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I agree with Dominic in thinking that eating normally as described in the book, is eating what u normally eat - not eating like some fictitious normal person. Thus 5 days as u usually eat and 2 days with calorie deficit. The book stated NOT to count calories on feed days, however as we all know, this WOE is just new for the masses and people fiddle about to find what suits them best. For those concerned that it is encouraging obese people to eat copious quantities of bad food(and I'm not sure it's your duty to worry about people you don't know), it's better to diet 2 days a week than not at all...or like most of us on here - diet 7 days a week for awhile, till we can't face it anymore and then lapse and put all the losses back on. ps I am VERY happy with my weight loss - I look good and like this WOE and will eventually lose the last little bit of weight.
Nothing written is set in stone ( only the Ten Commandments ) so I just always take what I need from the information given and do some research and work out what I believe, or in the 5 2 diet I experiment and work out what works for me and if it doesn't fit in with my life or has no benefit then obviously it's not the the plan for me. The 5 2 WOE really fit's in with my life and has shown me some easy but good results, so I shall continue happily with it, I really think it's so easy to look to closely at the fine print and get a bit carried away with analysing or nit picking something so simple, " does it work for you, yes or no, if no do you want to try including different techniques to make it work for you, if yes try doing this or this, if no then try a different plan or WOE as we are all different and what works for one may not work for the other regardless of the reason why.
Hey, GMH, thanks for your post. Realizing that everyone is different, it is nice to hear that I am not alone in my thinking. This plan works for me very well, and I do not count calories on non-fast days. Probably the biggest thing this has done for me is to make me relax around food. I am losing weight, slowly, and for the first time in my life it is okay. I am feeling good about it and wearing clothes I have not fit into for a couple of years. It's all good. No need to stress, count calories, etc.
Well this was really an answer to a post on another thread that I felt was being hijacked...but my feelings are it's your own business what you do, but if u can help someone along the way that's great. Just don't treat people like they are idiots....very 007 ha ha
Thanks for this thread GMH, I've been reading the same thread as you!!!

I can't stand criticism but I get a lot out of constructive criticism - is that not what support is about? I have not replied to several posts as I have seen quite a few highly critical posts. Also this is not Michael Moseley's forum. I haven't noticed anywhere a list of rules that you must comply with to lose weight to join this forum only guidelines/ideas. However as in The Book, MM experimented with fasting and researched others types of fasting. Are we all not guinea pigs to this way of life? There is not one rule as to what to do. This is not Atkins, Dukan, Cambridge, etc where they promise you results if you follow their prescription.

I have just recorded my weight on the tracker - 7th week same weight. Am I disheartened - yes. Do I think this isn't working - NO WAY. I have lost one and a half stone since the new year (and maintained it for 7 weeks). I know that wouldn't have happened without 5:2 as I wouldn't have done anything but moan about my weight (I am not a serial dieter). Perhaps because of the weight loss and perhaps because of the health benefits I feel better about myself.

Because of this forum I am going to try the Dukan Attack for the next three days to try and kick start the weight loss. Ok, I don't calorie count on normal days and don't want to so could I be overeating? Probably on some days and not on others. I don't know why my weight has stabalised but I know I want to lose more and I'm doing something about that. How can anyone criticise anyone who it trying to improve their health by losing weight. If you think I am doing something wrong please tell me and any advice will be gratefully received.

At the end of the day I am not stupid. I am open to advice and constructive criticism.

Thanks again GMH for letting me rant.
I agree with everything you all said.
I said many times that not counting calories is not by any means a synonym to eating a scabby dog and a huge dessert!
Also, doing variations is not a bad thing. On the contrary, it means that there are many ways to do this diet. That, in my book, is THE BEST!!!
I mean, all diets are restrictive. They don't allow changes and they make your life miserable when you have to attend an event, go on a holiday, have a business lunch etc.
Have you ever met a diet that is so easy to do? Have you ever met a diet that has as many varieties as your hand has fingers? They give you a piece of paper full of instructions, you have to follow them by the book and if you fail you are a failure.
With 5:2, you have to follow a couple of very easy rules and if you fail you just have to move things around.
Well, I have to say but this is probably the best thing that ever happened to those who want to lose wait and never gain it back! :-)

Windmissus, I see that you are doing my version of 3:2:2. Good luck to you my dear! I'm sure that you will succeed!!!
TML13 totally agree with everything you say. 5;2 is great for allowing those who need to tweak to do so. I for one don't count on feed days and don't feel guilty when I have eaten the "scabby dog" tail and all! I am a great believer in if it works for you, and no one is getting hurt then go for it. Do what is best for you.
Others will always give advice, good or bad, it's human nature. Our choice is to listen or not. :)
Completely agree with you all.

MM found the way that was best for him and even he admits everyone is different so may want to adapt.The only thing set in stone is the 2 fast days I think what you do on the other 5 days is completely up to you. If you want to count calories on non fast days do it. If you don't, don't. If you want pure protein days do it.

TML13 your idea of 3:2:2 really intrigues me, I lost 2 stone for my wedding 2 years ago on Dukan (subsequently put it back on :frown: ) but it definitely works in the short term and I imagine incorporating it with 5:2 helps you lose and maintain so from Monday I'm giving it a go! Maybe you need your own book lol :like:

Good luck to you too, Nieve Bianco. Tis true, diets like Dukan and Atkins only work in the short term. That's what I took advantage of and it seems to be working.

One day I will write my own book but it will be a cook book! :-)
Hi TML, if I ever write a cook book it could never be 'Fish dishes I have loved' as it would end up like those delightful little books we buy the men folk we love for Christmas like, 'Everything you have ever learned about women' and then find it is a book full of blank pages. Mine would have to be a travel book so I could tell people where to go! :lol: :lol: :lol:

Ballerina x :heart:
After readin about your French Vacances.. where I have laughted till I cried.. I would buy your book! Especially with out the Cordon Bleu fish dishes :smile:
GMH and others
I totally agree with all that has been said. I started in January with 5:2 as set out in the book. Then I started 36 hour liquid fasts to get the loss moving, then 16:8 and next week I'm planning on doing 5:2 original plan as it will suit my life!
To me that is the joy of this WOE, I can mix it around to suit me!
(I also enjoy the support of this forum and reading the topics. Some people have a natural gift for words and when I am struggling or don't want to think about food, it cheers me up and makes me realise that if I can't have the food today I can tomorrow.)
Bellerina, I'd buy any book you write!!!

Seriously, I am waiting for better times to come and I will write a cook book. I even had a proposal from an American publication house to write a book and do a cooking show but I would have to live in the States for 6 months and I didn't want that.
I have a good collection of recipes that I created myself and I know that with good promotion the book will do well. I just have to wait for the Greek economy to get better.
TML, thank you, but I struggle to write Christmas cards! :grin:

Ballerina x :heart:
TML13 - you say that the Atkins diet only works in the short term. Did you read the book properly? I know it is very technical, and perhaps your English isn't quite up to it.

I have been on it for 18 months, and lost 20 kgs in 5 months. I enjoy a varied diet of meat, fish, vegetables and fruit.

Many people misunderstand the Atkins concept, and think that carbs are banished for ever. This is not true at all.
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