I want to wake up every morning with lots of energy just like I used to when I was younger, fitter and slimmer.
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The other thing of course (and this is a Scot saying this!) is that the food bills have gone through the floor

I'm overawed by all your truthful comments here.....good luck to one and all and keep persevering.
What keeps me going....
Seeing pictures of my mum as she continued to pile the weight on, always "cutting down tomorrow", having 2 hip replacements and then shopping with her for a 'little black dress' that was anything but little!
As I get older seeing friends who have put weight on having more health issues.
Feeling better about myself, can't do anything about my looks ...or lack of them....but at least I am now starting to get in my old clothes again....all by my own effort!!
Must also add...to keep up with my wonderful grandsons who are now moving faster!!

What keeps me going....
Seeing pictures of my mum as she continued to pile the weight on, always "cutting down tomorrow", having 2 hip replacements and then shopping with her for a 'little black dress' that was anything but little!

As I get older seeing friends who have put weight on having more health issues.

Feeling better about myself, can't do anything about my looks ...or lack of them....but at least I am now starting to get in my old clothes again....all by my own effort!!

Must also add...to keep up with my wonderful grandsons who are now moving faster!!

Grannyl I have to say that I am in love with your avatar
Also I saw my mother and grandmother struggle with their weight all their life, my mother is still young enough to have a full life but she can't as she can't move properly, is easyly tired and now has diabetes.
It's a wonderful feeling to feel lighter and more confident and sexier. It makes me more "zen", I smile more, am more patient as well. I guess it's not only a question of weight loss but a change of life for the better.

Also I saw my mother and grandmother struggle with their weight all their life, my mother is still young enough to have a full life but she can't as she can't move properly, is easyly tired and now has diabetes.
It's a wonderful feeling to feel lighter and more confident and sexier. It makes me more "zen", I smile more, am more patient as well. I guess it's not only a question of weight loss but a change of life for the better.

Manderley, I lured my mum into the 5:2 way of life. She is doing my version (the one with the dukan's attack for 2 days) and she is very pleased.
She always gained 3-4 kilos during winter and she always lost them with the cabbage soup but she now prefers 5:2.
She always gained 3-4 kilos during winter and she always lost them with the cabbage soup but she now prefers 5:2.

My mum did Dukan for 2 years and lost something like 10 kgs, which is meaningless when you have a lot to lose (she is around 100kg for 1.62m). I don't know why she can't lose, it began after her pregnancies. She will try the 5:2, but I told her to talk about it to our GP before, just in case.

My goal is to have a child. Me and my husband have been trying for years, went to docs for help to be told that at my weight no one would help.
Any time i feel rough or down i focus on that goal and it can help me through.
Any time i feel rough or down i focus on that goal and it can help me through.

After many years of debilitating back pain (was always told it was cos I was a nurse and did lots of heavy lifting) , here in France they found I had scoliosis...a. Twisted spine. I had metal rods put in, the whole length of my spine, so now, at last, I am starting a new life, pain free for the first time in..don't know how long.
I want and need to be able to enjoy the coming years, no one can guarantee that my new back will last forever
Losing some weight and keeping what's left of my grey cells in good nick is my aim, and I just KNOW that with 5:2 it is possible
I want and need to be able to enjoy the coming years, no one can guarantee that my new back will last forever
Losing some weight and keeping what's left of my grey cells in good nick is my aim, and I just KNOW that with 5:2 it is possible

Wow just read back through these and so many people have such inspiring reasons for sticking to it - having seen cancer, size-related health issues, other illnesses and wanting to concieve just being a few. I realise my reasons for sticking to it are pretty vain really - just wanting to look better.
Hope you are all keeping strong if fasting today - I'll be having my main meal in about an hour as out at work meeting later, so I'm in the home straits. Can't wait!
Hope you are all keeping strong if fasting today - I'll be having my main meal in about an hour as out at work meeting later, so I'm in the home straits. Can't wait!

