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I think Colin should be very grateful that he got away with his soft dangly bits still intact and not pickled in oozo! :shock:

Ballerina x :heart:
I also look at how my skinny friends eat and I notice that some days they eat a lot and some days less and I know years ago before dieting became my obsession I used to et like that
Also I have a friend who is my height but weighs a few kilos less than me ,turns out she always skips breakfast ,has a few snacks during the day and a nice dinner....16/8?
And then sometimes she just feels like a treat and enjoys it
Love this way of eating
So far enjoying my weekend,skipped breakfast again,didnt even feel like it
Going out for dinner later.
TML13 - of course, people will put weight back on after any diet, if they don't stick to their new way of eating. A couple of people on here are continuing to fast, to maintain their goal weight.

In effect, what you have said applies to 5:2 as well. As soon as you take your foot off the ball, the pounds come back on.

The difference with Atkins is that a healthy way of eating is promoted, so that by the time you reach your goal weight, you will have eliminated the unhealthy foods.

Franglaise posted recently that she had tried fasting just one day a week to maintain, but that she was slowly gaining weight.

With 5:2, there are so few people who have reached their desired weight, but, when they do, they will be unable to maintain it without carrying on with fasting, in one form or another.

So, by the same token, you could say that this diet doesn't work either.

Lastly, people will regain weight when they stop doing Atkins, if they go back to eating the very foods which were banned, but, from what I have seen on this forum, many people are putting the pounds back on, while still in the process of doing 5:2!!!

What does that tell you? You can't knock one diet, if you are having to introduce other methods to tweak this one!

That just doesn't make sense!
they will be unable to maintain it without carrying on with fasting, in one form or another.

Hahaha that is the point, haven't you been listening, this is a way of life and the health benefits will not be achieved if fasting is stopped.
I remember when I lost loads of weight on the Atkins diet and while following that program I was always on a diet and couldn't eat this or that, being thin really wasn't worth the sacrifice, going out for a meal was just a waste of time. There are loads of lovely things to eat on the Atkins diet but after a few months nothing taste better then a big bowl of pasta, garlic bread, steak pie, BLT or simply hot French bread with lashings of butter, I can have all of that, lose weight and be healthy on the 5:2, win win for me. I hope you find some diet happiness as what I have seen of your comments is just a diet sadness, maybe you should just stick to the Atkins then you wouldn't have to over analyse a very simple way of eating, jeeez
Oh Colin, I think TML's English is better than most of us can manage - you got off lightly!

Hullo tomtank I guess this topic was getting a bit cosy and needing shaking up! :wink:

The question is sustainability. Yes if we stop all intermittent fasting after reaching our target the weight will go back on, as it does with any diet. That's pretty clear to me now that I reached my target! But I think I can carry on doing IF in some form indefinitely.

Evidently Atkins is working for you tomtank. Whether 5:2 or Atkins will prove more sustainable for more people in the long run we don't yet know I think, but to be honest I would put my money on IF. There is already evidence that IF is healthy regardless of which foods you eat, on top of any weight loss.

5:2 has a lower entry hurdle than most other diets I think - it is incredibly easy to understand and to start doing but that does mean some people 'give it a go' who are not serious and get distracted. It requires less long-term commitment than most (any?) other long-term diet plans but it still requires some. Perhaps Dr M should have put in a 'tough start' to the diet to stop the casual people from trying it and then giving up when the initial flush of enthusiasm fades?

I guess I find it a bit frustrating that because many people here are trying slightly different variations of intermittent fasting (IF), or are mixing it up with something a bit different, that others can then say '5:2 clearly doesn't work because people have to do 16:8 or Dukan or 4:3'. Despite the name this forum is a home for any form of IF (I think); 5:2 is a compromise by its very nature, so if 16:8 or 4:3 works better for any individual, or some other weird combination (I seem to be doing 5:2:6:1 at the moment) that proves that this way of eating does work, not the reverse.

And because IF doesn't in itself prescribe anything about what you eat, diets which address that issue - including Atkins - can be adapted to fit with IF too, if it make sense for an individual. That's a valid ongoing debate here too, a number of people here are following Atkins or paleo or vegan and following IF. That's a strength of 5:2, not a weakness.

Apologies for going on for far too long, I will shut up now...
Tomtank I don't think you get it. This is essentially a 2 day a week WOE - you can call it a diet since u r pedantic and Dr M called the book the Fast Diet. That is sustainable, pretty much forever for a lot of people, myself included. Atkins is NOT what I would call a healthy diet and maybe you are too young to remember it in the 70s, when he was promoting high diary/meat. As Prof Valter Longo talked about in the Horizon doco, eating too much protein affects IGF1 - which is cancer causing. Also you have to stick to these diets 7 days a week until you either explode with desire for carbs or you reach your goal weight, by which time most people are emotionally ready to eat the proverbial scabby dog...if it's a carb dog ;>) There are heaps of people here losing weight on 5:2, you must be missing the posts. Every weight loss program will have ups and downs - after an initial loss it is normal for the body to stop losing for awhile, then re-start. Thing is, most of us here would have given up if we had to spend 7 days restricting and not losing weight...on the Fast, we can tweak our feed days and we don't need to go to 7 days of hell. I used to do South Beach diet - could get to 1.5 weeks before I couldn't take it anymore and would blow it in style.

