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23 Apr 2014, 06:10
@wildmissus I' m glad she got a talking to coz you don't need a repeat performance!
so glad everything is ok x every parents worst nightmare isnt it..thank goodness for a happy ending!
23 Apr 2014, 07:11
Last night daughter was in a really huffy mood, I think that was probably embarrassment. She is not that much better this morning. I expect she is a bit concerned about meeting her friends at school today. For a 13 year old that is probably worse than a policeman giving her a talking to!
23 Apr 2014, 07:35
Glad all is well @wildmissus What a shock it must have been, don't worry about the strop yes embarrassed she would be but when she's calmed down try to explain the worries she put you through at hre age she knows the risks but unfortunately they never see any dangers in no contact.
Hope all is well for you it must have seemed a long 2 weeks school break more so this time, take care :heart: :heart:
23 Apr 2014, 08:06
Awful thing to happen, especially at this time. Thinking of you and hope otherwise things are as ok as they can be at this time :heart:
23 Apr 2014, 08:28
Oh, what a shock for you, as if you don't have enough on your plate, glad it all turned out well.

Ballerina x :heart:
23 Apr 2014, 09:31
Eeeeeek lost internet for 30 mins - bereft! :shock: :shock:
Back now tho - obvs! :grin: :lol: :grin:
23 Apr 2014, 09:47
Silverdarling wrote: Eeeeeek lost internet for 30 mins - bereft! :shock: :shock:
Back now tho - obvs! :grin: :lol: :grin:

You are almost as sad as me :lol: :lol: :lol:

Ballerina x :heart:
23 Apr 2014, 09:57
Surely am :lol: :lol: :lol: maybe we ought to have a 'Saddo' tent :oops: - but then again, perhaps not :doh: :doh: :doh:
23 Apr 2014, 11:12
Reminds me, @wildmissus of an incident from my childhood; I'd told Mum I would be going to a new boyfriend's parents for tea the next evening. Mum had misunderstood the day I'd be going and a similar scenario to yours ensued. I was furious (understatement!!) that they'd 'embarrassed' me and they threatened that I'd never see this lad again. Once we'd all calmed down, Mum admitted it had crossed her mind where I might be, but it wasn't the right 'date'. When I became a parent, I saw her side!!
Glad it all ended well for you all xx
23 Apr 2014, 12:03
No wonder parents go grey quickly!

I really sympathise with you Candy @Candicemarie. My parents' house has very thin walls I think because our next door neighbour has her telly on SO loud...and sometimes in the early hours. Her brother used to stay with her sometimes (he's in his 90s) and it was ridiculously loud at about 2 in the morning. This was at the height of my ME so I was not happy. My parents had a word but the trouble is, I don't think they realise just how loud they have the tv on. I wish they'd wear headphones or something. I keep trying to get my parents to move because once this lady goes and a family moves in (which they inevitably will do) we will hear EVERYTHING!

I've bean so busy lately, selling clothes on eBay. Doing quite well at the moment. Most things are going. Trouble is, I've messed up the postage costs on several occasions so I've missed out there. Also, I have one customer who hasn't paid yet, so that's a bit awkward! I've emailed him but had no answer :confused:

Hope you're all having a good day anyway. Got bits and bobs to do today but will try looking in now and again.

Bean :starving:
23 Apr 2014, 12:34
Wildmissus - so happy to hear it all ended well. I have been there, done that except for the police - mine came home just before I was ready to call them.
You know how much I have gone through to get my boys, so I tend to get in such a hissy - fit when they don't come home when expected or answer their phones...oh my, on the verge of going utterly bonkers. They know it by know, but memory is a fickle thing and at 15, the youngest need to have his space too. Not easy though, not easy...
23 Apr 2014, 12:35
Thanks for noticing my dilemma @nursebeanand for yr response Bean! I must admit i was feeling a little bit ignored with my prob! :confused:
Sorry youve experienced similar..i know this illness makes us noise sensitive but i do agree that the " offenders" really don't realise how loud they have their tvs and radios..they don't intend to cause annoyance - its just a habit for them to have telly volume up..however,if its on loudly as you say in the early hours,thats being really inconsiderate and anti social!
They have the option of using subtitles and or/headphones if they have a hearing problem..then everyone can be happy!
I tackled my neighbour about it when i found one night i was sitting waiting for him to go to bed before i went..coz i knew from experience if i went to bed, i wd just be lying there listening to his tv. When i told him this, i think he was i told him that i often go to bed and put my radio on with headphones to drown out his tv,but can STILL hear his telly.
So he isnt a bad person,coz he took all that on board and for a while, peace reigned. But now its creeping up again and its so much harder to complain a second time!
I hope you get yr teething probs onEbay sorted live n learn over postage.
And dont send that guy his item til he pays up! XX
23 Apr 2014, 12:44
CandiceMarie - oh my I know what you are saying, but be happy it's "only" the TV etc. I once had a neighbor who's kid I used to say I was 50% a mom to ;o
23 Apr 2014, 12:46
@CandiceMarie, I can only sympathise with your problem, it would drive me nuts. We are fortunate enough to live in a detached house but I am often noise sensitive. As the evening goes on I tend to find I turn the volume on the TV down and when the girls are being noisy I'm often to be found with my hands over my ears. Hope you can get a solution soon.

@nursebean, are you making any money on ebay? I've been going through my clothes and putting them into 3 piles - one for the clothes bank, one for the charity shop and one for ebay. I haven't sold anything on ebay for a while as I find it is often a tedious experience for not a lot of reward, however some things are just too good to just give away!
23 Apr 2014, 12:48
Wildy @wildmissus a detached house is the only real answer isnt it!
I am just glad i dont have to put up with someone's loud music!
Hope all ok as can be hoped at the mo with you x been thinking of you xx
And ps i have done ok ( ish) on ebay...havent made a fortune but sold quite a bit..i find it satisfying and interesting.
My best sale wasMOTB dress and jacket....after i wore it a friend took it on a cruise then another pal wore it to a wedding..then it sold very fast on about £ 200, it cost about£ 320
The buyer was so thrilled with it and that was very satisfying,as was the cash ofcourse!nx
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