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My nickname is the name of one stubborn brave queen in the book The Witcher (by Andrzej Sapkowski).
I CAN'T BELIEVE I READ THE WHOLE THING!! ALL 14 PAGES! Thank goodness I didn't wait any longer to join! It's a great thread though.
I wanted Kiko on another site but it wouldn't accept 4 letters so I thought adding Raving would be a good idea (the site was Ravelry, so kind of had it on the brain). Kiko has no relationship to me, I just happened to be listening to Los Lobos, Kiko and the Lavendar Moon.
Thank you @ravingkiko for answering AND for reading the whole thing!
I think you must find the question as fascinating as I do ! Xx
I must admit, I am impressed..... I don't know if I would have the patience to read any thread that long, to be honest :razz:

I wanted to add something, Manderley is a fairly recent name, for me. I usually is "known" as Harker or SBJ.
SBJ is quite simply my initials with one A missing. My full name is Sandrine Blanche Juliette (my name and my natural grandmothers) and Andrée at the end, which is my step grandmother's name (long and boring story). I didn't add it because it sounded better with only SBJ.

Harker now was the name of my friend years ago with who I had a very strong bond and who died suddenly in 1999. I decided to take her name as my internet name at that time and it's still is, most of the time, even now.
Thanks Anne@annestrom welcome to the forum and happy fasting! X
Hi Anne @annestrom and welcome!

Do start an "Introduce yourself" thread and tell us a bit about yourself, what form of fasting you are doing, and what your goals are. Although it is fairly quiet here, there is lots to learn from reading the LEARN pages and discussion threads of interest. So do have a good read around, and do share your journey with us. Someone will almost always give you a response if you raise any issues or queries!

Best wishes and good luck! :smile: :clover:
One guess!!!
Fun version of my real name - Estie
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