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General 5:2 and Fasting Chat

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Whats the next big event before Christmas thats global?
#77 here, sorry I'm a day late for my final check in ! :doh:
Didn't quite make the target missed it by 640 grams :oops: but on a positive note that means I lost 3.36 kg during the Easter Challenge. :grin:

Thank you for running this challenge and I look forward to the next one :dazed: :clover: :wink: Solstice is only 10 weeks from today ! :cool:
No 22 reporting in with my final weigh in for the easter challenge at 11st 3lb which means I didn't make my target of 11st. Never mind I'm still 8lb down.
Oh look theres @Wildmissus haven't seen you for a while!

Well i weighed 11:3 this morning so unless there is some amazing miracle I doubt very much I shall reach 10:13 tomorrow. Oh well, wait and see I guess!

Bean :confused:
You have still done amazingly well, bean!!
#44 reporting in with a weigh in from yesterday at 133.2 lbs (9st 7.2lbs) which means I sort of hit my Valentines target but not the 130 lbs I had picked as my Easter target.
I like the weight I am at the moment, and only picked a lower weight to give myself some wriggle room, so I think I will wander over to the Maintaining tent and see if they have a space where I can unroll my sleeping bag.
Thanks PFT for setting this up :smile:
Number 4 checking in for the final weigh in & I lost 1 lb. 2 oz. this week so 2 oz away from my Christmas Challenge goal & only three months out of cinque :lol:
Sadly I have not reached my Easter Challenge goal of 12 stone 7 lbs but very well done to everyone that has lost weight & reached their goal. For some reason the time since Christmas this year seems to have largely been a very slow weight loss for me but thank you very much Penny for setting up & running this challenge because it really helped to keep me focused :like: :like:
Well done everyone! Sorry I didn't join in. Not the right time for me just now, but amazing to see everyone continue to do so well. :victory: :victory: :victory:
I did not even come close to meeting this challenge. I have only lost about 3 lbs., which is better than nothing I guess. I'm planning to make a few changes next week that will hopefully help and maybe I'll do better on the next challenge!
Not sure I should be showing my face in here.

I started this challenge full of beans, and happy to drop 10lb. This would have got me to 12 st. But something went wrong. Then I moved my scales, which put me 4lb heavier. This did not bode well to be honest.

So in summary I think I've lost 5lb from moving my scales to today. Plus I have cut back chocolate very significantly. :confused:

Thanks Penny, for starting this up unfortunately the odds were stacked against me this time.

Now I have a new goal.
1) Make my wedding outfit loose, as I'm not buying a new one.

2) I'm away in 6 weeks on a child free weekend with the hubs. So I want to look svelt in my bikini.

Happy Easter everyone.
Yes, I'd just like to echo the thanks to Penny for setting this challenge up and also for inspiring me to do my chocothon. I think it really helps having a deadline to aim for. I can say this now because I've just eaten a chocolate egg...Creme Egg!!

Well I'm disappointed that yet again I didn't reach my set goal but then I have lost 13 pounds since starting this challenge on 10 Feb so not to be sneezed at I spose :dazed:

Anyway, well done to all of you who made your goals. That's a job well done!


Bean :heart:
It's thanks and hats off to all of you lovely people, who inspire each other to succeed.
started at 214lbs finished on 201lbs loss of 13lbs :grin:
#15 with final WI report - sorry it's late but I couldn't get online until today - had another STS so did not manage to lose 7lbs like I wanted to in this challenge - lost 3lbs only :heart:
With the end of this challenge it reinforced in my mind that with my Christmas 2013 challenge i shouldn't really have worried about total group weight loss. Kind of meaningless really as everybody's need to weight loss is so variable. Some just need to lose a few kg's some 10 or even 20 so if I ever run another challenge I wont ever worry about that. Indeed I never did the final tally as some people had stopped earlier etc. For a while i thought i hadnt "finished the job" but now i think the main reason for the challenge , being to keep people focussed on some mini target was well and truly achieved for so many.

Also its good to have in post 1 a summary of the target weight as its a good reminder to you when you come into the thread.

Thanks Penny for a job well done again. Glad I made target though my feasting on the weekend and yesterday saw my scales go in the wrong direction. No cause for concern as a few good weeks of fasting will get be back.
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