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General 5:2 and Fasting Chat

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I'm sure we've all made a few silly mistakes when we started on this journey, or even more recently!

Let's share some mistakes we've made and can now laugh about - and maybe let some newer members learn from them.

My first fast was my biggest mistake, but perhaps also my biggest success! After watching Horizon I decided to fast the next day (or was it the day after? Thursday anyway) without much planning at all. I thought a big lunch of jacket spud with beans, beetroot and salad would be ideal to fill me up for the day, followed by a cuppa soup for dinner. Lunch was lovely and did fill me up but by dinnertime I was ravenous and the cuppa soup (which had been in the cupboard for years, I kid not) did not taste right. I opted instead to have the world's tinest bowl of cereal, next to nothing with next to no milk. Every tiny spoonful (well, not full, just a single flake for each mouthful!) was a delight and a disappointment. I made the soggy mess last for about 15 mins and was still hungry after.

Since then, I have planned better and batch cooked in preparation!
>.< that's painful!

My first day, I decided to make a big batch of low calorie veggie soup, thinking I could graze on it all day long at only 59 calories per cup. It was delicious - at least the first two cups were. By the end of the day, I decided that I never, ever want to look at cabbage soup again for the rest of my life!

I am trying today *not* grazing, and I am actually finding it a bit easier, btw. I made it until 1pm without needing to stop and eat something.
A flat white coffee in Costa on my first fast day - 135 cals! Could have had a meal for that.

It WAS good though!

Have learned my lesson and won't be doing that again.
having lots of fruit for lunch, apple 2 pears & banana! then realising thanks to this forum the amount of calories in one banana alone :(
I know, I love bananas too but leave them out on fast days!
Not a mistake but a moment of blondeness!

I was sat eating a TUNA salad talking to Mr Pixie about the following days tea and suggested a haddock florentine with new potatoes and he said 'do you want fish two days on the run?'

And I answered 'why?, when did we last have fish?' ... while waving about a fork full of tuna :roll:

I just don't think of tuna as 'fish' :?
This diet IS supposed to help our brains right? Looks like we really need that to turn out to be true! I've not noticed any improvement in myself yet..but luckily escaped any major far!
What about the day after the fast? I went out for a curry tonight (didn't eat it all, have enough for lunch tomorrow so yum yum) but I had a beer and a glass of wine and I'm much tipsyier than I normally am after that sort of amount. Has anyone else noticed s decrease in alcohol tolerence? I was trying to work out why and my housemate pointed out that if I didn't eat very much yesterday...Anyway, happy weekend everyone!
:) there are some good ones there........

I have to admit for the first 3 weeks I ate a bowl of my usual cereal for breakfast on fast days. I looked it up on myfitnesspal and entered the number of calories, 130ish I think it was with skimed milk. My wife watched me pour out a bowl one morning and said have you weighed that out.................. yep you have guessed it, I had been eating 65g more than 2x the amount you can have to get 130. No wounder I thought it was easy when i started..... :oops:

I have also noticed my tolerence to alcohol is decreased, I got drunk as a lord at xmas, I'm now an official lightweight :mrgreen:
Oooops, just reached up to get the porridge down off the kitchen cupboard ready for the morning .... and my jeans have just fell off :lol:

... good job I didn't leave it till breakfast tomorrow when around that time I usually have a garden full of builders doing our wall insulation :oops:
Well that's definite evidence of weight loss!
carorees wrote: Well that's definite evidence of weight loss!

... and a stark reminder that I need some blinds for the kitchen :lol:
And possibly a new belt? Well done, though:)
That's awesome Pixie! LOL
Hmmmm ... Wouldn't mind my clothes being so big they fall off :D

No sign yet!
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