I want to be healthier - my brother has type 2 diabetes and I don't want to go there but ALSO I want to feel (for the first time in my life) that I am not controlled by food - that's why this WOE (I won't call it a diet) is so fab; the first thing I've ever found (and you name it, I've tried it) where I am not obsessing about what I can eat next because I've only got x number of cals today - I know on my fast days I'll get hungry, but so what? Tomorrow I'm not 'dieting'. Wahey! (Which is why when I read posts from people who are severely restricting their cals on non fast days as well, I just don't get it - to me that's just like a really hard diet and therefore not the point). But horses for courses I suppose. I am enthusiastic about this 5 2 thing because it feels really easy (and I have spoken to a few people at work who tried it and gave up because they couldn't do the fasting) but I think I can do this all the time now - when I've lost all I want to I'll do 6:1 to maintain it. And I won't be fat anymore!!!!! Sorry for the essay

What keeps me going?
The fantastic amount of energy I now have - my overall feeling of 'wellness' - the euphoria I feel when I fast.
I've been successfully maintaining for the past 8 months, I'm in my mid-seventies, and I feel like a 40-year-old - a fit 40-year-old!
I've written my 16 month story here on my blog:
As someone else wrote, here on this forum, I can't imagine a week when I don't fast!
The fantastic amount of energy I now have - my overall feeling of 'wellness' - the euphoria I feel when I fast.
I've been successfully maintaining for the past 8 months, I'm in my mid-seventies, and I feel like a 40-year-old - a fit 40-year-old!
I've written my 16 month story here on my blog:
As someone else wrote, here on this forum, I can't imagine a week when I don't fast!

What a great thread and Nelsonsmum I have that young Highland pony! He is my home bred boy, 5 yrs old and keeps me active. I backed him myself last year and will ride him again soon, but for the moment we are learning carriage driving which is great fun. To the OP yes we owe it to our horses to keep the weight down. As I approach 60 I want to stay healthy enough to enjoy life so hopefully 5:2 will help.

I have spent years following official advice about losing weight and have continued to put it on. Being told I needed urgent surgery, but the anesthatist won't do it till I was below a 40 BMI made me start again. 2 weeks in I knew I couldn't 'diet' the old way any more. So 5:2 came to the rescue (thank you facebook friend who linked me to Dr.Moreleys programme).
My short term reason for sticking to 5:2 and my fasting is the short term goal of surgery, even thought it scares the c**p out of me.
Mid term goal is to reach my wedding day weight on my 25th wedding anniversary next year. To get rid of that other woman who has been weighing me down for so long.
Long term is to live long enough so that I am still the one caring for my husband when we are older. I am his carer as he suffers from chronic RA and is wheelchair bound. I don't want him suffering the indignity of being washed and pushed around by strangers just because I do the inconvenient thing of dying before him.
My short term reason for sticking to 5:2 and my fasting is the short term goal of surgery, even thought it scares the c**p out of me.
Mid term goal is to reach my wedding day weight on my 25th wedding anniversary next year. To get rid of that other woman who has been weighing me down for so long.
Long term is to live long enough so that I am still the one caring for my husband when we are older. I am his carer as he suffers from chronic RA and is wheelchair bound. I don't want him suffering the indignity of being washed and pushed around by strangers just because I do the inconvenient thing of dying before him.

I have lost 23 pounds and my husband 36 since march 18th! Feel so much better and having so mant people in our little rural southwestern American town asking what our secret is! We have several more converts in town who have read the book and are following a new lifestyle!
it is not a diet any more but how we are choosing to get healthy! We can't control getting old, but can certainly feel in control of HOW we get old!

If I'm totally honest I'm doing it because I want to look better.
I want to buy clothes and know that they'll look good.
I also have a veteran fell pony and feel it's kinder to lose weight for her benefit, although I'm well within her weight carrying abilities.
My mum suffers terribly from Rheumatoid Arthritis and polymyialgia, so I'd like to avoid that if I can, there is also a history of strokes and cancer in our family.
My son will hopefully be graduating with a phd in the next year or two, so I don't want the horror of clothes shopping and feeling frumpy with everything I try on. I want to look forwards to the photos and not dread them.
I don't want people making my age an excuse for putting on weight, I'm determined not to be overweight and menopausal!
I feel so much better even after a few weeks that I'd like to keep this feeling.

I also have a veteran fell pony and feel it's kinder to lose weight for her benefit, although I'm well within her weight carrying abilities.
My mum suffers terribly from Rheumatoid Arthritis and polymyialgia, so I'd like to avoid that if I can, there is also a history of strokes and cancer in our family.
My son will hopefully be graduating with a phd in the next year or two, so I don't want the horror of clothes shopping and feeling frumpy with everything I try on. I want to look forwards to the photos and not dread them.
I don't want people making my age an excuse for putting on weight, I'm determined not to be overweight and menopausal!
I feel so much better even after a few weeks that I'd like to keep this feeling.

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