The FastDay Forum

Non-diet Chat

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Moogie wrote: Thanks guys :) I'm wondering if this means they're planning on starting their own forum - in which case I wonder if it's worth me saving up to buy some nicer forum software!

no the software is fine don't change it we love it the way it is
I've been looking for a forum on the 5:2 diet and Google brought me straight here! TBH, didn't find thefastdiet a particularly helpful website anyway...
Even if they start their own forum, people often belong to more than one anyway. Their forum, if they even do one, may not appeal to people at all. Hang in there Moogie. BTW I found this forum quite by accident and not from any link.

Janet x
I wouldn't worry about them starting their own forum, for three reasons: first, if it's as lame as their website it'll be no competition; second, the diet is continuing to grow in popularity so I think there's room for all of us and third, we have attracted a really nice bunch of people here who always offer sensible advice and it's all these lovely members who make it such a pleasant place to hang out! :-D

So, I'd like to say thank you to all of you for making our jobs as moderators so easy!

And a huge thank you to Moogie for setting it up and creating all the cool features!
No loss there then. The best thing that came out of it was this forum :lol:
carorees wrote: I wouldn't worry about them starting their own forum, for three reasons: first, if it's as lame as their website it'll be no competition; second, the diet is continuing to grow in popularity so I think there's room for all of us and third, we have attracted a really nice bunch of people here who always offer sensible advice and it's all these lovely members who make it such a pleasant place to hang out! :-D

So, I'd like to say thank you to all of you for making our jobs as moderators so easy!

And a huge thank you to Moogie for setting it up and creating all the cool features!

Hear, Hear! Couldn't agree more, except to add a thanks to you too Caroline for all your brilliant advice.
I second what everyone has said. This is the nicest, most informative forum I've ever been a part of. It always feels really personal, there's always someone there for support should you need it and it doesn't feel too corporate and business like.

I truly think that this forum is a big part of why I, and many others I'm sure, have stuck to 5:2. I've got a feeling you'll be the last ones laughing when this forum is still going strong in months/years to come. It's people power! :wink:
Moogie, you've done a great job with this forum, really appreciate what you've done - I've seen the effort involved behind forums to keep everything running smoothly, and its not all fun- thank you! As for them removing your link? Can't understand it myself...I'm with oldestswinger, probs a good idea to remove their link from the bottom of the page- people want to find it, that's what's google is for. With that link, they are getting more benefits from you than they deserve by pulling their reciprocal link... Is a bit rude of them IMO! Would consider it a compliment mind, they seem to see this forum as a threat- good luck to them if they want to set up their own, is very difficult thing to do!
I'm guessing it's timed to coincide with the US broadcast of the horizon series?
I think Dragonbirdy hit the nail on the head! I also agree that Moogie should reciprocate and remove the link to the 'official' site from the forum. Hey, perhaps Moogie should start using term the 'Original' 5:2/Fast diet forums somewhere in the banner or tags for the forum?
carorees wrote: I wouldn't worry about them starting their own forum, for three reasons: first, if it's as lame as their website it'll be no competition; second, the diet is continuing to grow in popularity so I think there's room for all of us and third, we have attracted a really nice bunch of people here who always offer sensible advice and it's all these lovely members who make it such a pleasant place to hang out! :-D

So, I'd like to say thank you to all of you for making our jobs as moderators so easy!

And a huge thank you to Moogie for setting it up and creating all the cool features!

Here Here :like:
This is a great forum - if you get new software, please don't make the boards too frilly. Just the right balance now.
I'm with the rest, I found the link on MyFitnessPal to here. I'd not even been to the offical site until today and I agree there isn't much there but information. I truly enjoy this forum, all the support and personal stories are very helpful!
I've found this site helpful, balanced, and a far more useful resource than the 'official' one. Until you posted this news, I have only been a 'guest', but this has made me register to say thanks for all your hard work. I've followed the WOE since February, with good results, but always look to this forum rather than the 'original' book for guidance and encouragement.
You wonder if there are plans afoot for some kind of organised meeting groups, in the style of WW or SW.
Somebody will jump on that bandwagon for sure.
Thanks to me too for setting this up and running it.
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