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Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
16 Jan 2014, 11:36
Oh @Callyanna ! But they're so sweet! And perfectly harmless!

I used to keep fancy rats and they were real little characters!
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
16 Jan 2014, 11:40
nursebean wrote: Oh @Callyanna ! But they're so sweet! And perfectly harmless!

I used to keep fancy rats and they were real little characters!

oh no! just the thought of their scratchy feet and tails! and just don't mention RATS! :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
16 Jan 2014, 12:02
I would love pet rats but my OH is terrified of anything small and furry. He wont even touch the hamster!
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
16 Jan 2014, 12:10
My aunt used to have an old cottage and I remember sitting in bed reading, when I heard scratching noises. Yes, mice! They got as much of a surprise as I did, to see someone in 'their' room! One just started at me, before scuttling away. I don't mind them if I'm awake, but don't like the thought of them running across me whilst I'm asleep.
That's why I'm not a natural cat owner either - love cats, but don't like their often headless little offerings!
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
16 Jan 2014, 12:15
nursebean wrote: Oh @Callyanna ! But they're so sweet! And perfectly harmless!

I used to keep fancy rats and they were real little characters!

Yeah, the logical part of my brain tells me they are harmless but the more primitive part just screams "Eeeeekk".
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
16 Jan 2014, 12:17
No, we used to have a cat (Mr Boo) who used to bring us little "presents". Much as I loved him, I prefer my little Iggies, Pops and Min, who chase squirrels but haven't got a clue what to do if they were ever to catch one! They are hilarious :-)
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
16 Jan 2014, 12:34
Two of my cats couldn't catch anything if their lives depended on it but the youngest girl brings me mice, frogs, birds, you name it. The frogs are the worst as she brings them in the cat flap alive and they scream the place down! it's a horrible noise. The mice all seem to be passed out with shock!
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
16 Jan 2014, 12:38
I remember our Siamese cat bringing me a present of a live shrew which she proudly deposited at my feet. My son was only a toddler at the time and looked on with great amusement as his mummy shrieked with horror and jumped up on the chair! Luckily the kitchen door was open and the little creature managed to escape.
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
16 Jan 2014, 12:38
I hate mice but would love to have a domestic rat, is that strange ? :razz: :grin:

Have my new phone, at last, just have to wait that the old one has finished the backup on the sim card and it will be good to go. It's a bit expense but don't have another choice and, as I don't have a lot of expenses this month, it will be fine plus I keep my phones for at least 2 years. So why do I feel guilty ? :confused:
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
16 Jan 2014, 12:42
callyanna wrote:
nursebean wrote: Oh @Callyanna ! But they're so sweet! And perfectly harmless!

I used to keep fancy rats and they were real little characters!

oh no! just the thought of their scratchy feet and tails! and just don't mention RATS! :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:

No energy to write today ...but Waaaaaaaaaarghhhhhhh! :shock: :shock: :shock:
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
16 Jan 2014, 12:45
CandiceMarie wrote:
callyanna wrote:
nursebean wrote: Oh @Callyanna ! But they're so sweet! And perfectly harmless!

I used to keep fancy rats and they were real little characters!

oh no! just the thought of their scratchy feet and tails! and just don't mention RATS! :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:

No energy to write today ...but Waaaaaaaaaarghhhhhhh! :shock: :shock: :shock:

Aw, big hugs CM, sorry you're not feeling too good today. Try and take things easy and just have a good rest and a browse on here if you're up to it. :heart: :heart:
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
16 Jan 2014, 16:40
A shrew? @Callyanna ? A shrew? Surely you found that cute? With its long, little nose and tiny body? Just so sweet! :-)
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
16 Jan 2014, 17:02
I know, I'm pathetic, aren't I but just can't help it! :oops: :razz:
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
16 Jan 2014, 17:35
Thanks @callyanna for your concern! Xx
Problem is just basically i went to a meeting this morning...about 20 people there,went on for 2 hours.
I just get very drained when there's a lot of peeps,loud chatter etc etc...Just a CFS symptom.
This avvo my kind guy drove me to the park,where i fed the birds and squirrels and blew away the cobwebs...very tired but feel better for spending time in nature
The squirrels come right up and take the nuts from your hand
Here's one of the little furry guys..he ran up a tree to get comfy with his monkey nut!
And another little fella ( if i can include two pics)
PS thank you @angie090465 for yr email xx
Pps sorry they are sideways! No idea why as they arent sideways on my ipad :razz:
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
16 Jan 2014, 17:40
Aww arent they cute Candice!

Glad you took some time out after that long meeting, 2 hours phew!!
Take care now and have a good rest :-) x
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