The FastDay Forum

Delighted or Disappointed?

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I love reading things like this on the forum; as a newbie, I am trying to search out all the success stories that I can! I am aiming to fit back into my original wedding rings!

Congrats on your victory!
Oh well done! How marvellous that must feel :smile:
Great result and looking forward to the pictures. Perhaps we should start a 'back in my wedding outfit' tent.
Ok, please excuse the colour quality - before you ask, I didn't get married in black :lol: :shock: - the top is plum coloured velvet and the skirt a slightly lighter purple silk...

I decided the outfit is still a WEE bit snug, but everything does up! :razz:
weddingdress1.jpg (55.81 KiB) Viewed 376 times
Love it lizzie! You're looking really trim! gorgeous outfit too.
:like: :heart:
Well done Lizzie you look lovely with a fantastic outfit as well :like: :victory:
Well done and really lovely pics; then and now :)
Love the pics you look lovely. You must be feeling chuffed with yourself :like: :heart: :grin:
Great stuff - well done! Can imagine how thrilled you must be....

Will look forward to seeing the photos :like:

:rainbow: :rainbow: :rainbow:
You look beautiful - what an achievement WELL DONE!
That's amazing Lizzie! Well done, you shall have to take a photo of said outfit so we can see how amazing you look!
Fantastic Lizzie!
What wonderful pictures to have side by side :smile: Its a gorgeous outfit and your smile is the perfect accessory :smile:
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