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Benefits & Side Effects

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Fasting depletes salt as does low carbing. Try a salty drink like miso soup.
I have had a racing heart which I understand is not uncommon, due to electrolyte imbalance. Salt didn't work for me (although I shall take care in the future around making sure I have enough of it) but high potassium foods did.
I find in the night at the end of my most recent fasting day my heart raced especially when fast is effective and the diuresis happens so I had an extra bullion on top of the usual miso last fast with good effect.

Dehydration on fast day causing constipation on following days

Cramps in extremities again only if have wee'ed heaps

I also agree that I want to be by myself when fasting. Hadn't thought of it as being reclusive.

Headaches if not drinking enough and keeping up at least a couple of cuppa and a coffee

Cold to the bone even on a hot day

Insomnia with the energy burst

Weird dreams
gillymary wrote: I find in the night at the end of my most recent fasting day my heart raced especially when fast is effective and the diuresis happens so I had an extra bullion on top of the usual miso last fast with good effect.

Dehydration on fast day causing constipation on following days

Cramps in extremities again only if have wee'ed heaps

I also agree that I want to be by myself when fasting. Hadn't thought of it as being reclusive.

Headaches if not drinking enough and keeping up at least a couple of cuppa and a coffee

Cold to the bone even on a hot day

Insomnia with the energy burst

Weird dreams

I hadn't thought of that. I also prefer to be on my own when fasting. No distractions!
I think @rawkaren it is just a nice added dimension that makes the fasting days more pleasurable as you can potter to do what you need to do in way of food prep or being in the garden in my case and a bonus is you don't have to be bothered by the needs of others.
The only real side effect I've experienced is constipation which I hate!and yes I do eat plenty of fruit and veggies especially on fast days so not sure why this is happening??
Constipation is probably still lack of water. Or, it could be medication you are on. I have to take anti-inflammatories and tramadol both reputed to cause constipation. I do take Vitamin C to try and counter some of the effects of the tablets. Occasionally I do need to take some kind of a medication to 'help it along'.
I do wonder though if the gut goes to sleep because there isn't any signals from the stomach saying 'get a move on down there, more coming through'? Or the body is holding onto whats in your gut to get the most nutrients it can out of the food as you have 'obviously' gone into famine mode.
Nope Julie not on any meds and drink plenty of water sip glass after glass at my desk all day every day. Not sure what causes it as I have never had it before once a day regular as clockwork sorry TMI! Tiz a mystery
Its just less food going in. I take magnesium supplements at night which helps a treat. You have to get the dosage right mind, as they can have the opposite effect. :oops:
Meh! I went back to Mon/Weds fasting this week after a 7 week break and both nights following the fast were just awful. Disturbed, restless and lots of night sweats (menopausal) - I'd forgotten this 'orrible side-effect :(
I have been on the 5:2 diet for over a year now. Re: negative side effects -
I counteract feeling cold with lots of calorie-free hot green tea
As time passed I found that is almost impossible to over-compensate on the normal days as my appetite has decreased considerably.
I got round the headaches and fatigue by drinking lots of water.
Those were the main things. As for the benefits - weight loss, increased energy, happier, better body image, able to still have my treats... the positives far outweigh the negatives!
rawkaren wrote: Its just less food going in. I take magnesium supplements at night which helps a treat. You have to get the dosage right mind, as they can have the opposite effect. :oops:

@rawkaren can natural sources of magnesium be enough ?

e..g ... nesium.php

names many sources.

just that im a bit anti supplements in a bottle. always been sceptical about anything in tablet or capsule form.
Thanks Juliana. All good sources here. I need a bit extra though to keep me moving, especially having a lower carb diet.
I had a read through some of the posts here and noticed that being cold on a fast day seems to be fairly common. I was really cold at work on Monday, so dressed more warmly yesterday only to be overheating! So now suspect being cold on Monday was due to being fast day. Will keep an eye out for other effects during fast day.

Frustratingly I suffer from headaches most days so hard to tell yet if they are worse on fast days. I drink plenty of water during the day and more so on fast days. Have had numerous tests over the years to find out cause/triggers for headaches but nothing found. Got worse with menopause and developed migraines as well as headaches! :curse:
I searched for this thread as I've only been on this for 2 weeks now but I know I feel more irritable at home, and less social at work. I'm not saying its 100% 5:2 causing it but I am interested in seeing if it lasts.
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