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23 Nov 2014, 14:20
Well done with your (yesterday's) weight loss Steph, :victory: :victory: you are doing so well despite a few bad days here and there, I hope the overeating madness didn't do too much damage. I think your chips are what we call 'crisps' and our chips are your fries (but much fatter), that's if you have the same names for them as the USA.

I suppose I'm lucky not living anywhere near the shops, it must be so tempting when you go out and see all the sweet and fatty goodies for sale. I drive into town usually on Saturdays to stock up on food and Wednesdays I go to the shop in a nearby village to get hubby's newspaper along with any fresh stuff we might need. Wednesdays is also Age UK day in Asdas cafe, I haven't been going there for long so I'm not in the habit of shopping there during the week I go rambling on again all to say that I don't have the temptations around me every day that you do.

It's a lovely sunny day here in Cornwall - I think it's raining where Ieramul lives though, :frown: but it's going to get very cold and frosty tonight so I've been moving all of the small pot plants into the greenhouse, and anything in clay pots because they crack in frosty weather, some of the plants belong to my son as there was no garden where he lived, he's going to collect them the next time he visits, it's much milder where he lives now so they will be OK outside.

Hi Ieramul, I hope you are having a good day :grin:

Hubby called me in for lunch a short while ago, it's a shame as I might not have bothered to eat anything until our evening meal - but perhaps it was a good thing as my knee was hurting, it's not so bad now I'm sitting down. Now I've had something to eat I'm off out into the garden again to finish what I started.
Talk again soon :grin:
23 Nov 2014, 14:41
Hi buddies, Sunday afternoon and DH is gone to work. I had some sort of lunch and will spend the afternoon sorting out a few drawers and cupboards. I only do a few at a time.
Coffee, you are right it is miserable here. Rain, rain and more rain. Don't want to venture outside. I should take the plants in, too but I don't want to go into the cold damp.
I think I have gained a lb last week so I will fast tomorrow and Thursday as usual. Are you joining me? Steph I am normaly very naughty with sugar/sweet stuff but not on a fast day as all my calories would be used up and I couldn't eat anything else. This is why I want to keep 5:2 as it gives me carb/sugar discipline.

You are having quite a dilemma with your purchase options and I haven't got a clue what to advise. i hope something will work out in the end enjoy your crockpot chicken turned out deliscious. :lol:

Have a lovely Sunday both of you. BIG HUG :heart:
23 Nov 2014, 20:45
I would like to join you tomorrow Ieramul, but I'll see how I feel in the morning. :smile:
24 Nov 2014, 09:26
Hi Buddies, Well, the scales proved it this morning, I have been a naughty girl and indulged in rather too many unhealthy sugary foods in the last week. I really fancied jelly yesterday and made myself a whole packet (pint), added lots of raspberries and custard and ate all the jelly and half the custard. The day before I had half a packet of sweets when I was in town. I should have bought some water because I think when I am thirsty I tend to crave sweets. During the week, when I am in the office I never have this craving probably because I drink looooooots and lots.
Today, life is back to normal and I am fasting - and I am eager, as you can imagine I am not hungry.

Hope you are both well and doing well.

Coffee, today in the car on the way to work, I remembered you saying that you live in a frost hole, that your garden is the last to lose the snow/frost. Do you think this is why your DH has such bad arthritis? Is his arthritis better when you go somewhere else? Don't get me wrong I am no expert in arthritis, just a thought.

