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5:2 Diet 'Rules' & Variations

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Quick EASY answer to original poster

5-2 or 4-3
(Or other variation on intermittent fasting... but stick to it solidly)

worked for me. The abdomen area problem I have had for 10 years is almost gone! Those minor hunger pains ever so often on a fast day... WORTH THEIR WEIGHT IN GOLD.

Weight going down slowly but the inches... oohh la la
Golarne wrote: Can anyone point me in the direction of the thread which talks about whereabouts to place the tape when measuring the waist. I did it round my tummy button initially, but am thinking that for the 50% of height maybe that's not right. Sure I read it somewhere, but the search throws up a gazillion posts! :confused:

Use the hashtag #waist ... the first post that comes up is the one you want!
Carorees, the book I was referencing is titled, Taking Charge of the Change by Pamela Smith, R.D. It's an interesting read, although there are some parts I disagree with, but here are some excerpts which are definitely pertinent to this thread: periomenopause, it's where the weight is being deposited. During the childbearing years, all excess weight seemed to go straight to hips and thighs to provide and protect for conception. Now it goes to the waist - and is most resistant to being burned because the body can better use it there.

...the very pounds that used to be called "middle-age spread" are actually your body's genetic programming to help you transition through the hormonal charge of mid-life.

...The theory is that when short on calcium the body produces a hormone called calcitrol, which encourages the body to store fat and fat cells to become bigger and better. When adequate calcium is received, the body sends a message to the fat cell to burn fat for energy - excellent news for people in mid life.

She highly recommends exercise, proper nutrition, all the stuff we know, but the focus is on how to counteract some of the symptoms we women may experience as we age. One thing interesting is she highly recommends the early breakfast and snacks which after following 5:2 I would now disagree with as a flat rule. But still a good read.
I found a paper describing the effect of low calcium diet on fat metabolism here. I also found papers showing obesity is associated with low calcium.

Whether dairy is the right way to increase calcium I don't know. Personally, I take a calcium, magnesium, vitamin D supplement. Maybe it helps!
carorees wrote:
Golarne wrote: Can anyone point me in the direction of the thread which talks about whereabouts to place the tape when measuring the waist. I did it round my tummy button initially, but am thinking that for the 50% of height maybe that's not right. Sure I read it somewhere, but the search throws up a gazillion posts! :confused:

Use the hashtag #waist ... the first post that comes up is the one you want!

Thank you, but nope, unfortunately it didn't work. Said that the search ignored the word 'waist' because it is too common! Any other suggestions? :?:

Very interesting about calcium, I was talking to a friend about bone density yesterday.
MaryAnn wrote: Here you go: 5-2-diet-f7/topic1019.html

Thank you! Just what I was looking for. :like: :heart:

And feeling a right numpty cos I couldn't find it myself... :bugeyes: :confused: :razz: :doh: :lol:
Golarne wrote:
carorees wrote:
Golarne wrote: Can anyone point me in the direction of the thread which talks about whereabouts to place the tape when measuring the waist. I did it round my tummy button initially, but am thinking that for the 50% of height maybe that's not right. Sure I read it somewhere, but the search throws up a gazillion posts! :confused:

Use the hashtag #waist ... the first post that comes up is the one you want!

Thank you, but nope, unfortunately it didn't work. Said that the search ignored the word 'waist' because it is too common! Any other suggestions? :?:

Very interesting about calcium, I was talking to a friend about bone density yesterday.

Weird...I put #waist into the Google search box on the lower left here and the thread came up straight away! Anyway here's a direct link: 5-2-diet-f7/topic1019.html
Oooer that put's me in 'high risk' on my waist :0O
Thanks @GoLinda and @Carorees! I'll start taking my calcium regularly again. :)
MUFAS. Monounsaturated Fatty Acids are promoted by the flat belly diet. Found in: olive oil, nuts, avocados, olives and chocolate.
Maybe I'm just eating too much of them :wink:
I have Got to stop eating sugar in everything except fruit!! Tried for no grains and no sugar for Lent but didn't last 24 hours, bitten off more than I can chew there HAHAHAHAHAHAHA !
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