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General 5:2 and Fasting Chat

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Mine has a bit.

I saw 71.1 on the scales first thing this morning (remember i started the 69ers club) ... but i literally kicked the scale and it went to 70.9 so im using that as official weigh in.

Anyway i was "good" on christmas day possibly cause i was organising stuff and worrying about kids getting all their presents or something and my mind was away from food but boxing day, yesterday, was more relaxing and relaxing=eating for me and I kind of snacked all day. If i was honest with myself id say I had reverted temporarily to behaviour pre 5:2 where i just ate continuously.. hmmm and then to top it off i was ready to go to bed and had visions of chocolate coated nuts and sultana in a hamper i got (thanks Gael) .. anyway.. i had to keep going back to fridge to eat them and topped of with leftover russian potato salad

but.. all is not sad and there is hope..

As a result or it was in my plan anyway as it Friday fast day for me, I'm on a "strong" and "long" fast today, the 27th. Haven't had anything but a coffee since 11pm last night. and will try to keep going with just coffee and water till 6pm.

I so so so love 5:2 cause i can so easily repair the damage


it makes you so aware of "bad behaviour"

Thanks MM again.. i have nearly finished reading the book finally. your are my saviour. bring on 69's again soon

I guess not everyone here is a daily weigher so wont know what their weight is till next week or even the week after if they are monthly. If not,

Go on I dare you .. weigh yourself (before you do your repair fasts). you must be curious?

gillymary wrote: I did this am and I promptly made today a fast day :frown: :confused: :cry:

that made me laugh though i know its not funny @gillymary
Shall weigh on the morrow, although going for a curry tonight!! Have been good today so far though!
@Julianna.RiversYou can laugh, I don't mind one bit :grin: :like: and so far so good with fasting on fluids only. I am a woman on a 1.7kg mission. That's not what I put on but what's got to go
gillymary wrote: @Julianna.RiversYou can laugh, I don't mind one bit :grin: :like: and so far so good with fasting on fluids only. I am a woman on a 1.7kg mission. That's not what I put on but what's got to go

"A woman on a mission is dangerous" im on a 2k one or if i include the blow out a 3k one now :-(

i tried to "not eat" till 6pm but i failed and ate 100g of low fat cottage cheese. i guess that was "good for me"

ill see if i can last now till 6pm. have vegetarian indian dish (leftover) planned.
I came in at 60.5kg, 1kg heavier than my Christmas Eve weight of 59.5kg. I am hoping that most of the gain is due to fluid retention as I tend to get bloated when I drink alcohol and TTOM is due any day now and I can expect to gain at least 0.5kg in the day or two beforehand.

So all things considered methinks not too much damage done but time will tell. It will be interesting to see how long it takes me to get back under 59.999kg.
Missed my weigh in on Tuesday so I weighed today before fasting. Hmmm, moved the scales, went to the restroom and stripped bare....was still 6 pounds heavier than scale last showed me. Interestingly enough, I didn't log the prior low weight because it wasn't my scheduled weigh day.

So, I weigh 2 pounds heavier than my last logged weight but 6 pounds heavier than lowest weight in years.... I mean decades! Today was a regular fast day....which was semi unsuccessful. At 4:00 PM I succumbed to a piece of leftover Orange Coconut Meringue Pie. Followed by a bowl of potato soup and then ate the last piece of pie in the house at 10:00 pm so I wouldn't dream of it all night. So I caved before the 24 hours and ate over my fast calories by 2 slices of pie....but by golly it is still a breakfast and lunch less than it would have been. AND for the first time in a week was able to get a nice 10,000 step walk in.

Onward....I will make my goal in a couple of weeks and add a new goal weight.
Ah no. I shall be weighing myself as normal tomorrow.
I'm not scared of my scales anymore

Today I saw 80.5 my lowest was 79.5, I am so so happy about this given my recent enforced reduction in activity.

I am actually going to attempt my first full fast since. thurs 28th November. 16.8 have been my saviour . :grin:
I weighed today (normal day anyway) and found I'd still managed to lose 0.4lb :shock: I ate breakfast Christmas Day but haven't bothered since. Not really fasting as such but won't eat until we go to my parents this afternoon about 4-5pm. CAn't promise I'll stick to 500 cal either :wink:
I have weighed myself every day as usual although it makes me a bit nervous! I always lose a bit of weight before Christmas with all the dashing about and then normally gain 5lbs or so over the festive period. This year I am trying to be sensible but I am eating/drinking more than usual. I plan to start 5:2 again for January to repair the damage... :smile:
10 13.5 this morning. I don't care! I'm fasting today and looking forward to it.
Weather too stormy to go for a long walk, but there's always the treadmill! Our girls will have to go out anyway and they don't care about the wind n rain!
I'm too scared to weigh! I admit I've been quite naughty lately. My next fast day is planned for Monday. I need to get back in that wagon...and fast! But not sure I want to weigh myself until I feel a bit slimmer again.

What d'you think? Should I weigh first? :(
I'm a daily weigher, most of the time, and it's not been too bad. Although this has, no doubt, been aided by a dicky tummy the weekend before Christmas. Monday 16th down to 53.8 (from 55.5) thanks to something I ate but the big surprise was that I only gradually regained some of the weight as Christmas Day morning showed 55.1 and today 55.4. And that is with a 3 course dinner on Christmas Eve, breakfast out on Christmas Day plus dinner and tea and then another 3 course restaurant meal yesterday - all with the appropriate alcoholic accompaniments - even the breakfast! Now I'm either going to be given a huge weight gain very shortly because we won't have finished celebrating until Jan 5th as there is a birthday or two to go yet, my scales are not showing correct weight or I'm just very lucky. Hope it's the last one!
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