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Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
23 Jan 2014, 08:44
Morning Weanybeany,can we keep this avatar, it makes me chuckle :grin: :grin:

off to Nottingham today so I might have something exciting to eat at Jaimie Olivers, its lovely being able to eat again after my dental induced LONG fast this week. I did shift 7 pounds (the predictive text fairy just wrote 'I did shit 7 pounds' which I suppose is technically correct but....) and I bet most of that will come back on but I will still be under my target weight so no worries.

See you all later, and hope everyone has a great day,

Ballerina x :heart:
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
23 Jan 2014, 08:47
Morning Beanarilla! Jaime Oliver's eh? Well that is breaking your fast in style...enjoy! As for Muttley (or Diabolo as Manderley says (makes him sound like the devil)) I think he can stay a little while longer...but you know what I'm like with avatars!

Bean :confused:
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
23 Jan 2014, 08:51
Where did my reply go? Oh, I see it, spiralling away over the rooftops into the ether....
Morning peeps! After a fitful night's sleep (too wake to sleep, but too cosy and dozy to get up!) I slept well after hub's alarm went off!

Where is my veg order, I want to know. For the first time ever, it didn't arrive on time yesterday, or this morning at 8.30, so I must call my veg man. Otherwise it's a trip to Mackro, but then I don't feel like I'm supporting local businesses.

What do we all have planned for today, then (apart from the highlight of bean's day, cauli cheese...mmmmmm I could fancy that, too!)
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
23 Jan 2014, 08:51
I know, but you give us all something to look forward too, but I really like Diablo so I'm hoping he will be around for a while.

Yep, lunch, mmmmm

Ballerina x :heart:
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
23 Jan 2014, 08:52
Morning beanie weenie and all!! Love Mutley too!! Mmmmm, cauliflower cheese! They do a fine cauliflower cheese pie in our favourite cake shop-yum!!
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
23 Jan 2014, 08:59
Cauliflower cheese pie? In a cake shop?! Mmm strangely I find that rather exciting! Oh no! @Pennyforthem what has happened to your veg? I love the idea of having veg delivered. Do you get to choose what you'd like or is it January surprise each time?

Now tell me, has anyone else found this? Since Friday I have been doing daily weighing. I am suddenly finding that one day I'm 11:12 and the next 11:11 and so it keeps going. Is this going to be like Groundhog Day! Forever? Stuck in a loop? Spooky!

Bean :confused:
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
23 Jan 2014, 09:23
Right, well as everyone's obviously still in bed, I am off out for coffee. And today, I'm not having that dreadful black stuff, oh I'm a gonna have a cappucino...hoorah!

Bean :cool:
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
23 Jan 2014, 09:36
nursebean wrote: Oh no! @Pennyforthem what has happened to your veg? I love the idea of having veg delivered. Do you get to choose what you'd like or is it January surprise each time?

Now tell me, has anyone else found this? Since Friday I have been doing daily weighing. I am suddenly finding that one day I'm 11:12 and the next 11:11 and so it keeps going. Is this going to be like Groundhog Day! Forever? Stuck in a loop? Spooky!

Bean :confused:

@nursebean, it's a wholesale delivery, so I get to order; 6 kilos tommies, half kilo chillies (for starters!) kilo ginger... you get the picture! Not your 'average' shop! However, Ocado will also be delivering the weekly shop today, too, so lots to put away.
Tonight it's prawn, stir fry and miracle noodle Pad Thai!

I weigh daily too, bean and it does go like that (see @fatdog's signature) but then one day it'll drop for you! I've been 10 10/10/11 and this morning I'm 10. 9 exactly. Whoo hooo.... So it will happen, just be careful of what goes into that cauli cheese! Not too much flour/cheese! Watch the carbs, darling, watch the carbs!!
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
23 Jan 2014, 10:33
Believe me beanster, it is pretty awesome, to use an Australianism. The owner trained as a patisserie person in London and his cakes are sublime. He does a mean line in pies too, curried goat with saffron, lamb and Harissa. All the puff pastry is made by him, and the cakes are to die for!! My favourites, salted caramel chocolate tart, an amazing cardamom flavoured cream tart with sesame snaps, and the ultimate, a choccy biscuit base with a staggeringly chocolatey mousse filled with raspberry sauce. Oh dear, can't you tell it's a fast day :confused:

Sweet Envy if you want to live vicariously. I make a pilgrimage there every time I am home on leave, pie followed by cake. The ice creams are amazing too, strange flavours that shouldn't work but do. Chilli, coconut and lime springs to mind!
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
23 Jan 2014, 10:43
Debs wrote: Believe me beanster, it is pretty awesome, to use an Australianism. The owner trained as a patisserie person in London and his cakes are sublime. He does a mean line in pies too, curried goat with saffron, lamb and Harissa. All the puff pastry is made by him, and the cakes are to die for!! My favourites, salted caramel chocolate tart, an amazing cardamom flavoured cream tart with sesame snaps, and the ultimate, a choccy biscuit base with a staggeringly chocolatey mousse filled with raspberry sauce. Oh dear, can't you tell it's a fast day :confused:

Sweet Envy if you want to live vicariously. I make a pilgrimage there every time I am home on leave, pie followed by cake. The ice creams are amazing too, strange flavours that shouldn't work but do. Chilli, coconut and lime springs to mind!

Did someone mention salted caramel chocolate tart??

:cry: :cry: :curse: :curse: :dazed: :dazed: fast day here as well :curse: :cry: :doh:
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
23 Jan 2014, 10:47
They most certainly did darling!! Did I mention the salted caramel ice cream too?!
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
23 Jan 2014, 11:06
Did I mention the salted caramel icecream I made over Christmas? Some still in the freezer....

I tried to persuade a local icecream maker to make a chilli, lemongrass and lime icecream, but they pulled a face. Shame, really!!
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
23 Jan 2014, 11:13
Poor @Debs it's as though you're stuck in the desert and there's a mirage of food ahead of you. I should never have mentioned cauliflower cheese...doh!

Can I just say...chocolatey mousse? Ooh doesn't that sound splendid!

@Pennyforthem what are "miracle Thai noodles" if you don't mind me asking. Are they the ones that have no calories? I must say your meal tonight sounds rather delish! As for me, I THINK I'm pretty good with carbs. My weakness is cauliflower/macaroni cheese but if I only have it once a week it shouldn't be too bad...should it?!!

But the way...the cappuccino was rather splendid! A wonderful start to my day :-)

Bean :neutral:
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
23 Jan 2014, 11:16
Oh darn it. Food again! That sounds very nice too penny! Have you tried to make it yourself? Some people have no sense of adventure! One day he tried marmalade bacon flavour :confused:

Funny you should say that beanie, I AM in the desert up here, 200km from the nearest shop :cry: Don't worry, I make up for it when I go home every three weeks!
Ah yes, miracle noodles, made of of yam flour, virtually calorie free, and if you (or I rather) eat too many, a miracle toilet stop is required :grin:
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
23 Jan 2014, 11:17
nursebean wrote:
But the way...the cappuccino was rather splendid! A wonderful start to my day :-)

Bean :neutral:

:?: :razz: So you're a coffee bean today are you? :wink:
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