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Re: *Joyful July*
01 Jul 2013, 14:16
Hi everyone-just joined the forum a few days ago, so I missed out on the June thread :)

July is going to be a challenging month, and I hesitated to get back into weight loss mode right now (I've been in maintenance for a few months). We have a week long road trip coming up (fast food for almost the entire time eek!), plus we have a lot of family activities that revolve around food (birthdays, weddings, showers etc), and then we're also going to be out on our boat a lot and we usually just grab fast food on the road, on our way out to the lake. Sheesh lol!

But, I'd love to lose another 5lbs before calling final goal, so I'm going to make an effort this month-I'll be happy to lose anything this month, or heck-to just not gain lol.
Re: *Joyful July*
01 Jul 2013, 19:37
Challenge arrived right bang on the first day! Grrrr!
Just spent two and a half hours in A&E getting my OH checked out after a fall from a horse! Fortunately, nothing broken, but I hope the month improves... :confused:
Re: *Joyful July*
02 Jul 2013, 06:21
How is he feeling this morning, Golarne? Hope everything is improving for you x
Re: *Joyful July*
02 Jul 2013, 06:44
Golarne I hope OH is feeling ok. I'm sure the month will only get better.
I seem to have a slow month on the calendar but you never know. Maybe this will mean I'll get over this plateau. Anyway the sun is still shining here so July is Joyful so far :grin:
Re: *Joyful July*
02 Jul 2013, 07:06
Thank you! The drugs did the job overnight! Now he's just going to be VERY grumpy feeling so immobile as the bruising starts to show. Mind you, he'll put up with being stiff, at least his pelvis wasn't broken- that was our fear!

Enjoy the sun @Wineoclock , it's raining here today, hope it clears for my sisterinlaw visiting from San Francisco on thurs for a few days...
Re: *Joyful July*
02 Jul 2013, 07:59
Oooh kind scales told me 70.5 kgs this morning, hurrah! Can't wait to shift down into the 60's again. That's 11st 1lb, so 23lbs lost in 6 months, also 3" off my waist but that needs to melt another 3" at least to reach half my height and safety. I have always been prone to a roundness of tummy and it got severely worse at menopause, seemingly overnight, so to see that go is my dearest dream.
Yes it is slow progress but progress it is and I am all kinds of grateful for that, and to all of your support and generosity of knowledge and spirit to help me every day.
I currently sit with my head soaking in coconut oil for an hour, never thought I'd do that!
Re: *Joyful July*
02 Jul 2013, 08:08
In a happy place today, cold is better and I've got two new chickens. Barred Rocks, so pretty. Old hen is furious tho! :-)
Re: *Joyful July*
02 Jul 2013, 13:08
July shall be the month I hit my goal! I am determined, I've had far too many calorie filled days recently and not enough watching what I am putting in my mouth! Only have 4lbs to go - going much slower since I've been less disciplined so I'm determined that weekdays will go back to being sensible days - not stuff takeaway in your face because you can days.

So here's to July, and getting to my goal!
Re: *Joyful July*
02 Jul 2013, 15:11
Now that my holiday is over it is mummy bandaging time for me. I've got my cling film in and my Actiderm kit is at the ready. I am hoping to get an inch off my waist by the end of the month without losing any more weight so, watch this space and good luck to all Joyful July-ers!

Ballerina x :heart:
Re: *Joyful July*
03 Jul 2013, 07:53
Keep us all posted, Ballerina! Let's hope it's a *Joyful* month for you!

I think I left my will power in France - if anyone finds it, please email it back to me!
Re: *Joyful July*
03 Jul 2013, 08:09
I'm in again for Joyful July as we are going on holiday to Oz in early August so wanting to move a bit more weight off before our trip. I'm also away next week at my daughters so lots of coffees out and tempting food, may only do one fast and that probably won't help the stats!
Never mind, this woe is not so restrictive that you can't have time out now and again.
Good luck to all fellow July peeps. Love following what everyone is doing, keep up the good work!
Re: *Joyful July*
03 Jul 2013, 11:43
I'm in,hoping to reach 3 goals this month!!!!
* reach my first stone loss
* to see 16 on the scales
* to be in the 30's with my BMI
lots to aim for so it's time to get off my butt and make a start.
May it be a Joyful July for one and all
:clover: :clover: :clover:
Re: *Joyful July*
09 Jul 2013, 12:17
Are we all busy enjoying the sunshine? (in the UK anyway) I've not been on much as have been too busy, but just thought I'd bump this thread back up the message board list.

Fasted yesterday and will be doing so again tomorrow. I'm away at a conference this coming weekend. Going by train on Friday and as I booked in advance, for the first time ever in my life I'm going first class - it only cost £5 more and it means I get free food and drink on the train. As I'm travelling over lunchtime I thought it made perfect sense when you think how much just a coffee costs at the train station. I expect to eat fairly healthy at the conference lunches as it's buffet service with plenty of salads but the evenings will be a bit of an indulgence!

My plan this month is to only weigh in on my official weigh-in days once a week. I'm constantly hopping on and off the scales on fast days and always the morning after, but I've not done it this morning.
Re: *Joyful July*
09 Jul 2013, 13:35
A change of plan for me, I've decided to stick to nine and a half stone as my arms and face are getting too thin. For the time being I'll be doing 6:1 and see how it goes.

Good luck for Joyful July everyone, I hope you all reach your goals for this month, at least we have sunshine (in the UK) so plenty of salads are in order which should help us get through the fast days easily. :heart:
Re: *Joyful July*
09 Jul 2013, 19:24
I had a great weekend, albeit rainy. I started painting the living room a light yellow - still have halfway to go and it is a small living room -- and I had an extra day and 1/2 off last week. (Age slowing me down, plus reading plus watching Wimbledon - Yay Marion, Andy, Bryan Bothers and the rest I can't remember!) BTW, we had 2 weeks of rain, followed by 2 days of sun, now it will be raining again shortly! At least I didn't gain any weight!
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