The FastDay Forum

General 5:2 and Fasting Chat

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I'm only short so I have to really stretch to reach stuff up there and I think I must hold my belly in when I do it :lol:
Sounds encouraging and better than bursting out of things!
Not new to fasting and have made a beginners mistake! Managing to do my 500cal in one meal at the evening (engage smug mode)
I have just checked properly the calorie content of paratha
whoops should only have had one. 650 cal total meal
and I thought I was doing so well
tasted damn good though
Oh well, at least the all day fast will have done you good!
Thought I'd bump this thread, as we have lots of newbies this month and maybe we need cheering up too post Christmas, and I found this quote:
"As long as the world is turning and spinning, we're gonna be dizzy and we're gonna make mistakes.”
― Mel Brooks
I guess I am feeling dizzy right now and maybe, because it's a feast day, pig out later! I make mistakes all the time.
The one GOOD thing and it wasn't a mistake was finding this forum. :victory:
I am still in my old jeans, but I need a belt with them. I forgot my belt one morning when I was taking the rubbish out to the bins. I had one arm full of empty soda bottles and the other arm and hand had a bag and a bucket. By the tim I had gone halfway around the house my jeans were so low I was walking on tiptoe try not to stand on the hems, by the time I reached the bins my jeans were down by my knees and so were my knickers (panties). Luckily the side of the house is well fenced so no one actually saw me. I was really chuffed!
What a hoot Julie, you made me laugh and chuckle, thanks for that. It's great to keep wearing really baggy stuff.... :wink:
Off the 5:2 topic, but prompted by Julieathome's bin tale... I was coming home along our street with OH at about 9pm one night and saw a man pushing his wheelie bin onto the pavement. I didn't know him but thought it was neighbourly to say good evening. He gave me a rather funny look and a mumbled reply. When we got out of earshot OH burst out laughing and told me the man had been in his pyjamas and obviously hoping no one would spot him as he snuck out to put out the bin. At least his pjs stayed in place!
Congratulations to all the members losing their clothes :victory: .

I am a creature of habit and I quite like my Tues and Friday fasts. On one occasion I had to change one of my days but on waking I had completely forgotten about it. I made my way to the kitchen and was just about to put a rasher of bacon into the pan when (somehow) I realised I was fasting today.

It would have been an interesting fast as I prefer to have one meal at the end of the day.
When I would get really busy after I first started IF (4:3 in my case), I would get confused about whether I was on a fast or feast day. More than one feast days I only realized at about lunch time that I didn't need to be fasting. There have been a couple of times I've almost ended a fast day with a glass of wine, but luckily always realized before pouring…

My worst fasting disaster was saving 110 calories for vodka and Coke Zeroes at a gig. I felt so awful after drinking. and it made me super hungry. That was a tough fast day.
Can't sleep, it's 4.00am, so here I am!

I was having milk in my coffee about three times during the Fast day - being lactose intolerant I have the lactose free skim milk.

Found out that I was having about 20 cal per coffee mug, which equates to around 60cal per day then having my evening meal of around 500-600 cal, and sometimes having an apple (45 cal) during the day as well!

Have one coffee with the milk, then the rest black.

It sneaks up on you, doesn't it?

cheers Maggie :smile: :smile: :smile:
:heart: Morning @Maggiee Blimey I think you need a cup of hot chocolate to knock you out :shock: 4am :shock:
My resolve to not have any wheat has been going so very well, until yesterday when granddaughter came over and I made pancakes, and had two with maple syrup and strawberries, I now have continuous pain in the lower tummy area.

I will need to monitor this, it's interesting.

cheers Maggie :frown: :frown:
:heart: When you're full awake @Maggiee checkout @FatDog recipes to find an alternative I've no idea coz I'm a complete novice but she has got some amazing tips yesterday was my first trial of squash that went quite well next on the list is celeriac but forgot to put in trolley at Tesco derrrrr
I do cheat by having a bag of gluten free self raising flour and also GF bread flour in for grandchildren days. Threw out all other flours except for a bag of rye flour. Not sure how that one talked me into keeping it ...
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