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01 Mar 2014, 16:50
Talking of cars I've been wrestling with mine this afternoon. The dip headlamp bulbs blow every couple of months and are an absolute pain to replace. After spending ages I've finally got the new one in; husband can't do it as his hands are too big. However the main beam bulb went as well and that seems to have rusted itself to the connection so will have to get husband to sort that then I can put it back together. I hate doing mechanics though there is a sense of satisfaction when it's done. We had a look out for the Northern Lights last night when we were out near the coast but didn't see anything; we should have looked the night before when it seems they were amazing.
01 Mar 2014, 18:35
Got a bit of a conundrum right now guys!
Dont feel well enough to keep up with posts ..not been here v much last few days...but it makes me realise how much i need to stay close,coz i am rapidly losing focus over last few days!
Soooo need to find happy medium of calling in but not for too long :confused:
V v grateful for this forum and the folk here :heart: :heart: :heart:
01 Mar 2014, 18:37
We are always here for you no candy Candy. Just pop in when you can. Take it easy cos you've had a very busy week

Bean :heart:
01 Mar 2014, 18:47
Take things easy CandiceMarie, just keep reading posts and join in when you feel up to it. Sending you and nursebean vibes full of healing energy xx
01 Mar 2014, 19:10
Candice I agree with cally and bean, just keep coming onto the forum and having a read. I'm on the forum so much more that I post. One of the best things I did was become a moderator because I'd have probably given up by now and as I said on another thread - I'M NOT GIVING UP. I hope that is clear!
01 Mar 2014, 19:32
Loud and clear, over and out @wildmissus! and very glad to hear it too, you know it makes sense! :like: :like: :like:
Keep going all other peeps who are flagging or suffering a plateau at the moment. You all know that ultimately this WOL is the right way to go for sensible weight loss with added health benefits. :heart: :heart:
01 Mar 2014, 20:25
Thanks @callyanna especially for the reminder that this is about health benefits as well as the weight loss. I think many of us loose sight of this.
01 Mar 2014, 20:37
:heart: Hugs and good wishes @CandiceMarie :heart:
Yes keeping up forum watching that's a must deffo. :heart:
Well reminded @callyannaThe health benefits are abundantly obvious for me so from this day forth I shall focus more on that thanks once again you're a gem. :heart:
Back to basics for the @wildmissus Me and probably few more members tomorrow starts a new week and then
Monday is the beginning of plan XXX??. :heart: Sue
01 Mar 2014, 20:45
yeah, new month, new season, new start! Spring is here ladies so let's shake off those winter blues and re-commit to giving this WOL our best shot!
01 Mar 2014, 20:51
I'm shakin' off those winter blues... brrr....
Candice, read and join us when you're able, me darlin'.
Wildmissus, do not give up, hun...

I've been out for fish and chips... though hubs had most of the chips! I MUST get back tuit next week....

01 Mar 2014, 21:10
Ready for a moan?

Speaking of winter blues....... I am seriously peeeed off tonight.

I am a good cook but I cannot cook pork chops, they are always tough, so I gave up years ago. DH bought some lovely ones today and I pan fried them with some sliced red onion and apple slices then deglazed the pan with white wine. I made celeriac chips, a celeriac remoulade with red onion and apple and cauliflower rice, pan fried in a spray of olive oil (a new venture for me) I was really excited about this tasty dinner.

This is the reality........

The celeriac chips burned to a crisp and went in the bin, the remoulade had too much dressing to veg and was too rich. The pork chops were dry and tough and the cauliflower rice was disgusting. It tasted like raw cauliflower. How can you say it's yummy? I trusted you lot :cry: however, the sauce was nice. DH cleared his plate but I think he was probably starving. He was very quiet at the table :cry: I am so annoyed because I worked so hard and made such a mess, all for nothing :cry: DH has tidied the kitchen. I don't have any chocolate in the house but I do have red wine. I was thinking of joining Penny and anyone else giving up wine for lent but I am weak. I know it's not till Wednesday but I have been practising!!

Rant over. Thanks for reading. Suggestions welcome xxxxxx

Oh and I have read and digested all the posts above but too many to comment on x
01 Mar 2014, 21:29
Oh poo Wendy Darling. It's not till Wednesday, so enjoy a dink or three. We have all had expectations food wise.. in my case, a lot.
Join me in a drink on Tuesday then bye bye til Easter xx
01 Mar 2014, 21:29
:heart: OH @Wendy Darling Your meal sounded wonderful sorry it went wrong. :shock:
I gave up trying to cook pork chops to my liking years ago whenever I do them now I cook in the oven at least they are very tender that way, now the cauliflower rice did you cook it at all Lol. or was it just undercooked? I wasn't overly keen but with a good spicy sauce I thought ok but did cook in microwave for few minutes but yes do prefer the courgette spaghetti deffo.
No chocolate in the house at all thats my problem my OH has developed an addiction since retiring so unfortunately temptation is always there.
hope you're not to hungry tonight. :heart: Sue
01 Mar 2014, 21:54
Thanks Penny. Yes, I will do that, buddy :grin: can I still have gin in an emergency?

Oh I don't know Sue, how do you do your pork chops? Lol, yes I did cook the cauliflower. I pan fried it but I might try the microwave version next time. You did give me a giggle. Thanks, I needed it :lol: yes, I much prefer the courgette spaghetti too. No, I'm not at all hungry, had a lovely weekend brunch at 2:00 today. Half fat sausage, bacon, poached egg, baked beans and tinned tomatoes. Was yummy. I have found some Christmas chocolate and have just scoffed a sharing bag of chocolate buttons that was left over from gingerbread house decorating. It's got a bit of a white bloom on it but I DONT CARE :lol: x
01 Mar 2014, 21:55
Poor Wendy darling! I've a good tip for pork chops. Rub some salt in the fat, turn the bob up to highest setting and wait until saucepan is smoking hot, then press the fatty edges until browned, put them in the pan for two mins each side and then put in the oven at hottest temp for 12 mins. Delish every time!

As for the cauliflower mash, I've not tried that yet!

Anyway, don't despair :shock:

Bean :smile:
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