BIG HUG :heart:
24 Nov 2014, 10:38
You will soon undo any damage done at the weekend Ieramul especially as you are not hungry today. I'm fasting too today but not sure if I will be able to carry on with it until bedtime. I'm still coughing and spluttering but feeling OK and hope I don't use that as an excuse to myself to eat more than I should.
Will you be fasting too Steph?
I think perhaps the cold weather is partly responsible for hubby's arthritis as he was a landscape gardener and worked in all weathers from the age of 15, he would never let the damp weather or snow or rain stop him from finishing a job. He feels as much pain in hot weather as in cold, but like me he feels the cold more now he is older.
Have a good day. :clover: :heart: :clover:
24 Nov 2014, 12:28
Hi Coffee, don't fast if you are still not well, I am so sorry you don't seem to be able to shake off this cold.
Take care and be kind to yourself.
BIG HUG :heart:
24 Nov 2014, 12:50
Thank you Ieramul, I might take your advice and give it a miss today. Good luck with your fast. :smile:
24 Nov 2014, 14:38
Hello ladies,
I've had a couple of off days where I have had no motivation to do anything and all I did was eat and eat and eat. I am still feeling "off" but have decided to fast today anyway. I will have to wait and see how it goes. I ate enough yesterday to last me days, for goodness sake! I don't know if I will go to the Y for my class this morning or go out for a walk. Sorry guys, not so chipper this morning.
Perhaps your body needs the calories today Coffee to recuperate but go with how you feel, you know your body best.
Ieramul I'm sure you will do well today and the scales will be kinder tomorrow.
Enjoy the day.
24 Nov 2014, 16:06
Steph, you can't always be chipper, life gets in the way sometimes. You have a lot to deal with these days.

Well done for trying to fast today even though you are not feeling great. Whatever shape or form our fasting consists of 5:2, 4:3, 16:8 or 20:4, I think it is good to try even if we don't do as well as we want to - it is still be better than not having any intention because "not today" can slip into "not this week" and this can then go on for weeks or months.

But above all BE KIND AND GENTLE TO YOURSELF don't force anything.
BIG HUG :heart:
25 Nov 2014, 04:19
Thanks for the hug Ieramul, right back atcha! I'm feeling much better now. I forced myself to go to the Y this morning and to do a few chores around the house. The "downs" went away during the afternoon until my friend called to check in. She kept going on and on about what I should do about a car, ad nauseum. Sent me back down. Tomorrow I will phone my insurance company since buying a car will depend on the rates. Enough on that topic. I will make myself mopey all over again LOL.
My fast went well, I resisted Adam's chips/crisps but did buy myself a diet pepsi and snacked on a few frozen raspberries in the evening. I'm pretty sure I stayed within the 500 calories range or maybe 25 or 30 over. Too lazy to count it all. How did it go with you two? did you fast coffee? Are you feeling any better?
I'm off to bed and will be getting out an extra blanket. It is very windy here tonight and my windows blew open earlier and I didn't discover them for a little bit so it got quite chilly in my bedroom. It'll take all night for it to get warm again. There have been houses and cars damaged by falling trees and even a couple of people were taken to hospital. I'm hoping it won't be as windy tomorrow morning as I'll be outside with the little children.
Nighty night! or more accurately for you Good morning!
25 Nov 2014, 09:42
:shock: Hi buddies, Coffee, I hope you are getting better - it really gets us down when we are not feeling well on top of cold and damp weather. I hope Maisie manages to cheer you up and DH proves to be a bit of help around the house.

Steph, well done yesterday for fasting and keeping around the 500kcal mark. Considering you were feeling down that is excellent. What an achievement and I hope you can add this to your "cheer-me-up" pile because your "get-me-down" pile has been a bit too high recently. I hope you give yourself credit.

My fast day was scarily easy yesterday. I wish it was always like that but every fast is different. I fasted for 24hrs and then had a salmon filet and looooots of vegetables. That really filled me up and because there were no carbs all day, I didn't have any cravings. This morning I had two fried eggs and a tomato (no carbs) in an effort to keep the sugar craving at bay. I want to avoid the "lets-sabotage-fast" possibility, which often happens after a day of being so good and feeling proud.

