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21 Nov 2014, 07:22
Friday morning - almost the weekend. Steph, How wonderful that you managed to stay within your TDEE in the last two days. Logging food seems to work for you and is definitely worth the effort. Luckily nowadays most food has the calorie content displayed on the label.

I am very excited for you that you have been approved for a loan so that you can buy a little run-around. Lets hope the re-payments are Ok and that the right car turns up for you. What at thing to have to do in this weather.

It doesn't' snow ver often here in England but occasionally we have had a few spells of snow. You have to imagine that this is far worse in a country that is not used to snow as the roads and pavements are not cleared and people don't invest in winter tyres. The country comes to a total standstill for at least three days.

Good luck with your fast today. Coffee and steph. Hope it will be an easy day for you. I can only recommend bulking out whatever you have for your main meal with a plateful of vegetables. When I look at a plateful of food piled up in front of me it feels like an everyday un-restricted meal which is really filling for about 3 hrs by which time I go to bed because I never eat once I am in bed. Once asleep my hunger seems to reset too and often when i go to sleep hungry I wake up and the feeling of hunger is replaced by emptiness.

I will try and be a good girl too and not eat over TDEE and also not tempt you in any way, shape or form.

Coffee, hope you are better today - if the family is coming over you are probably very busy.

BIG HUG :heart:
21 Nov 2014, 12:54
Good morning my buddy friends, fasting today and already I've used up 71 calories by mistake. Hubby had his Friday visitor this morning and as usual I had a tray of coffee and biscuits ready soon after he arrived, I still feel poorly so went back to bed while they were talking and absentmindedly took a biscuit with me. Too late now but I'm sure I can get through the day without going over the 500 calories. I was rather naughty yesterday as I ate a whole box of chocolates. :shock: So when it came to dinner time I made myself my usual fast day meal and all was well this morning when the scales showed 9st 7.5lb.
I always eat loads of vegetables Ieramul although I get the odd day when I might have a plate of chips instead. I hope you are able to stay within your TDEE today.
Good luck with your fast day Steph, I hope you don't have a bad start like me. I just bought a few essentials at the local shop yesterday, eggs, coffee, hubby's newspaper and a couple of non essentials too - a pasty for hubby's lunch and biscuits for his guest.
I hope the car buying goes well Steph, strange that we are all having problems with our cars at the same time, sorry to hear about the damage to your car Ieramul. :frown: Our car needs it's MOT by the end of this month and needs taxing at the end of December, I'm not sure what to do, I spoke to my brother a couple of days ago and he advised me not to spend money on it if the gear system isn't working properly - it's automatic and it's an old car. I might phone the mechanic who services it and does the MOT, it depends on how much it will cost to put right and if it's worth doing it to part exchange for a newer more reliable car. :confused:
It's so true Ieramul, everything goes haywire when we get snow, Cornwall is milder than other parts of the UK so some years we get none at all, It's much wetter here though, hence the mud I'm always complaining about!
It doesn't worry me if you talk about food when I'm fasting, if I mess up it's because I can't resist the naughty stuff in the food cupboards. Since we have all been buddies I seem to be more positive though - I hope I can be today!
Cheers :smile: :cool: :grin: :smile:
21 Nov 2014, 14:12
I forgot to eat breakfast again! This woolly-headedness is not such a bad thing. I've had a cup of bouillon for lunch so the biscuit doesn't matter. I now have 415 calories left for my evening meal. :grin: :grin: :grin:
I hope your day started well Steph. :clover:
21 Nov 2014, 20:54
Just nipping in to say that I hope you both are doing well. Forgetting to have breakfast has nothing to do with woolyheadedness. It's called re-programming. Breakfast is not the most important meal of the day anymore so you don't think about it as much. Well done.

Coffee, I hope your car is repairable so you won't have the stress of car buying just before Christmas or any time in this miserable weather. Best ask a few professionals you can trust.

