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Funny taste in my mouth
12 Oct 2013, 10:48
What's the funny taste in my mouth I get when I'm fasting? Do others experience this too?
Re: Funny taste in my mouth
12 Oct 2013, 10:50
I think it is evidence that you are making ketones (a good thing as it means you are burning fat). Some people seem to be able to taste the ketones, others not...
Re: Funny taste in my mouth
12 Oct 2013, 11:11
I wake up the next morning after a fast with a funny taste in my mouth, not sure if my breath smells though (live on my own !) :)

I don't notice it once the day resumes (going to work).
Re: Funny taste in my mouth
12 Oct 2013, 11:21
Well thats good news Sally from Caro! X
Re: Funny taste in my mouth
12 Oct 2013, 11:26
A good calorie free mouth freshener is to suck on cardamom seeds or pods.
Re: Funny taste in my mouth
12 Oct 2013, 11:32
That's good news as Caroline says. Ketosis You can get urine dipsticks which show this too. Not good for diabetics but good for us weight losers. I get it when I cut my carb intake down.
Re: Funny taste in my mouth
12 Oct 2013, 11:35
Yeah I get it too Sally, you aren't alone in this :smile:
Re: Funny taste in my mouth
12 Oct 2013, 12:47
I have found that my entire sense of taste have been altered since I started on 5:2. Things that I used to like, don't taste nearly as good anymore and when on fast days I get the urge for something sweet, licking on a jelly bean is enough. Don't know hoe many times I have put stuff in my mouth only to spit it out.....Ought to be good for me, but heck if I have lost a hg the last weeks :(
Re: Funny taste in my mouth
30 Jun 2014, 02:36
I have told my husband he is the only one that tells me I have awful breath on a fast day. He says its because he loves me and knows he can say this. So this means everyone I talk to on a fast day, (gym, is being tortured by my breath, but is too polite to say so.
Yes, I have funny tasting mouth on a fast day, its happening now and its only 12.35 pm :smile: a good indicator fat is being used, I hope, this is so :smile:
Re: Funny taste in my mouth
30 Jun 2014, 04:25
Is it a metallic taste?
Re: Funny taste in my mouth
30 Jun 2014, 05:55
If its metallic like @pipersaid,could be anaemia but hoping its just those wished for ketones! X
Re: Funny taste in my mouth
30 Jun 2014, 09:50
I get it too and I'm nowhere near anemic. I have to brush my teeth and my tongue repeatedly on a fast day.
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