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General 5:2 and Fasting Chat

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Re: *Joyful July*
13 Jul 2013, 07:10
Im a late comer too. So pleased I seem to have hopped off my plateau and passed the over 1 stone lost milestone so very joyful!!
Re: *Joyful July*
15 Jul 2013, 12:58
Congrats Juliewil - I too just reached my one stone loss! Tickled pink! Take Care all.
Re: *Joyful July*
15 Jul 2013, 13:22
Congratulations girls its amazing the lift it can give you reaching a milestone. I am on a fast day, was at a 3year old birthday party yesterday and managed not to go too crazy so will see what the scales say. I weigh Thur after my Wed fast and Saturday after 2normal eating days. It is the Sat one I put into the tracker. I only have 1lb to loose now so I hope it doesn't take too long to go although it could be 2-3 weeks according to the tracker so I will just have to hang in there. Good luck everybody.
Re: *Joyful July*
19 Jul 2013, 10:55
Ok, so weighed today and I've gone up a bit 400g. I'm not surprised by this as I've got a lot of summer heat water retention. Feet are swollen, feeling puffy. Hopefully it will have all settled out by next week, but will just have to make sure I'm drinking plenty. I'm not good in hot weather!
Re: *Joyful July*
19 Jul 2013, 11:47
Believe I can be joyful in surprisingly different ways.

Just had 7 days with no thought to what I ate as was away interstate on a trip. Outcome was just over 1kg gain when I popped back onto scales on my return. 3 days of 16:8 and i day 5:2 and I am well pleased to be back on track with only 600grams to shed to original weight.

Also just brought size 12 skirt so all up am pleased with my choice of the 5:2 formula heading towards a maintenance which will work for me heartening as weight is proving easy to shed and the discipline kicked back in to return to IF :)
Re: *Joyful July*
19 Jul 2013, 12:57
I decided a couple of weeks ago to stop trying to lose weight and go on to maintenance, but I started to put weight back on with 6:1, so yesterday I did a second fast - and lost another lb. Now I'm going to try to lose the last half stone and hope my body will eventually get back in proportion so here I am back in Joyful July.

Cheers! :wink:
Re: *Joyful July*
19 Jul 2013, 13:15
It has been a bit difficult since my return from Cornwall. Two funerals to attend (both elderly ladies, but really sprightly to the end) and I have just not been able to get back on track with my fasting days.
However, despite this heat, I have joined a gym and have had my induction session and have done a first one on my own! The really 'fit' guy who did the induction asked me about my usual exercise :lol: As I am a couch potato, with walks with an elderly dog, twice a day, I think he has set me up with a really easy programme and 'see how we get on in the next four weeks'! You could see him thinking ' this poor old dear'!!
I don't really expect to lose much in the remaining days of July (as doesn't muscle weigh more :?: ) but if it can get me motivated a little more it can only help.
However the comments from everyone else with their 'Joyful July' also is helping to get me back on track
Thanks all
Re: *Joyful July*
19 Jul 2013, 20:09
I have spent so long dieting and working with pounds (eg. 260lbs) that I wasn't thinking in stones anymore. But, I am only 1.5 lbs off being in the 17 stone range, it may be 17 stone and 13 lbs, but its not 18 stone.

Its a bit of a shock as I was still thinking of myself as being 19 or even 20 stone. I have my fingers crossed that I will make it before the end of the month. It will be the first time I have seen that weight for maybe 20 years, so long in fact that I have to guess based on the kids ages.
Re: *Joyful July*
19 Jul 2013, 21:52
You'll do it Julieathome, you've done very well so far and if it takes a few days longer it will soon start with a 17! Fingers crossed that it happens by the end of this month. :clover: :clover: :clover:
Re: *Joyful July*
25 Jul 2013, 11:57
Very joyful to report I finally started back at the gym today, did my regular routine and it felt soooooooo good. It will be interesting now to see how that works in progressing things but most of all it will just be wonderful to just have that feeling of achievement from regular cardio, weights and stretches. Yippee
Re: *Joyful July*
28 Jul 2013, 22:39
Yay Gillymary! I know how it feels to finally be able to do usual activities after injury. (I had a broken leg last year.)

I am approaching my goal just as I am leaving on vacation! August 1, I am going home to Mama for a visit in company of son and brother. Family reunion on August 3 - always a load of food. And am I ever looking forward to it!

I hope each and all are well! Take care!
Re: *Joyful July*
29 Jul 2013, 22:50
My pile of discarded large lady clothing is growing ever bigger. I will have to put my white crop trousers on there this week. 2 pairs, one pair which I only wore for 2 days last year as they were just a bit too snug. Both pairs of trousers can now be pulled down over my hips with the zip done up. One pair now needs a belt when walking or I would be tripping over my fallen down trousers. I will try the red pair on tomorrow, that I have NEVER worn, and see if they too will have to go on ebay.

The wardrobe clothing stash is shrinking, which is all good.
Re: *Joyful July*
29 Jul 2013, 23:48
I reached my goal weight last Saturday but have had visitors all weekend and had far too much to eat. I have been fasting today but will have to be really really good all week. We have more visitors next weekend so it all seems to be going pear shaped. I am trying to remind myself that this is for life so I will just plod on and hope that in the next few weeks I will get back to my goal weight again. we are going on holiday 10th August and I would like to be back down for that. Hope you have all had a good July, the weather certainly came up trumps.
Re: *Joyful July*
31 Jul 2013, 15:24
The last day of Joyful July and I haven't done quite so well as I expected at the beginning of the month.

I've lost a couple of lbs and half inch off my waist which isn't too bad, but messed about deciding to go on to maintenance - then I changed my mind and wanted to carry on to my goal - then changed again to maintenance and back again twice! I'll carry on with 6.1 for a while, I can't keep up with this stopping and starting business, my body will be getting as confused as my mind.

I'm wearing a pair of jeans which were too tight a month ago so that is extremely joyful, especially as they make me look slimmer than I feel.

I can't believe it's August tomorrow, the weeks are flying past, I hope you are all getting on OK, reaching your goals and enjoying the holiday season.

Cheers everyone.
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