Steph, can't wait to hear how you did today with your car hunting and I hope your fasting is going well today.
BIG HUGS :heart:
21 Nov 2014, 21:52
Grrrrr! How I hate this! I submitted a post but just now found that your post Ieramul came through at the same time so I lost mine. Can't remember all of what I said but I will blather on again about whatever.
I ate about an hour and a half ago and still want to eat. I've had two cups of tea and I've finished off my oblaten, about 60 calories worth. I still have about 290 calories for my evening meal which will be doable if only I could get rid of the munchies I have right now. Adam's chocolates are sitting on the living room table and so are some tiny little candies. I am so tempted but will give them to Adam in his room, get them out of my sight!
Coffee good for you for not falling into the "oh well, I've messed up so I might as well say to heck with the fast" mindset. Way to go for being so focused! I'm sure you'll really enjoy your meal this evening.
AS for the car hunt: I went to a dealer this morning and he tried so hard to sell me a car for more money than I want to pay and with a rather high odometer reading. He even said he would throw in a three night mini vacation in Las Vegas! I didn't take it for a test drive and will look at some more local dealerships before I head to the city on Sunday. Maybe I'll find something here.
I never realized Britain doesn't usually get snow and it sure makes sense that everything would come to a standstill when it does. Have you heard about the record snow fall in Buffalo, NY in the US? over 7 feet of snow and now they are expecting rain and milder temperatures which could cause flooding and roof collapses. 13 people have died. Here is a link: ... fect-snow/

I hope your evenings are going well. Only a few more hours Coffee then you can sleep and be able to have a hearty breakfast in the morning (if you don't forget :wink: ) I keep imagining tomorrow's breakfast at the church, with bacon, sausages, ham, pancakes, toast and jam, eggs, fruit salad. I try not to buy bread anymore because I eat and eat and eat slice after slice. So it is funny to say but I am really looking forward to a piece of toast LOL.
Have a good evening ladies! enjoy your dinners.
21 Nov 2014, 22:01
Well done Steph, don't give in to those munchies. You can do it. :wink: :clover: good luck.
Well done for not getting sucked into the sales spiel. You could have asked him if he could take the cost of Las Vegas vacation off the price. That would have been more helpful.
21 Nov 2014, 23:24
Hi again, I've gone over 600 cals this time but I'm not worried if I don't lose weight. I have this feeling that if I lose weight too quickly then it could come back just a quickly when I overeat the next time - and I will. I'll be happier if I just lose slowly and steadily. I hope that you can do better than me Steph. Sorry that you still haven't found a suitable car yet.
I can't imagine 7ft of snow all at once, we had 6ft snow drifts when we lived in Sussex, my children were young then and so exited, they were walking on top of buried cars on the way to the shops.
I'm trying not to eat anything else until tomorrow morning, I hope we all have good results by then.
22 Nov 2014, 09:07
Well, I've done it! 9st 6.75lb! :victory: :victory: :victory:
Good luck Steph, I hope the scales will be kind to you this morning, and Ieramul I hope you had a good sensible eating day yesterday.
I'm feeling much better but I've been left with a cough, better than feeling rough though, I'm ready to do my weekly shop with a spring in my step - oh these clichés, I can't say anything without them but they are apt.
Here's to a good day for all of us. :wink: :like: :heart: :like:
22 Nov 2014, 09:43
Hi Coffee. CONGRATULATIONS. Well done. Tadadaradadaaaaaaaaaaa. How wonderful. This is so inspiring especially since you didn't force yesterday and where kind to yourself.

in the last few days my weight was slightly up by a lb but I am still in the middle of my maintenance. However, Monday' weight counts and there are still two eating days inbetween. :oops:

Have a great day - shopping and all. BIG HUG :heart:
22 Nov 2014, 12:41
Congratulations Coffee!!!! How wonderful to have met your goal. Now you can maintain. Will you still be doing two fasts a week? I'm down a pound and a half this morning, yeah! Now I just have to keep eating to TDEE for the next week to keep losing or at least not gaining. Last night wasn't as difficult as I thought it would be. Brushed and flossed to keep from wanting to eat more.
Now I'm off to drive my son to work.
Talk again soon.
22 Nov 2014, 14:42
Thank you both for your kind words. Very well done Steph :victory: I'm glad good things are happening on your fast days at last. I will still try to fast twice a week but perhaps might not be so strict. For a few months after I got to my maintenance weight I was fasting once a week, then after a while I got quite lazy and ended up not fasting at all, I think I need the discipline. A while ago I was thinking of lowering my goal weight but for now I'll keep it as it is.
So glad that you are still within your maintenance allowance Ieramul, only a couple of days to go before your weigh in and I'm sure you can be careful for that time, if not you can soon put it right again. Sometimes it must be difficult not to eat over your TDEE when it's so low. How long have you been maintaining?
I'm not sure if my daughter and family are arriving today or tomorrow, I'll have to phone her but we always talk for at least an hour and if it's today it will make her even later than usual.
Have a great weekend :like: :heart: :like:
22 Nov 2014, 20:34
Hi coffee, I agree that it is important to have the structure of fasting. Even if I don't always manage 500 kcals and go a bit over I definitely stay off the sugar. Any day without sugar is a success for me. I had reached goal weight twice before and left the structure of fasting twice and put on about 7 lbs in six months every time. I reached maintenance for the third time this September and am resolved not to give up fasting this time. There are many ways to experiment and find the way of fasting that suits us best. Until I am well settled in this maintenance I will fast two days a week.

