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Non-diet Chat

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Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
06 Jan 2014, 16:03
Its the chatterbox thread Penny which you started..the one where we can be cloggy so we arent cloggy elsewhere! So dont worry bout more pics here!
@Manderley so sorry about yr foot :( and @Julieathome sorry about rhinitis but well done Jade! X
I am in the garden with @Minsmum woof! I want treats! :razz:
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
06 Jan 2014, 16:15
We must be having a record couple of days for newbies. Great to see isn't it. Wonder if 5:2 has had air time over the weekend? I saw a few name drops in the Sunday papers, but it was described rather witheringly as another fad, and then they go and recommend juice detoxing :bugeyes: Well we have proved them all WRONG :lol: :lol: :lol:
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
06 Jan 2014, 17:52
It was the same at the gym this morning, car park was full and so many new faces I'd never seen before. I do hope they haven't wasted their membership fee and will gradually disappear as the weeks go on. Such a waste if they do!
Great to see so many newbies on the forum too, think this is such a supportive place that no one needs to feel they are doing this on their own and someone else has usually experienced everything you feel too.
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
06 Jan 2014, 18:38
rawkaren, the bulletproof coffee is not for me but I'll try a spoon of coconut oil alone tomorrow morning. I take apple cider vinegar that way, it can't be worse :wink:

By the way, I am in love with that stuff on my skin and hair, my skin hasn't been this soft since I used baby oil :heart:
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
06 Jan 2014, 18:50
I just wanted to say 'Welcome' to all Newbies if you are checking in here too. I'm sorry if I have not welcomed you personally on your own thread. I have been trying very hard to keep up with so many new names and faces but I'm losing track :bugeyes:

It's great to have you all on board. Good luck and feel free to ask us anything you want. We are all here to try to help get you acquainted with the start of your new life :clover: :clover: :clover:
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
06 Jan 2014, 19:45
Penny sorry if this is a bit late but just had time to catch up on here. The picture of the pup is fab. Oooooh how cute. The training looks to be going well so far.

To all those who are not feeling well I hope you will soon be better.

Back to work for me today. My only question is.... Did I have two weeks off?? Feels like I was never away!

Not only was my holiday from work over, so was my 5:2 holiday. Back on to a fast day today. First for three weeks. It was better than I thought it would be and already I feel better.

Back to normal. Whoooho

Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
06 Jan 2014, 20:02
Channel 4 looks like it could be interesting for an hour.........
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
06 Jan 2014, 20:03
anyone in UK watching channel 4 right now? Some kind of detox special.... hope its not as nasty as the channel 5 prog you were all talking about last week. :bugeyes:

Edit - madcatlady - you beat me too it!
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
06 Jan 2014, 20:03
How many people record a program and then watch later.... only to sit through the adverts cos they forgot its recorded - ME :)

and its not like its a one off, I keep doing it :lol:
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
06 Jan 2014, 20:07
Food Unwrapped Diet Special.....
Will they mention IF?
@lesley54.. Yes,Christmas feels like years ago..
Only two weeks ago today,we were in Waitrose ..and 2 weeks tomorrow we were enjoying Christmas Eve browsing round some lovely little shops in East Dulwich
All feels like such a long long time ago..
Glad your 5:2 day went well..for first time ever, ive got a bad headache while fasting and repairing even tho ive had lots of water.. :frown: x x
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
06 Jan 2014, 20:16
I found my headaches were due to cafine withdrawal. I now drink coffee as normal on a fast day and count in the calories for the milk. Never had a headache since.

Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
06 Jan 2014, 20:44
I'm watching.......and I'm sorry, but s@d all the facts, I can't get over that woman's hair!......what's going on with it???
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
06 Jan 2014, 21:32
Hurrah! They talked about fructose and the dangers thereof :like: :like: :like:
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
06 Jan 2014, 21:33
@Madcatlady it looked like something had taken residence up there, then left in a hurry!

Meh, I'm easily distracted....oh look something sparkly.........
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