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I dared because I am a daily weigher. 9st 6lb. I have gained 2lb since Christmas Eve and like Caroline does my face look bovvered?

It is also a gain of 4lb over my lowest 9st 2lb (almost target) seen on 13 December. The house is still full of goodies but I am fasting today because I feel like I need a break!


71.3kgs drat it.
To my astonishment,have lost two more pounds since pre xmas weighing
Didnt overeat,not coz i didnt want to,but i found that i just couldnt do justice to all the goodies ! X
I did eat quite a bit of marzipan tho :razz:
I am fasting tomorrow but weighed myself this morning as I was curious. I would say, with my fingers crossed, that I haven't put on any weight, as I am my usual 2lbs up pre-fast only.

I seem to have slipped into eating just one meal a day because I still feel full from the big meal the night before. Its rather nice to be able to hear my body talking to me, instead of the inner voice being drowned out by the 'oh that looks nice, must have' pig that resides in my mind.
Just did a weigh in (not eaten today yet), and lost a pound since last check in Tuesday :)

That won't stay off (with New Yrs Eve) but nice to know I didn't put any on with xmas day :)
Away from home, so cant weigh myself till 2nd Jan, which is a relief, I think, although I'm a fan of daily weighing.
kentishlass wrote: Whaddya mean, "post XMAS"?! Xmas ain't post till the leftovers and the edible prezzies have been eaten, and the New Year has been given a good seeing in :grin: In the meantime, I'm fitting in the 2 lean days a week and knowing that if that doesn't contain the damage, January will take care of it. Plus going clothes-shopping today - that will keep me on track!

to @nursebean:
nursebean wrote: I'm too scared to weigh! I admit I've been quite naughty lately. My next fast day is planned for Monday. I need to get back in that wagon...and fast! But not sure I want to weigh myself until I feel a bit slimmer again.

What d'you think? Should I weigh first? :(

I sympathise. I know we shouldn't let the scales have that power over us, but while they do... harness the power in whatever way works for you.

What I would do is set a day in the future - maybe a month from now - when you commit to weighing. Then visualise that weighing day approaching, and how pleased you are going to be to see x, where x is whatever weight you believe is definitely achievable given the falling-off-wagon that has been happening, and the getting-firmly-back-on-wagon that you will do between now and then. That way, you never have to feel bad - you can start right now feeling positive about how you are on a mission and you are going to get to x. I'd set x a bit on the high side to be sure of a happy return to weighing.

But that is what would work for me. You have to figure out what works for you. You'll find a way!

What a super strategy Kentishlass. I have taken that quote, well and truly on board.
After all, we were all heading in the right directions, in our own ways (until Christmas rudely interrupted us!!)
None of us are Saints and would not be on here now, had we decided 'that's it!I am not doing this anymore'
So good luck to one and all
Gained 3 pounds since December 20th. 4:3 is on my horizon....Never tried it before. Why it is so difficult to lose and so easy to gain? :cry:
Ok now here is what happened I hopped on the scales after Boxing Day in my birthday suit and the scales said 77 kg. I have been bouncing around 75 to 76.5 for weeks so Fluid Fast was my imperative. The fast went well and very low calorie and I extended it to lunch time after a session in the gym. So I was able to weigh in the gym and I was my lowest low at 74.6kg.

Moral of the story it you may be amazed at what you didn't gain if you do step on the scales and if you are up a bit like me it may well spur you on to do a really good fast. I really enjoyed the fast as well
Well I "blossomed" from Crimbo Eve through to Boxing Day BUT now that I know you have to eat an excess of 3500 calories to gain a pound AND that my body retains water to process carbs, I wasn't TOO scared at what the scales were saying to me by yesterday morning. So I fasted yesterday and this morning I am 3lbs down. Yes, I'm still up on before Christmas but I know I have the willpower and determination to lose the excess in the next few weeks. The other thing is that life, illness and poor weather has stopped me running for a fortnight so I know that has definitely contributed to my slight gain.

I don't regret what I ate and drank at all but I'm back on track now.
I'm a daily weigher and the graph has been very erratic since our house move in early December..... and I'm a slow loser too...:( I record my weight weekly (on a Saturday) and today I'm practically back at my weight I've been for a good few weeks, if not months - despite the fact that sometimes during a good period I've practically seen the next stone size down. Hey ho..... I know it can be done and, for us, most of the family gatherings and big get togethers are finished (all but one when we're meeting friends on Monday)... so serious 5:2ing has to, and will, start again. I'd planned for today to be a fast day and despite having my mum and mum-in-law still with us I shall stick to that plan.

@nursebean... if you go by how you feel rather than scales, than maybe you should wait until you feel that bit slimmer. But don't despair, you know 5:2 works :smile:
I'm relieved I'm away from home, so can't weigh myself. I had been steadily gaining in Dec despite 5:2/16:8/low Carb etc (although cheating on all of those ITBT)

Will do my first fast on 2nd, then back to strict liquid 5:2, and honest 16:8.
Some of us only have to look at a carbohydrate to put on loads of weight.....drat it! And for the carbs to make us feel really uncomfortable. I shall weigh myself again on Monday and see what the 'real' damage is then. Having put on 2k in two days I need to know what's 'water weight' and what's not!
[quote="Auriga"]Some of us only have to look at a carbohydrate to put on loads of weight.....It is so true! I am a prime example. :cry: :cry:
Jr's oops

what else can i say?

didnt think id see 71 anything on the scale again. oh well that trifle was worth it haha
and then i made the most fantastic breaded fish last night and leftonver trifle -

Breaded fish. The coating was Panco breadcrumbs (much better than std), seasoned with salt, pepper, garlic powder, chilli flakes, parmesan and parsley. then sauteed in oil and butter. yum

today i fast. ill make it a good one too. ! only had room for 2 fasts this week. will return to 3 from next week. 4:3 is only way to go for me.
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