I took some lentils out of the freezer this morning, which I will heat in the microwave at work today, together with some frankfurter sausages. That will contain some starch but hopefull not too much.
Have a lovely day. Keep warm both of you and shut the windows :lol: or else you will be blown away. :shock:
Steph, have a fun morning with the children, so that you can hopefully add them to the "cheer-me-up" pile. Children are good at making us laugh.
BIG HUG . :heart:
25 Nov 2014, 10:17
Hi buddies, well done both of you! :victory: :victory: :victory:

I abandoned my fast yesterday and must have eaten too much in the last couple of days because my weight has gone up by nearly 2lb. Not to worry though, I'll be fasting tomorrow and might be able to fit another one in on Friday. Tomorrow should be easy, I have coffee with the old dears and none of them have cake or biscuits to tempt me, that will take me to lunchtime and I'll be so pleased that I haven't eaten anything by then so I won't spoil my fast. :grin:

I'm still coughing, every year I have one bout of cold or flu which knocks me for six and then I'm OK till the following year. This one hasn't been like that at all, it's just dragging on and on but I'm able to carry on as normal most of the time.

I'm just going to take Maisie around the fields (that's the plan), she might not walk any further than the front gate though, it's cold and dull but no rain, she hates the rain but even if the air is damp she still won't walk!
I hope the weather is better where you are today Steph.

So we all have a normal eating day, lets try to be good! :like: :clover: :like:
25 Nov 2014, 22:25
We've all been very quiet today, I hope you are both doing well and the silence is because there is nothing bad to report. I've been eating normally, not being careful but not being a pig either.
Speak again tomorrow, sweet dreams buddy friends, an early night for me.
:sleepy: :sleepy: :sleepy: :sleepy: :sleepy: :sleepy: :sleepy:
26 Nov 2014, 04:11
I'm off to bed, to join you in your dreams :sleepy: The day was cold again with the wind. It was not a pleasure standing outside at recess with the children although my heart soared when a few of them came over to have me spin them around and another just wanted to stay with me and walk around the yard holding my hand. Then I did a rhyming game with a couple of kids at a time and played another counting and colours game with twin girls. All in all it was a lovely time at the school, despite the cold.
Then I went to the dentist for a cleaning. Came out not so happy. I have two tiny cavities and perhaps another one that isn't showing up properly on the x-ray. I am a nervous nelly when it comes to dental work, almost as bad as Adam. I just don't know how I got the cavities! I brush numerous times a day and floss every night! My friend says it is my age :lol: I still think of myself as young, not even 50 yet.
Latest in the car saga: my friend's husband called to tell me that even though it isn't his business he wanted to advise me to consider leasing a vehicle. That would mean I wouldn't be responsible for the repairs and I could probably handle the payments. More phone calls for me to make when I get back into the car shopping mood. I need to take a break from it all.
Ok, time for sleep. My friend, Ille, is driving me into the city tomorrow morning so I can pick up Christmas gifts for my nieces. We are having our Christmas celebration early this year, on Sunday, as my sister's are so busy over the holidays. Am I repeating myself? I can't remember what I've babbled on about. :dazed:
And good for you for not pigging out today coffee. I must confess I got into the chips again today. I did eat some healthy food, though. Cut up a fresh pineapple and oh my! it was so tasty.
How was your day Ieramul? I hope you both slept well! ttfn
26 Nov 2014, 09:32
Good morning lovely ladies, 9st 7.5lb this morning and all is good. :like:

I can't remember, will you be fasting today Ieramul? I might have a small breakfast before I go out although it's getting a bit late now so it will have to be something quick.

I need to go to a dentist too Steph, my front tooth is broken and my last dentist built it up with a sort of filling and said that next time it will have to be capped. The filling came away in June and it took several months to pluck up the courage to get it fixed only to find the the dentist had closed down. Since then I've turned into a quivering wreck again and have been putting off looking for another dentist.

I hope you both have a pleasant day, I'll pop back this afternoon to see if you are around.
Toodle pip! :grin: :grin: :grin:
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