The FastDay Forum

General 5:2 and Fasting Chat

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1. Cottage cheese (strange but it fills me up)
2. Coffee with a dash of milk
3. 2pm - a piece of fruit
4. Seeing whats happening on the forum for extra motivation
5. Visualising the good news the scales will give me the next day.
1. One cup of morning coffee with a dash of lactose- free milk.
2. Black coffee, peppermint tea, water as required.
3. 1 small apple usually late afternoon.
4. Noodling around on the forum for all the news, tips and support.
5. Evening meal of just a piece of protein and salad/or steamed greens.

Maggie :smile: :smile:
Very early days yet for me but so far:
No food until dinner time
Diet coke
Green tea
Fruit tea in bed at night
For me things that get me through fasts days are:
#1- LOADS of water! Since switching from only drinking black tea to just water it has helped soooo much.
#2- Only have 1 meal in the evening, I think if I spread out my calories it would be too hard to cope with.
#3- Knowing there's always a feed day tomorrow.
#4- A really long bath when I get in from work until I cook dinner helps so much, I usually take a book in there and just relax.
#5- My sheer and utter stubbornness and refusal to give in lol.
1) Tea
2) Husband also fasting
3) Sparkling water
4) This forum
5) Tea

Oh these are all great answers! Mm can I add any more?

1. Do 10 mins yoga (very gradually building up to 1 hour hopefully)
2. waiting to feel truly hungry...never seems to happen really, not unbearably so anyway
3. Keeeeeeep drinking (water, black coffee (yukky), green tea)
4. Watch tv (even cookery programmes...weird eh?!)
5. Reading, especially this forum where I get all the help I need :-) plus "The Luminaries" which is going to take me FOR EVER!!

Bean :starving:
All great suggestions.
Here are mine, in no particular order and, because I have a(believe it or not) a very precise mind:

1. recording food on My fitness pal and checking calories/carbs/protein
2. Black coffee - copious mugs - first thing.
3. Home made soups or miso
4. A very tasty, hot spicy meal, like cheat's chilli or veg/lentil curry.
5. You lot!
1. Lots of water
2. Keep busy - a mindless spreadsheet type work activity is good, something out of the house in the evening.
3. Don't have food around - I can't fast at home easily.
4. It's all in the mind - feeling hungry is fine, rumbling tums are fine, I can do this.
5. Variety of herbal teas, bouillons, sugar free jellies, diet ginger beer and shandy.
Other than what's already been said:
-I try and find a nice thing to do at lunch (visit shops, have a bath, read a magazine...)
-A quick HIIT workout
-A diet coke mid-afternoon. I try to limit fizzy drinks but I look forward to my can on a fast day...
Some great ideas that I'm going to implements

But for me, these have helped me through,

1. Mentally preparing for it the night before and waking up with the mindset to see it through
2. Miso soup (a recent find, 20 calories a cup!)
3. Reminding myself that hunger will pass and I can have it tomorrow
4. This forum; writing about a tough day if I'm having one and the support I get
5. Knowing I'm rectifying any damage I've done and that my body will thank me in the long run

Happy fasting
- drinking water ,herbal teas
- miso soups (30 cals each sachet)
- thinking about the good things that i'll be able to eat tomorrow
-this forum
-this forum.
No mistake: i wrote it twice because it really really helps - when fast is difficult.Wonderful people here, knowledge and kinness.
May you all succeed and find benefits in this woe.
:heart: :heart: :heart:
1. sparkling water
2. miso soup
3. it's just for one day ( I think this on each fast day if I get tempted by chocolate)
4. my clothes are looser and if i keep up they will get even looser
5. I like the compliments I get about my weight loss
1. Fasting on days when I am at work (there is NO temptation).
2. Looking forward to my evening meal - I eat all my cals at once as I find it MUCH easier.
3. Fluids.
4. Knowing that the hunger is temporary and I will get past it.
5. And last but not least, knowing that if I stick to it I will have a weight loss to record on my Progress Tracker every Thursday morning, and that spurs me on.
1. I always have to eat breakfast so first on the list is getting to lunchtime without snacking
2. bouillon
3. preparing my dinner (slowly)
4. coffee, coffee, coffee
5. Feeling pleased with myself for getting past 7pm with no biscuits - this helps me get through the hunger to bedtime.
1. More than anything,the thought i' m giving my body Time Out so all the little repair elves can do their job of making me healthier
2.Getting engrossed in any activity from decluttering,catching up on neglected chores,going for a walk..all diverts the attention from food - and it uses up cals
3. Reading how everyone else is doing can be comforting and inspiring and keeps me focused,as does reading up on all the health related info on the forum
4. Having a lie down and listening to the afternoon play on the radio..
5. Looking forward to how great I always feel when i wake up after a fast and repair day xx
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