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5:2 Diet 'Rules' & Variations

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oooh just found this post, I am bookmarking it as I type (well after I've finished typing tbh!) my waist is my downfall, 5:2 is helping (2 and a half inches lost if i measured correctly) I hate doing anything strenuous but as exercise is good for you, I pull out my old Fiona Phillips Bodyshape Solutions, has an exercise routine for apple, pear and hourglass shapes, not to exhausting but good enough to leave you puffed out at the end, do that when my hubby's at work so roughly 3-4 times a week, that's helping with the waist too I hope (and general fitness!) I will eventually be able to look down and see the floor (small feet so can't see erm over me boobs!)
I've been doing the hula hoop exercise on the Wii not without knowing this is the best way to rid myself of my truck size spare tyre.
I am finding that the lumpy stuff on my tummy is slowly, slowly going down. I have always had a big tummy (!) but I think it might be going now......the spare tyre is out of here at last! And that's just down to this marvellous, wonderful WOE!
For me the waist has been the last to leave. Last year I was doing extreme exercise that should have reduced my middle to diddle but not a millimeter did I lose. So I am not sure about the value of exercise here, except to enhance what is already visible...

The lowering of the carb and the increasing of the fat, not sure I would recommend this either (for tummy), I have lost a couple of inches but this has been all over, I remain the same shape but slimmer!

Anyway m'dear what you were saying about pears :)

This article has a wee bit about the hormonal connection, an academic person will have better info..

The reason lowering carbs should help with the abdominal fat is that the accumulation of abdominal fat appears to be a sign of insulin resistance. As insulin resistance causes high insulin levels and insulin is secreted in response to carb intake then lowering carbs lowers insulin allowing cells to become more sensitive to insulin. Insulin resistance in adipose tissue means your body can't store fat where it should, under the skin, so packs it around the organs instead. By lowering insulin resistance the fat can be stored in the right place. So reducing carbs by fasting and by not eating them on feast days too helps lower insulin resistance. Exercise, especially high intensity interval training, also lowers insulin resistance so both exercise and fasting and lowering carbs all helps reduce abdominal fat.
Hi @carorees the low carb has certainly made a difference to my insulin resistance, so I am hoping that it has made a difference to any visceral fat, although it does not seem to have made much difference to how my abdomen looks from the outside... Tbh though I have no idea how much internal fat I had to start with so could be there was little to lose...

There's an article in the resources section on how to measure your waist which explains that measuring halfway between your belly button and your lowest rib was shown to be a reasonable guide to visceral fat.
Reading this thread makes me realise the people we have lost @shachat @dhana @golarne, never mind the belly fat we haven't.
All those, and not to mention @miffy49 @suchard007 @Betsysgr8 @redhead@imcountingufoz @TML13 @43tweaker @Dominic @PhilT - the list goes on :frown:
... and for me great information that keeps me going, so much eternal thanks to all! :heart:
Oh dear, I was rather scared to see the title of the thread I was tagged in. I was ready to read something in the lines of "oh yes, belly fat, that reminds me of Thalia, she has lots of it you know"...

What can I say... I'm sorry that my absence causes grief but I'm pretty sure that it makes a few people happy and it's good to know that I put a smile to some faces, even if it is because I'm not around. ;-)
I clicked on this thread just to say how great it is to see you TML13. :-) You can put smiles on more faces by visiting more often, you know.
TML13 wrote: What can I say... I'm sorry that my absence causes grief but I'm pretty sure that it makes a few people happy and it's good to know that I put a smile to some faces, even if it is because I'm not around. ;-)

How can you say such things @TML13?

I don't know who you've upset but it must have been a misunderstanding :confused:

I too miss you :cry: :cry:
Thanks Gillymary :-) hope everything is good for everyone. I am definitely fasting intermittently LOL, some weeks 2 some weeks fail, still slim, but no longer getting 'OMG u r sooo skinny'. I think that means my face is no longer gaunt :-) I have put on 2/3 kg from my lightest and would like to lose a bit more, however more importantly I need to eat better on feed days. I learnt I could lose weight by eating ANYTHING, however I need to fast more rather than eat anything 6 days a week. It's all a learning curve. I turned 'Sexy, Sizzling 60' 2 weeks ago, so dressed like a 30 year old haha. Hope u r all getting to your goals
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