TML13 wrote: Whether he is a saboteur, a feeder, an non-thinker or an insecure man, what he does is inexcusable.
Personally, I wouldn't stab him with the fork (I can't stand men who nag over minor injuries) nor I would throw food in the bin (seriously? there are people who starve out there) but next time he'd try to sabotage my diet I would say "well, there goes a week without sex, do you want me to make it a month"?
I would never use sex as a punishment or in power games with a partner. What ends up really suffering when you do that is the relationship, the trust and intimacy between the two of you.
A much more mature approach would be to find a way to discuss the issue, try and find out what is motivating the sabotaging behaviour and hopefully with some honest communication you can both reach a point where you understand and support each other more. Good luck!