The FastDay Forum

5:2 Diet 'Rules' & Variations

65 posts Page 5 of 5
@GMH like your style sexy sizzling sixty dressed like a 30 year old is just fine. you go there a woman after my own heart :like: :clover: :heart: :victory:
Morning peeps and thank you all for your kind words! As you can see, I always pop by when I'm called.

Annie, I'm afraid that it wasn't a misunderstanding. In fact, it was crystal clear. :-)

GMH, belated Happy Birthday! I think that we should dress for our bodies and our feelings and not our age. There are people who are 30 but feel 60 and dress 50 (don't you hate those?) and there are people who are 60 but feel 20 and dress 30 (my favourite kind).
Greetings, fellow waist seekers! Azurblue's advice about the hip swivels is terrific. I had an ectopic pregnancy in my 30's and had surgery, a horizontal incision. When I was heavy--in the mildly obese range, I was getting the dreaded "apron." :curse: I was afraid I'd never find my waist or lower belly again. Fast walking and lower intake helped. 5:2 began to take the weight off better. But what gave me my shape back was zumba--not just zumba, but zumba with a teacher who grew up in Hawaii doing hula and constantly moves hips in every movement. The constant hip rotations and hip lifts to the side(standing side crunches, actually) as well as body rolls made an amazing difference! :heart: :victory: :heart: When you are dancing that way, you are doing crunches every which way. It really works! I'm 65 with some loose skin and a tiny bit of flab still, but I am apron-free! :lol:

If you can find a zumba class with those kinds of moves, fantastic. If you can't, try a belly dance class until you learn the moves and then insert them into your zumba or aerobic dance. Last week, I was out in the Arizona desert far from a zumba class but with my ipod with some Best of Simon and Garfunkle just dancing away for an hour without a soul around. I had a blast and got my workout in! Sure as heck beats the gym or an aerobics or calisthenics class! :grin:
Oh, and I just remembered a tidbit from one of those "Best ways to get rid of abdominal fat" articles on the HuffPost on the internet. They said that dancing is more effective than other forms of exercise at diminishing abdominal fat. It's on the internet; it must be true! :wink:
Well I love dancing and I do have an 'apron' although it is diminsihing. Sounds like zumba could be for me!
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