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I've just looked at the study PhilT linked to ( and it says

It is well known that increasing dietary fiber increases fecal bulk and volume. Therefore in patients where there is already difficulty in expelling large fecal boluses through the anal sphincter, it is illogical to actually expect that bigger or more feces will ameliorate this problem. More and bulkier fecal matter can only aggravate the difficulty by making the stools even bigger and bulkier. Several reviews and a meta-analysis had already shown that dietary fiber does not improve constipation in patients with irritable bowel diseases[

which makes complete sense. I've been increasing my fibre intake, I'm going to try decreasing it, which isn't easy when you're trying to restrict calories. I'm going to research healthy low-fibre food.
I often have this problem...or the opposite problem sometimes! With me it isn't related to the 5:2 diet, it's more an IBS thing, but I have found that cutting out white breads and pastas, and having psyllium husks and live yogurts really helps to keep me regular.

Eggs can be binding so that might be your problem? Have you tried avoiding eggs for a few fast days and seeing if things improve?
The opposite problem may be overflow, which is that you are still constipated but the liquid is bypassing the blockage.
Has anyone with constipation probs given up smoking or cut down recently? This is purely my experience, dunno if will help... I stopped smoking after getting food poisoning as it really irritated my tum, but that was when I started having problems unloading the bomb bay so to speak. Coffee and a Marlboro red first thing in the morning, 15 mins later I'd be going like clockwork. Too much fibre made it worse and that combined with acid reflux drugs, was more bunged up than Mrs Bunged Up from Bungsville. Dr recommended taking regular walks to get the gut moving, so that with a combination eating a fresh whole orange a day and taking gut bacteria tablets, the constipation eventually sorted itself out, oh and no more prescription drugs too now. :) What I'm trying to say in a really long winded way, is it could take a while for it to sort itself out, look for small improvements, is all progress- good luck!
I too suffer from constipation and my normal for years has been to go every two or three days. I have discovered that eating too much fiber without adding a ton more water really stops me up. I eat lots of fruits and vegetables like you seem to be doing. All of that bulk in the colon has got to move. Even if you think you are drinking a lot of water-drink double that and then see what happens. I have surprisingly not had any problems on this diet. I am consciously drinking about 10 8 ounce glasses of water a day in addition to coffee. As far as immediate relief, try glycerin suppositories and stop eating so much fiber for now until you empty what you've got in there. Believe me, I thought I would have to go to the hospital many times over this issue! In addition to the suppositories take a good laxative like senna in the maximum amount. Basically hit the problem at both ends. Whatever you do do not take extra fiber in capsule or powder form- it will only add to the bulk that is not budging in your intestines. Good luck and I hope you will be "unchained" soon! :smile:
Dragonbirdy wrote: Has anyone with constipation probs given up smoking or cut down recently? This is purely my experience, dunno if will help... I stopped smoking after getting food poisoning as it really irritated my tum, but that was when I started having problems unloading the bomb bay so to speak. Coffee and a Marlboro red first thing in the morning, 15 mins later I'd be going like clockwork.

If you ever come North, shout, I'd love to meet you, you make me laugh! :cool:
Dragonbirdy wrote: Mrs Bunged Up from Bungsville.

:lol: :lol: I had to giggle about that!

I think the probiotics might be important here...several people have been talking about actimel and live yoghurt. So I made sure I had yoghurt for breakfast the day after my fasts this week and noticed that everything seemed to be working more smoothly than the previous week when I'd had porridge to break my fast.
A fag and coffee in the morning always helped me but now everything that used to work just stopped. If I don't take a laxative, I just don't go... :-(
I definitely find that taking probiotic tablets helps. First had them on holiday as a guard against stomach upsets and found that I was much more regular. I did wonder if it was the wine consumption however I kept taking them, minus the daily wine, when I got home and they work really well.
BBT053 wrote:
Dragonbirdy wrote: Has anyone with constipation probs given up smoking or cut down recently? This is purely my experience, dunno if will help... I stopped smoking after getting food poisoning as it really irritated my tum, but that was when I started having problems unloading the bomb bay so to speak. Coffee and a Marlboro red first thing in the morning, 15 mins later I'd be going like clockwork.

If you ever come North, shout, I'd love to meet you, you make me laugh! :cool:

Lol I'll give you a shout if I venture oop norf (mind, Birmingham is north for me!)
HeleninBC wrote: I think eating a very high fiber breakfast every day helps me. 1/3 cup oats and 1 T. chia seeds, but you could use ground flax seeds or hemp seeds, or just a very high fiber bran cereal I would think.

Thank you, thank you, thank you! :like: :grin:

I bought some chia seeds last week and it's working! I started with laxitives to get things moving a bit again as well as having just a teaspoon of chia seeds with yogurt or cottage cheese, stopped the laxitive after a couple of days but have continued the chia seeds and everything is back to normal! I will get some flax seed next time I'm at the store will add both to food.

Ah, Life is good again. :victory:
Love chia seeds. Be sure and drink a large glass of water.
Also Metamucil Fiber - psyllium tabs.
Sounds difficult. My own advice, for what it's worth is to consult a doctor if the above suggestions don't work.
I don't remember who recommended it but I'm forever grateful! LACTULOSE!!!! It's the best! It doesn't help with... emptying the bulk but it helps with going everyday. Perhaps after a couple of days with a good laxative, a TS of lactulose daily will help you get regular. You might need a larger dose for the first couple of days but after that one TS will do the job.
So, I just read a study that showed that excess fiber can actually make constipation worse. It does increase the amount of waste, which can push things along, but if already stopped up can make things worse. The study suggested an increase in fat. And if you think about it, you probably drastically reduced the amount of fat you eat while fasting.

You might try a tsp of Cod Liver Oil every day.

There are also drinks that you can make with chia seeds, sort of fruit teas. I suspect the reason chia seeds work is because there is almost as much fat as fiber in them.

Both the Cod Liver Oil and the chia seeds also have other benefits as well.

Good Luck.

p.s. I have IBD and eat a fairly high fiber diet to control the less than firm output as fiber absorbs fluid as it passes through the intestines.
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