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26 Mar 2014, 20:05
Hope everything is well for Julie :clover:

@Wolfie Fiona was the name of the dog we had before, a lovely name for a lovely girl :heart: Lots of positive thoughts for her to be as strong and as healthy as possible for a long long time :clover: :heart:

Thanks for the positive thoughts everyone :heart:

That was a difficult day indeed even if I do realize how silly it can be because, after all, as somebody told me, it's only an animal no a human being. I would have love to be a vet but it would have broken my heart to have to deal with death...

So, about our boy... For now he's out of danger. For now. His illness progress quite quickly but it's probably because the medicine was not right. Now he has diuretics and a human medicine, which is great because way cheaper as the taxes are different. I still has to do the antibiotics shot tomorrow and we'll see how it goes.

I stayed with him all day because, and it will be difficult to explain in English but here, in the countryside, we have some tradition, some people can heal with magnetic hands or anyway help heal with hands, which is my case, even if I don't use it often. I used it to calm him down, because of his heart condition, he needs to be as relaxed as possible. So I put my hands on his chest and head and kind of meditate for quite some time and it seems to help him. It's really strange because it's a bit like he knows that I am here to help him

That link may explain a bit what I mean
26 Mar 2014, 22:49
Oh, I think we're still in the 1950's yes? The decade of first date, first kiss :oops: first job, first year away from home--busy busy.

What I wanted to relate in particular, though, was my awakening to a life-long interest and passion. In 1952 my father took sis and I to the local train station (twice) to hear the two major presidential candidates on their whistle-stop campaign tours--Eisenhower and Stevenson.

I asked my father, "what's the difference between the Democrats and the Republicans?" He said, "The _______________s are for the rich and the ___________________s are for the little guy" (I leave you to fill in the blanks) :smile:
27 Mar 2014, 12:04
Hi all, I'm actually back home already. I was doing so well they got me discharged and out within 36 hours. It must be the weight loss with the exercise. There was only one small worry about my bladder control not waking up along with the rest of me, but it soon caught up.The anesthetist at the hospital are using a relatively new technique. Instead of knocking people out and giving massive dose of painkiller, they give a precise dose around the nerve stem of the area. A bit like mini epidurals, it means there is much less anesthetic floating around the body and that parts that weren't drugged carry on working. So you can drink and eat straight away because your gut isn't sleepy. It also means recovery time is much quicker.

I'm off for lunch in a bit then a nap then I'm going to watch TV for a bit. Life is grand when things work out. I had so many nightmares about this operation, I'm so glad its all over.
27 Mar 2014, 12:57
Despite the bad stories we sometimes hear,our NHS is brilliant..miracles performed by dedicated staff day in day out x
27 Mar 2014, 13:23
Think its 1960? I was in junior 4 at school..i always came second in exams but this year,the girl who always came top of the class was off sick and i came first! We were rivals but friends too!
We both passed the eleven plus the following spring and lost touch as we went on to different grammar schools
I had been wanting a dog for years..bought a collar and lead when i was eight yrs last, got a little dog for passing the 11plus..!! :like:
27 Mar 2014, 13:26
Sorry,got to do 1961 too! On my twelfth bday in 1961, Brian Epstein went to see the Beatles play in the Cavern..the rest is history
My 16 yr old sister and her friends had been raving about the Beatles for ages,watching them play at the Cavern whenever they could. They were all very sad when they lost " their" Beatles to the world.
27 Mar 2014, 15:25
1963 I started skiing now 51 years later still skiing it has been the best sport that ever happened to me I feel so privileged spending time in the beautiful snow covered mountains I have never tired of it :lol: :like: :victory:
27 Mar 2014, 16:14
1964 The year I went to college
27 Mar 2014, 16:18
1965 I discovered boys... 'nuff said!

I am feeling very fragile after seeing my friend for lunch. We don't always share the same viewpoint, but today was a corker. She wanted to know why I still work when I have a husband who earns money.
Where do I begin?
She was brought up never to contribute, but to let the man pay all the bills. She worked to buy clothes.
After one little comment, I wanted to slap her! Yes, you did read that right.
I'm still feeling very tetchy about it.
27 Mar 2014, 16:37
Well she's part of a dying breed @PennyForthem! I'd want to slap her too! I have always maintained that I am part of a team, hubby and me, and only fair to contribute towards everything we do and plan. What's more I have my own professional pension (apart from my OAP) which helps enormously! :victory:
27 Mar 2014, 17:16
@PennyForthem i hate coming away feeling tetchy from a meeting with a friend :confused: ...remarks can often irritate,but always remember what she said is all about her,not you. She has obviously got a much different mindset to you,but i prefer yours!
Healthier and inline with the 21 st century not the early 20th! :lol:

Lets hope your friend doesnt lose her partner ...coz how on earth wd she cope alone?x
27 Mar 2014, 17:31
Is it 68 now? Or67? Whichever..good years,was a teen,had fun,wish i was back in a sixties time warp x :heart:
27 Mar 2014, 17:40
In 1968 I was studying at a French uni when the whole country went on strike. I remember one of my fellow British student's dad coming across the channel in a catamaran to rescue her as the ferries were suspended. I had a gorgeous Syrian boyfriend, a medical student, at the time and often wonder how my life would have turned out had I married him. I did subsequently spend a year teaching in the same city so we could be together but I finished it as he was too controlling and jealous.
27 Mar 2014, 17:42
Whoa! Sounds like you had a lucky escape@callyanna much better off with the DH you have :like:
27 Mar 2014, 17:49
Too true, CM, when he started telling me what I could and couldn't wear, who I could and couldn't talk to I came to my senses even though he was drop dead gorgeous looking! My lovely hubs would never dream of treating me like a possession as he did.
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