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General 5:2 and Fasting Chat

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Just about anything at the moment - an hour from dinner on a Fast day, apart from kentishlass's sprouts. I can happily eat so many fresh cherries that I feel sick though :starving:
lol Laughing at the reaction to a kilo of sprouts! I love sprouts but even I would find a kilo a struggle!!!
I wouldn't be able to eat even ONE sprout yuk! just the smell makes me gag.... :bugeyes:

I can easily eat a whole pack of cookies or sweet Mexican rolls. Unfortunately salty stuff too like chips (crisps), especially kettle style :razz:
Nuts (any), nut butter (any) I absolutely cannot stop once I've popped these!

Does wine count?
Poor old sprouts! But, revelation for me, they are DELICIOUS if you shred them and stir fry them with garlic and chilli. I have eaten a plate of that for my dinner many times! Yum. Quite different if they're boiled - yuck.

Oh lord, I can eat a lot of anything. Whole bag of Haribo or massive blocks of chocolate, easy. Anything sweet I suppose!
Kawberlin wrote: Poor old sprouts! But, revelation for me, they are DELICIOUS if you shred them and stir fry them with garlic and chilli. I have eaten a plate of that for my dinner many times! Yum. Quite different if they're boiled - yuck.

Oh lord, I can eat a lot of anything. Whole bag of Haribo or massive blocks of chocolate, easy. Anything sweet I suppose!

Haribo... Yes, i'd forgotten about these bad boys! Thankfully I haven't touched them in a while... My daughter let's me smell them, kind of her isn't it!!!!!!
I love sprouts, I mash them in garlic butter and have them instead of potatoes
Chris x
There are too many people around here for me to ever get a chance at a whole package of anything. I can't think of anything. I guess maybe once a month or so after the kids have gone to bed I watch a movie and pop and eat a whole bag of popcorn. Cheese is another tempting thing for me. If I have bought a nice, sharp cheddar sometimes I can't lay off it. I have more sense than to eat a whole package because it is much too binding and I would really pay for that over the next few days.

Last possibility would be cookie dough except that it is usually homemade, not in a package and again my kids would be all over it long before I ever got a chance to finish it off. When I do make cookies (chocolate chip) I usually put about half in the freezer in cookie size portions for later. We bake maybe 1/4 and between the 5 of us eat the other 1/4 of the dough. I only make cookie dough two or three times a year.
It used to be biscuits, any kind except those pink wafers. I actually banned biscuits from the house because I would sit and eat the lot. It wasn't any hardship to the kids banning them because they never had a chance at the biscuits because I always got there first. But now, there are two packets of biscuits in the tub that have been there for about a month. I have one twice a week maybe.

I guess you could include Christmas cake (British type) in the eat it all heading, as only hubby and myself like it, but he will generally have one or two slices over the Christmas period and never touch it again. So I have to finish it off. Its usually the end of january before I do so, or maybe even February, but its all me.
Oh, gosh ! Houmous it is for me too - today is a non- fast day , but decided to be "good" and replace my usual digestive biscuit and honey with carrot sticks , celery sticks and houmous except I went overboard with the houmous and had polished off half a (ok, reduced fat ) carton without realizing it - now wondering if a digestive and honey would probably have had fewer calories!!

Re veg : I can't resist eating cauliflower and broccoli raw before I steam them. ( haven't tried them dipped in houmous , but there's a thought !)

Don't have a sweet tooth , but a square of dark chocolate is a nice "reward" after a successful Fast Day . . .
Soft blue cheese seems to disappear quickly so I try not to have it in the house. My downfall even now is a slice of cheese or 3 on a crackers and mostly any white cheese soft or hard.

Have a savoury tooth so get the hummus as well, my solution is to make my own and while nice it doesn't have that appeal of my fave commercial brand.

Agree that a bag of crisps just doesn't do it for me any more. Haven't tried brussel sprouts as an alternative to potato but am willing to try baked garlic and combine them, prefer my sprouts more on the al dente side so will have to work out how to combine

A binge at a workshop the other day with the lollies on the table has rendered my tummy still protesting 2 days later so am happy to say its a fasting day to day just to get my tummy humming along in a happier mood, find I am now much more sensitive to colours, chemicals and additives in all ready made foods. So my binges have altered to preferring ready made, that defies the point as by the time I make it have been distracted
Big bag of Doritos, big bag of peanut M & M's, Malteasers, Minstrels, packet of Jaffa cakes. That was before I started 5:2ing. I still eat them but in small bags.

Love humous and sprouts - they might be nice together!
Crisps, nuts, chocolates, icecream, yoghurt..... if it comes in a tub then I'm your gal!! :oops:
Oooh a whole packet of water biscuits with a tub of salmon and avocado or spinach and feta dip.. oh yum. I did this once and worked out the calories, it was in the 800's!!
Bottle of wine - easy
I could probably manage a whole tub of profiteroles too (10-12)
Before I stopped having sugar, bars of chocolate (straight milk choc. If Nature had intended chocolate to have fruit and nut, She would have grown them that way. And don't get me started on Chunky Kitkats. I mean talk about messing with Nature. Kitkats were born 4-fingered. Please!).

Oh, I miss chocolate! Still, I have Stevia now. Sigh.

Where was I? Oh yes, in my sugar binging days. Biscuits. Those big bags of Minstrels.

Then and now, large bags of crisps and cashews.

This thread makes me feel so much better about myself - nice to know I'm not the only one.
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