Coffee, lets keep motivated and actively maintaining and get steph to her goal. Does that sound like a good plan? Who knows, what may happen... I have set myself a top weight which I must not exceed or I will install a third fasting day. With only about 1350 kcals I can easily exceed my TDEE.

Steph, you are on the right road, we will get you to your goal weight. Keep up the good work.
22 Nov 2014, 22:02
Yes Ieramul we can all help each other. We can support Steph and help her to get to her goal, Steph and I can help you get through the winter without giving up and you can both keep me on the straight and narrow. That's so good for all of us. Win, win and win again all the way.
:like: :like: :like: :like: :like: :like: :like: :like: :like: :like: :like: :like: :like: :like: :like:
23 Nov 2014, 04:38
Hey gals, good morning to you! I agree we can all support each other. I'm so happy you two are maintaining. That's fantastic. I am amazed you can stay away from sugar Ieramul! I should seriously make that one of my goals. It is so darn hard, though. I over did it today. I know I shouldn't start the day with bread but I did it anyway. Two pancakes and a bagel led to two bowls of frootloops, cookies and chips. Crazy day and I ate till I felt ready to burst. I am still feeling a bit queasy. It doesn't seem to take much to get me to feel so gross. I didn't have supper and my "lunch" was the cookies, chips and cereal. The only healthy things I ate were a banana and some scrambled eggs. Anyway, I just remembered the leftover tofu soup from yesterday! wish I had remembered it earlier, I may not have been tempted by those darn frootloops. LOL I will eat the soup tomorrow then. But, I am pleased to say I only ate 5 cookies and then tossed the rest of them in the compost. I bought them at a Christmas bazaar this morning and they didn't taste that great - still ate 5, though. How silly is that?
It is raining here now and the snow is melting. Big chunks of icicles kept falling off my roof making great crashing sounds all evening. Surely by morning all the ice will be gone!
Car saga: another of my good friends chatted with me about making car payments. She thinks I should buy a cheap, new car with a warranty and make payments on that since it will have a warranty and I can get 0% financing at a dealership (if I'm approved that is). If I get a used car and make payments on it then I won't have a warranty and the car may conk out before I have even finished paying for it. I don't know what to do now. The only way it would make sense to get a used vehicle is if I had a personal, interest free loan from my friend Ille and her (intimidating) husband but then I would still be on the hook for repairs. *sigh* I will have to think about all of this and talk with Ille. I will call her tomorrow to set up a tea time this week. I'm not in a hurry to buy something anymore. I will just keep driving my jalopy for a bit, I guess.
I had a nap on the couch this afternoon, just because I was bored and I could. Nutty, since now I'm not tired and it is almost midnight. I think I will try to find a recipe online for chicken in the crockpot. I took some chicken out of the freezer this morning but didn't cook it. I made Adam Kraft Dinner (mac and cheese from a box) instead. Plain lazy. To make sure we have a decent meal tomorrow and that I actually cook the chicken I want to put it in the slow cooker in the morning when I have more "umph".
Babbling again, :lol:
Have a wonderful day buddies, and just keep on doing as you're doing. Seems to be working for you! and I'll attempt to eat better.
23 Nov 2014, 04:44
Forgot to say I lost a lb! I think I probably put it back on after today's feeding frenzy, though LOL.
Don't know why I keep sabotaging myself the day after fasting.
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