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General 5:2 and Fasting Chat

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I can't face the scale today as I haven't fasted since before Christmas and yet I've feasted as though it was my last meal ever every day :oops:
Some serious repair work to do in January as it will be the twins and my joint birthday. I'm considering doing 4:3 to see if that will give me a boost?
:heart: Yes I dare !!! Because I need to know what damage has been done by far too many carbs over the last 3weeks and then knuckle down next year, but I am fasting today don't know if it will be 500cal one because of the red stuff lurking!!!
However I'm just about to update my tracker on my usual weigh day gained 1kg :shock: :shock:
well could have been worse I suppose :heart: :heart: Sue
dands wrote: I can't face the scale today as I haven't fasted since before Christmas and yet I've feasted as though it was my last meal ever every day :oops:
Some serious repair work to do in January as it will be the twins and my joint birthday. I'm considering doing 4:3 to see if that will give me a boost?

That's what Christmas is about.. enjoying food with family and friends


4:3 can certainly help. I say that only with my own personal viewpoint on this. That 3 days of good fasting must be better then 2. And it keeps you focussed

been doing Sundays, Tuesdays and Fridays for at least 5 months and will never look back or not till i reach the ultimate goal of a Libra trend weight of 68.0
Sue.Q wrote: :heart: Yes I dare !!! Because I need to know what damage has been done by far too many carbs over the last 3weeks and then knuckle down next year, but I am fasting today don't know if it will be 500cal one because of the red stuff lurking!!!
However I'm just about to update my tracker on my usual weigh day gained 1kg :shock: :shock:
well could have been worse I suppose :heart: :heart: Sue

1kg is not too bad at all. i found with a good solid fast i can actually lose that much in 24 hours.
nursebean wrote: I'm too scared to weigh! I admit I've been quite naughty lately. My next fast day is planned for Monday. I need to get back in that wagon...and fast! But not sure I want to weigh myself until I feel a bit slimmer again.

What d'you think? Should I weigh first? :(

Do it do it @nursebean! .. it honestly doesn't matter if you are 1 kg heavier than you expected, or even 2 or 3kg. At least thats my personal viewpoint for 25th to 1st January. I guess its more about knowing how the body can react to over-consumption, not as a source of regret or fear or anything negative.

We learn from being aware of how our body can indeed go back to "how it was" if we arent careful.

Let us know how you got on if you took the dare.

but despite saying above.. really meant in fun so if you are really stressing about it, wait.
AnnieW wrote: I'm a daily weigher, most of the time, and it's not been too bad. Although this has, no doubt, been aided by a dicky tummy the weekend before Christmas. Monday 16th down to 53.8 (from 55.5) thanks to something I ate but the big surprise was that I only gradually regained some of the weight as Christmas Day morning showed 55.1 and today 55.4. And that is with a 3 course dinner on Christmas Eve, breakfast out on Christmas Day plus dinner and tea and then another 3 course restaurant meal yesterday - all with the appropriate alcoholic accompaniments - even the breakfast! Now I'm either going to be given a huge weight gain very shortly because we won't have finished celebrating until Jan 5th as there is a birthday or two to go yet, my scales are not showing correct weight or I'm just very lucky. Hope it's the last one!

Good to meet with another daily weigher @AnnieW. I dont think its obsessive. just keeps things "in check"

enjoy the festivities till the 5th. ON the 6th FAST FAST FAST. LOL
Juliana.Rivers wrote:
I so so so love 5:2 cause i can so easily repair the damage


it makes you so aware of "bad behaviour"

How true!

I was lucky to be under my maintenance weight on Christmas eve and so far, so good. I weighed yesterday morning and had put on just three quarters of a lb, I haven't skimped on the Christmas goodies but haven't been picking between meals either - although I did get through some pringles and peanuts plus Xmas cake during the evening. Not too bad and as Juliana says I am aware of what I eat now even when I overdo it.

My son managed to buy a gorgeous Christmas pud yesterday as our Christmas day pudding turned out to be chocolate which neither of us liked - so we both had a huge helping of that last night. I haven't weighed this morning and won't now until the weekend, I'm not going to fast until then either. Keeping my fingers crossed that I don't have to go back to 5:2, although I will if necessary.
I dared to weigh and had a fit, because I'd put on 2 kilos!!!! I've been really, really careful too. I blame it on the carbs. Going to fast at the weekend.
Walkies anyone? A mile or two at a steady pace, oh and not too much sitting down at home either :0)
:heart: :heart: Go for it @nursebean I find I now need to know the damage done and start the major repair work :heart:

Great idea @Azureblue yes I think that's a good idea
and as I'm fasting :heart: Bye I'm off :heart: :heart:
Auriga wrote: I dared to weigh and had a fit, because I'd put on 2 kilos!!!! I've been really, really careful too. I blame it on the carbs. Going to fast at the weekend.

dont worry youl get it off soon enough @Auriga. I think people who have being intermittent fasting for a bit have bodies that respond well to changes in consumption behaviour.. like we have "taught our bodies" to balance it all out and repair efficiently

yep its all the carbs probably. though did i misread MM's book where he says something like you shouldnt have too much protein either. e.g. 60g for a bloke is a lot.
And I will have had a month of it. A holiday to England (yummy Indian curries and Greggs pasties) followed by my birthday (all inclusive 3 day break) followed by Xmas...and then New Years Eve.
At my last weigh in after the birthday, it was a 2.4 kilo gain :shock:
I think I shall wait until 3rd Jan, before back on plan ....and another weigh :confused: in
Hmmm... I managed to put on about 600 grams between my fast day on Christmas eve and this morning. Thankfully, today was a planned fast day... so I hope to get back on track soon!
Whaddya mean, "post XMAS"?! Xmas ain't post till the leftovers and the edible prezzies have been eaten, and the New Year has been given a good seeing in :grin: In the meantime, I'm fitting in the 2 lean days a week and knowing that if that doesn't contain the damage, January will take care of it. Plus going clothes-shopping today - that will keep me on track!

to @nursebean:
nursebean wrote: I'm too scared to weigh! I admit I've been quite naughty lately. My next fast day is planned for Monday. I need to get back in that wagon...and fast! But not sure I want to weigh myself until I feel a bit slimmer again.

What d'you think? Should I weigh first? :(

I sympathise. I know we shouldn't let the scales have that power over us, but while they do... harness the power in whatever way works for you.

What I would do is set a day in the future - maybe a month from now - when you commit to weighing. Then visualise that weighing day approaching, and how pleased you are going to be to see x, where x is whatever weight you believe is definitely achievable given the falling-off-wagon that has been happening, and the getting-firmly-back-on-wagon that you will do between now and then. That way, you never have to feel bad - you can start right now feeling positive about how you are on a mission and you are going to get to x. I'd set x a bit on the high side to be sure of a happy return to weighing.

But that is what would work for me. You have to figure out what works for you. You'll find a way!
1kg increase today from Xmas eve, but am I bovvered? Nah, it's just water from too many carbs.

Like chickvic I'll just have the one meal today...won't be under 500cal but I'm sure that by the end of January I'll be back on track.
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