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carorees wrote: @43tweaker Why did you stop doing ADF the first time round? Do you think maintenance using fasting is hard because of diet fatigue or due to increased hunger drives?

There was some diet fatigue involved and I do remember one of those especially hungry fast days--the kind that come around once a month--being the final blow. But, neither of those were the real issue. For me, the real problem was the economy tanking, my OH losing his job and just the stress from life getting tough. It got hard. I tried for a long time after and just couldn't get back into the groove of losing. There was a series of half-started fast days that turned into binges. I just wasn't in the right frame of mind to make it happen, anymore. Life will keep throwing curve balls at isn't like you lose weight and all your problems just disappear. Even though I weighed less, my biggest problem area (stomach) was still my biggest problem area. That was depressing. I could fit into smaller sizes, but I still felt fat.
Interesting reply, particularly the observation that losing weight wasn't a cure all to life's ups and downs! Sometimes I get the impression that many of us see weight loss as providing a new start, not just for our bodies, but we will also be mentally transformed into confident, happy people equipped to deal with life easily and will live happily ever after. If only life was like in the fairy tales! I believe it is just as important to transform the inner self too for a successful outcome and practicing "mindfulness" is a great tool to help with this.
Yes & the effort & focus getting to your goal can have its own rewards of feeling virtuous & in control! When you get there it can leave a feeling of deflation & what now? That is not completely compensated for by being slim!
dhana wrote: I believe it is just as important to transform the inner self too for a successful outcome and practicing "mindfulness" is a great tool to help with this.

Yes, losing weight helps with self confidence but it isn't everything.
Do you ptactice Mindfulness Dhana? I downloaded a book on my Kindle but have never meditated before so I'm not sure where to start! Dr M has done a programme on it but I don't know when it will be shown.
Years ago I went to the TM centre in Glasgow, based on the teachings of the maharishi mahesh yogi, (of Beatles fame, particularly linked with George) and found it pretty good. I lapsed as the years went by, and when George Harrison died, I was in India at the time. I made a sort of pilgrimage to Risshikesh as his widow was going to scatter his ashes in the Ganges, but later changed her mind. Anyway, Rishikesh got me back in touch with yoga and meditation and I do still practice. it will be interesting to see MM's take on matters of the mind !
Dhana I have also learnt TM but have got out of the habit of practising it. I learnt in Brighton but I believe there are still local centres around the UK.
I firmly believe my overweightness is/was psychological. I used hypnotherapy to deal with 'issues' which was so empowering. As a knock on effect I am now dealing with the weight. For the first time ever I know I will be able go get to a healthy weight and maintain it which is down to psychological changes in me.

I downloaded the Mindfulness book as recommended on this forum and am now on week 7 of 8 which the book takes you through. Franglaise, I read a book on meditation before but that was as far as it went :oops: . If it's the same one you downloaded (the one about peace in a caotic world) then just follow the instructions and practice.

After so many people trying to pull me in too many directions at work this morning I did a 3 minute Breathing Space Meditation (with my eyes open) and I am now having a full hour for lunch and have an afternoons work still to do instead of what would have been a days work in an afternoon.

I can already see that I am eating more mindfully and am aware of my food choices and the affects they have on me. Before I would just have shovelled it in and said what's the point anyway!
Re keeping it off:

I've just met my goals today!! So I'll hang around to keep you all informed as to how well I keep it off and as to what my methods turn out to be.

I don't post often, but tune in every day to receive all the accumulated wisdom and fun--thanks to all.
Congratulations Marybeth on reaching your goals. Do let us know how you get on because it will be another learning process for me when I eventually get to the maintenance stage.
Just wanted to say how much I appreciate reading the open & frank sharing of life & dieting experiences of you all posting in this thread. It's not easy carrying on each day trying to lose weight & I would probably have not kept going without this forum & the sharing that goes on.
Isis really nailed it--the experience, wisdom, and generosity of spirit--not to mention wackiness--of this community is what keeps us going. Here's to all of us! :clover: :heart: :lol:
Oh, and I forgot to say that meditation is the bomb! I've done TM (intermittantly :lol:) since my college days in the early 70's. In any stressful situation, my breathing automatically goes into that slowed down, controlled rhythm and I'm helped to get a little perspective. It is a great tool for life.
@Isis is right. It is possible that if I had a place like this to turn to last time around I might have stayed the course. This time it is taking me longer (I'm 5 years older and have more medical issues) but I have also stayed on plan a lot longer. If I can do it 16 months with whatever life throws at me; I should be able to hang in long enough to see the smaller sizes, the flatter belly and maintenance.
Is it just me who doesn't worry about keeping it off?
If the worst comes to the worst, I'll just continue 5:2 forever, with the exception of a holiday or a crisis, like the one I'm dealing with now.

I'm 2/3 kilos away from my goal weight and I'm maintaining for the past 2 weeks while eating crappy food in weird hours and various quantities. It really can't be that hard, having the back of 5:2 or 6:1 or sensibly eating for 7 days or whatever one fancies!!!
Hmm, TML. I'm very pleased for you that you're maintaining without really trying, but I think it would be the easiest thing in the world to pile it all on again, I'm sure I'm going to have to be very strict with myself.

Because my problem is in my head, and also I don't get the "I'm full" signals that I should (I'm told others do!!).

And then there's carbs of course, and according to so many I will never have a chance of staying slim and happy until I give them up. So that's that then, coz I shan't!!
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