is sometime in 2014, I do feel a bit down. But, I tell myself that it's not as if I'll be stopping fasting when I get there, so what does it matter really? I remind myself that if I wasn't doing 5:2 I'd still be gaining weight and that even if I didn't lose another kg, I'd still have achieved something good. Then I make an effort to stand up and move about more and the weightloss resumes!
We've lost about the same amount since Christmas - you're doing well! All the advice is to lose it slowly. Any diet where it drops off quickly nearly always leads to a huge weight gain afterwards. This is sustainable. According to my progress tracked it's going to take me another 10 months to get to my goal, and I'd love it to be faster, but I know I'll end up with too much saggy skin if that happens. This way your skin has a chance to shrink as you go.

As you've said, you are doing this for the health benefits, (as am I) so it's a long term way of life. It's far more important to be be healthy than the right size, and you're doing all the right things for that. Dementia is awful - it runs in my father's family and my father has it right now - a truly terribly way to spend your last years. For your family to have both that and cancer is a double whammy, so please try and think of what you are doing for that. The weight loss is just an added perk to this way of life.

There is some research about that for those in the obese category, just a 10% reduction in weight leads to huge improvements, so come on, you've already increased your life expectancy massively! Give yourself a pat on the back :star:

I've not done much exercise in recent years, but now I've lost 10% I've got much more energy and am just starting to get going with a decent plan to tone up and get active, so perhaps that might be the thing to do to boost your loss. That would be a positive thing to do and it's a great way to boost your emotions too.
Congrats on your weight loss! :like: This journey can be frustrating, remind yourself this is a process and it does take time. I speak from experience, I have a lot of weight to lose. Hang in there! My best advice is not to compare yourself and your results to anyone else, we all lose at different rates and there are times when our bodies need to adjust to all the changes.
Thank you for your replies. I do feel rather foolish now seeing my post & I will try & work towards my next mini goal which is getting below 14 stone! so 3 lbs to go & a further 2 lbs to lose two stone. I never want to go back to yo yo dieting & when in thinking mode I know slow weight loss is best. I am hoping 16:8ing may shift my pounds a little faster. I will find out when I weigh in on Sunday after another fast day on Friday.
Oh & I also meant to add thank you for taking the time to reply & your thoughtful & encouraging comments.. I do feel more cheerful now :smile:
Sending you a hug to add to the other encouragement, I've lost about the same as you since Christmas, and personally I think we've done really well, think how much further we'd have to go if we hadn't started (or something like that) :clover:
I suggest you lift up something as heavy as your weight loss so far. This is the weight you are no longer carrying around. I am sure you body is thanking you already in many many ways.
I appreciate it is still a long time to go, but it took a long time to put on. I was also thinking about this a while back and worked out at my current rate it will take me to December to reach target. But, I'm quite happy to do that on this woe, as I plan to continue to use it for for maintenance and health benefits after that anyway. Think how long though that would feel if you were counting cals or points every day, or not having any carbs or alcohol? Now that really would feel a long time!

I do feel your frustration though and my thin person inside is also starting to get impatient looking at lovely summer dresses.
TML13 - I am still puzzled by how many people are saying how wonderful the 5:2 WOE is, and yet they are advising others to try different approaches.

Your method is doing the Dukan Attack Phase every week. What would happen if you didn't? Would your weight-loss stall, or would you regain what you had already lost?

I do Atkins on my non-fast days, because I know that if I didn't, my weight would go up.

I am not convinced that 5:2 is the right way forward for those who need to lose weight, and want all-round good health.

As ever, I don't want to offend anyone, but it frustrates me to see so many who are disappointed with their weight loss, when I know it could all be so different.
The last time that I was 10 stone, I was probably in my teens! Having tried every diet going, and failed miserably, this WOE with 5:2, I have lost nearly two stone and feel great!
What I am trying to say, albeit badly, is keep going, this forum is really supportive and that I'm sure that you will reach your target. Does it really matter when? See you in June 2014!
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