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Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
15 Jan 2014, 13:12
And, the bike rack fell off the wall. Even heavy duty plasterboard rawlplugs didn't do the trick. I will have to hunt for the stud wall and screw it in direct.
But, because the rawlplugs made rather large holes in the wall so I will have to fill and re-wallpaper that wall, Yippee! I was getting fed up of that wall paper. I must think of a kitchen colour theme now that will suit a mid grey speckled floor, wood effect cupboard doors with dark cream sides, cream vertical patio door blinds and bamboo kitchen window blind. (BTW, who but a male builder would put brown cupboards with a grey floor? Yet put a sand colour flooring in the bathroom).
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
15 Jan 2014, 13:34
Watching weight loss ward on a fast day when I'm feeling a wee bit hungry.
Hot drink needed but run out of oxo and bouillon Arghhhhh.
Anyway, just nuked some tom and lentil soup to keep me occupied. About 80 cals
Poor lady, on the weight loss prog. Addicted to online shopping as well.
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
15 Jan 2014, 14:10
I'm joining you with some nuked soup Caroline, mushroom in my case. Such a grey miserable day here today with the choice of ironing or vacuuming upstairs to keep me busy :starving:
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
15 Jan 2014, 14:31
Ok I'm sorry about this but I need to vent, I am so angry I need to rant before I write a letter to the school governors. I only have the dog here and she's asleep.

AAAARRRgGHHH I am soo pi&&ed off it is unbelievable, I just can't believe the head teacher has just given me lip service over a safeguarding issue. I am appalled. Apparently she's been distracted. Well you lip served the wrong parent lov, I will not go away, I will not shut up. You and your school failed my family and you have admitted it in writing and now what, nothing, no revised procedure, nothing. Your school had a lucky escape. It's been two months now and nothing. I will not accept that. You are not fit for purpose!

Sorry but I had to write what I truly wanted to say before I compose a dignified letter of complaint................ and breathe.............
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
15 Jan 2014, 14:44
Go for it @Minsmum yes be dignified and factual. I have to do safeguarding training every year, not even a teacher, they should take this seriously, sound like you've not had the backing you deserve. I hope you resolve it.
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
15 Jan 2014, 15:24
Safeguarding is one of the issues that forced me to Home Educate. It was the best decisions I had ever made.
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
15 Jan 2014, 15:34
What is "safeguarding"? :?:
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
15 Jan 2014, 16:13
Basically this ... atter.aspx

If a head teacher has been distracted from this serious issue, then he/she deserves everything Minsmum throws at her in a dignified way. Go minsmum, go
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
15 Jan 2014, 17:39
@wildmissus I'll be thinking of you. Please keep in touch as you go along.

@debs Congratulations!

@rawkaren hope you get your visa tomorrow at the latest. That has to be so nervewracking!

BTW, though I rarely contribute to this topic, I just LOVE it! Thanks all!
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
15 Jan 2014, 18:01
Hi @debbiejgb Thanks for joining in :like:
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
15 Jan 2014, 18:05
I am trying to find a new phone and it gives me a headache. I don't want it to be too expensive, to last a long time, to use it as a mp3 player and to take some not too bad quality photos

Do you think I am too picky ? :grin:
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
15 Jan 2014, 18:08
my stomach is well and truly rumbling now so just off to make my smoked salmon omelette I've been looking forward to all day!
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
15 Jan 2014, 19:09
My stomach rumbling too - just back from work and FREEZING! Meal in oven, have just had one graze porridge all day. It's been dark, dank and rainy all day ... :bugeyes: :starving:
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
15 Jan 2014, 20:03
Well that was a VERY busy 24 hours! Had two grandsons over night last night and handed over to their nana this evening. We are cream crackered. I get to nurse their dad tomorrow (post-op) should be much easier :0)
No idea what I've been eating, tried to keep it low sugar/gluten-free but who knows, there were carbs consumed for sure.
I need sleep. Now.
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
15 Jan 2014, 20:23
I'm hearing a lot of winter blues here from my fellow residents of the northern hemisphere lately--but take heart! Even if we haven't noticed the lengthening days yet, the potted French Tarragon on my windowsill has. I was thrilled today to see those little green shoots coming up from the soil, especially since most of rest of the plant has been turning brown in the last few weeks. :victory: The chive looks pretty limp, though :frown:
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