I think one of the things that is confusing you, is that this 'diet' promotes changing your food intake 2 days a week (or more), so people decide what they want to eat on the other days - so some people will chose to eat healthily whilst others may choose burgers and some will chose a diet in between with a little 'bad' and a lot of healthy. You seem to think that obese people are being encouraged to eat crap, I think this is incorrect, however it would seem by the scientific research that their bloods (including blood sugar) end up better even if they do eat crap on the feed days....well Farady's study with obese people doing ADF (I haven't read the harvie Howell study of 5:2). Also u need to take with a grain of salt posts that say people are bingeing, eating rubbish etc. This is subjective, I for example may say this, but my 'normal' (usual) diet is pretty healthy and I wasn't obese when I started this. Also whilst I want to lose an extra 2kg, it's more a vanity thing, I am a healthy weight & friends are telling me I look good. My weight loss has slowed in the last month, however I am happy to keep doing this and if I get to 59kg in the next 6 months that's fine...I'm in no hurry.

Essentially a lot of people feel that they can keep doing this fasting business, it takes virtually no will power - if u find the way that bests suits you - and instead of deprivation 7 days a's easy to maintain, it may take longer but those of us who have had success (& yes I feel that losing 6 years of weight gains in 10 weeks is a success) and who don't struggle fasting, can picture ourselves doing it for a long time.
Morning peeps!
Thanks for your comments on my English but don't be too harsh on Colin. Perhaps he is a Professor of the English Language or something and my English seems inadequate to him. It can happen to the best of us! :-)

Sarah, my plan is currently on hold because life got in the way but I'm maintaining with no fasting, just trying to keep it low cal. I am planning to return to it as soon as things are back to normal because I was very happy with the results.

Ballerina, soft dangly bits pickled in oozo is an interesting idea for a meze, I'll consider it for my recipe book! ;-)

Tomtank, I'm blamed for not understanding the Atkins book but you probably didn't understand the concept behind 5:2. The thing is, you just never stop it! You don't have to! While people on Atkins go to bed and dream of pizza, pasta and cake those on 5:2 actually eat them! They just take two breaks a week.
Having said that, for the last 10 days I'm maintaining without fasting.

Chipmunkcheeks, I love the last sentence of your reply. And I'm glad to say that after a few months of diet sadness (because of my thyroid) I finally found my non-diet happiness!!! It's a bless (and bliss, LOL) and I'm grateful. Too bad that not everybody sees the simplicity of all this but not all of us like simple things. My grandmother was always a fan of complicated because she just couldn't see how something simple could work. Each to their own...
Wow - I don't know where to start!! So many lengthy replies to wade through!

Believe me, I'm not young, but I didn't know about Atkins until the late 90s.

I am certainly not suffering form "diet sadness". I swim a mile most days, then hop on my bike for an hour of steep, uphill cycling, followed by an exhilarating run later in the day.

I eat beautiful fresh fruits, flooded with cream, and fish, meat and fresh vegetables with lashings of butter.

I also retreat to my holiday home on a sunshine island frequently!

What's sad about that?!
Well like most people I've done Atkins and succeeded the last time about 4yrs ago before a holiday lost 1stone then away day after, but 2days before had bloods done, went away Greece ahhhh tml so hot!!!
Returned to be told to contact my Docs went to him day later my cholesterol was high my sugar pre diabetic +also dehydrated. Ok that one was my fault, he asked was any thing different happening I said only Atkins, so was advised to stop!!! Healthy Diet.
To me this '' plan'' is manor from heaven, easy to me, healthy and more sustainable than anything I've done before, 4:3 for now But the weight I've lost so far looks + feels almost twice as much, I don't look at my friends +family to see how healthy they're eating because I'm eating healthy also but can't + don't want portion size as before truly Amazing.
Someone on this forum said it's like virtual band fitted, which I was considering I can't agree more, For Me it is just like that I feel happy + contented all the time, truthfully if I had to do 5:2 for life I would because that's far superior than what was going on before. :like: :heart: Sue
Sue, LOL! I love heat!

I don't know what happens in other countries but you will not a find a single Greek nutritionist who will tell you that Atkins is healthy. They preach fanatically against it and I understand why. It can really mess with your health, especially cholesterol. Anyway, thank God for 5:2 we don't have to worry about that now. :-)
TML13 - please forgive me if I'm wrong, but you once posted that two of your cousins were obese. Would any Greek nutritionist say that this situation was healthy?
And the relevance of your question is...???
Hurrah for Intermittant Fasting in it's several varieties. Something for everyone and a rest for our gastric juices and brains. I love it!
This forum is great for airing ideas, asking advice, checking others perceptions, having a laugh. Thank you and let's continue onwards together :smile:
Oh my goodness tomtank you really like to aim low, bring a members family into your comments is just a tad to far :frown:
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