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General 5:2 and Fasting Chat

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Hi I do 4:3 and that's working for me considering I've loads to lose, but yes simple that's all I want :like: Sue :clover:
I do 4:3 but that's it. I don't count calories the other days and, if I don't binge, I don't starve myself or deny myself some pleasures like chocolate or a glass of wine.
I do 5:2 in the simple way - 500 or under kcal (usually I don't count them) on fast days and what I want for other days. But usually I want healthy and home made things + some wine
Yay to all you "classic 5:2-ers" - so glad to hear so many are with me on this !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :heart: :heart:
Simple 5:2 here too. I only counted the 500 calories the first 2 - 3 "lean days" (that's what I call fast days). I established 6 different meals that worked well for my lean days (lunch and dinner), and I just make sure I have those groceries handy, and rotate through those meals, so I don't have to think about calories any more. It's just automatic, this is what I eat on lean days. It has allowed me a new level of ease around food, both on lean and regular days. Magical!
May I just address those that say, in one way or another, that they are for 5:2 as long as it keeps working.

If you eat on average your TDEE on feast days, and 500/600 or less on fast days, 5:2 will always cause fat weight loss. 'Weight loss math' requires it!

Overall weight loss (fat weight loss plus impact on weight of water retention/dehydration) may not be fast, or in a straight line down, and there may be plateaus of varying lengths (8 weeks is longest I've seen on this site) - but over time you will lose fat weight if you just keep doing 5:2.

If you stop losing weight and you are worried, first make sure you have the right TDEE
(see for help viewtopic.php?f=6&t=6600), make sure you are eating, on average, your TDEE for your 5 feast days (yes, count calories for a week), and 500/600 cal. or less on fast days. If you are, don't worry that 5:2 is 'not working' - you will continue to lose fat weight, even if you are not losing weight (on the scales) at that particular moment.

Just keep on keepin' on! 5:2 really does work, and lots and lots of people are proving it every day! Just have a bit of faith - and patience. :grin:
I'm with you, Sue.Q. I confess that I've tweaked my schedule from 5:2 to a modified 4:3. I fast MWF with Friday ending with a normal meal to kick off the weekend. Tues and Thur I try to eat reasonably and with no snacks or treats. Weekends I eat like crazy...whatever and whenever and however much I want.

How I keep it simple is staying away from the details. I don't count calorie, even on fast days. I just sorta' kinda' estimate based on the few calculations I did the first few fasts. I've taken the last 6 days off from 5:2 because my husband is on vacation/holiday. I'll just pick up my standard 4:3 schedule starting tomorrow. I may or may not gain weight. I can't be bothered to worry about that...I've got fasting to focus on. :)
lovemyparrot wrote: Who else just wants to keep it simple - follow the original 5:2, ala Dr. MM ?? I started with the Dr. M Horizon programme and the weight loss was going well . . maybe slowly, but well. I've read about 16:8, 4:3, Dukan Attack, low carb etc. etc. Thought about all this and tried a few different variations but, you know, the original and very SIMPLE 5:2 was the reason I was so attracted to this lifestyle in the first place ... and, you know, it is the only thing in "years" that has worked for me and I think I will just continue with the tried and true for as long as I can.

Anyone with me ??????????????


I'm not especially interested in complex recipies, i don't that's really necesary.

As you say MM came up with the 5;2 idea, it was good one and I don't see the need to change it.
I've got my hand up too. I do 5:2 and that's that. My weight loss is slow but it's taken 20 years to put on the excess weight, so I can wait to lose it slowly. Weight lost slowly stays off. I couldn't do other diets but this one is easy. It's not really a diet at all. It's a WOE!
I'm a simple gal too, which is probably why I don't visit the forum so much these days. 5:2 falls into a pattern in your life and is so easy to do that you hardly think about it. I've been going since January, all bar a couple of weeks and intend to keep going. My weight loss is slow now but I have lost about 20lb since starting and feel much better, and know how to control my eating and improve my health. Fab!
greenmonster wrote: What everyone else said - plain ol' 5:2 for me. 2 days each week with v little food is enough for me so 4:3 or ADF doesn't appeal, and I love breakfast too much to try 16:8 (and I know I could eat breakfast and then finish eating earlier but I like eating in the evening too. I just like to eat when I'm hungry not because a clock tells me I can).

It's certainly working for me and I feel amazing (apart from 4pm on a fast day...)

You've said exactly what I think too, greenmonster! Although I am going to try 16:8 on holiday as that will fit better, I expect to return to 5:2 when I get back though.
Hands up, classic old Skool 5:2er here. Slow and steady weight loss and shrinking body bits suits just fine.
Plus I'm far too lazy of mind to add days, think about the time or add a bit of Atkins etc etc.
Very interesting thread. I'm hoping that plain and simple 5:2 is going to suit me. So far, so good. What is 16:8, btw?
Fleur wrote: Very interesting thread. I'm hoping that plain and simple 5:2 is going to suit me. So far, so good. What is 16:8, btw?

Hi - I see you are doing your homework - good!

16:8 refers to hours, not days. People do not eat anything during the 16 hour period, and have all of their food intake during the 8 hour period. When you think of it, you generally skip breakfast and do not eat anything after dinner - think of starting the 8 hour period when you can eat around 11 am and ending it at 7 pm.

I guess the general thought is by skipping breakfast and not snacking after dinner you will either lose weight or help maintain your weight loss.

But as you can eat as much as you want of anything during the 8 hour period, there is nothing in the 16:8 way of eating that really would cause any calorie restriction absent simple self control. :clover:
Am going to keep it simple, its the best for me
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