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Getting Sweaty! Exercise & Fitness

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01 Oct 2014, 06:32
Happy October everyone.

We in the UK are now heading into those long dark evenings, where a nice walk afetr dinner will not be as pleasant. Please be careful out there.

We are a growing community and are now 59 members strong. Who will be number 60?
Hope you all enjoy this month and I look forward to welcoming even more to our little group.
01 Oct 2014, 08:51
As you head into the dark evenings, we have the gorgeous summer evenings already. Love this time of year. Just a pity Queensland doesn't have daylights savings, so it gets light at 4:30am in mid summer, but dark by 8.

I'm probably going to slack off a bit this month as I want to spend more time on my bike and in the gym.
01 Oct 2014, 09:18
I'd like to join you - just have to get the fitbit !!

Do you all enjoy the data you get from using the fitbit? Is it worth me spending the money (I'm going to have to get one shipped to KSA I think)

Kindly share your experiences of actually using the fitbit please?

Thanks so much,

JB x
01 Oct 2014, 22:20
I've had my fitbit flex a year and love it. I love the data to do with steps, but don't use the sleep function at all (I know when I'm sleeping and when I'm not, don't need a device to tell me, and it doesn't distinguish between lying still and awake and being asleep).

The things I love are: lives on my wrist, so I never forget it or lose it; the 5:2 leaderboard and links to friends for inspiration; the vibration when you hit your target for the day; the easy sync with phone and computer.

The things it has but I don't use: sleep function, food logging (syncs with myfitnesspal, but I am way too slack to actually log my food).

The thing I wish it had: the vibration function that the jawbone has where if you've been static for a set amount of time, it vibrates to remind you to move. (I currently use my phone to do this when I'm working, but easy to forget to set it.)
01 Oct 2014, 22:43
Hi, everyone. Happy October indeed. My middle child turned 25 today. This weekend at our family party I'll be giving her a fitbit!

@Juliebulie10, I love my One. It snuggles in my pocket nicely, and even though I have to put it there, I never seem to forget. I got it January 1 of this year, and competing on the leaderboard has been a real motivation. Now that I've become a Runner, it's easier to get more steps, as long as I make myself go out and run. :smile: I'm not yet a compulsive runner - still have to talk myself into going out!

I don't bother with the sleep function either, and I don't keep track of my calories or weight. So it's just for steps. I wish I could count miles bicycled with it, but other than that, no complaints.
02 Oct 2014, 00:57
Oh yes, Wendyjane, that's the other thing I'd like - for my cycling to be counted. I use my bike for transport rather than exercise, but would like to know how much I cycle in a week. The Shine pedometer does do cycling (and swimming too) and is so beautiful, I can't justify getting it while I have a perfectly good flex, but when I need to get a new one, that's what I have my eye on.
02 Oct 2014, 05:39
Thanks so much for your feedback ladies.... I will defo get one I think...

I also would like to track cycling miles as that is something I really enjoy.... often taking in 150 miles over a 3 day weekend trip with friends :) (when I'm in the UK anyhow!)

The fitbit can be used with the Endomondo cyclic app though so perhaps that would work?

Thanks again,... I'll let you know which gadget I get! ;)

jb x
02 Oct 2014, 18:35
Hello Fitbitters,
I had a really good September, helped by a 3 day walking holiday in Dorset at the end of the month. The weather was kind and the scenery wonderful.
Unfortunately next week looks wet and windy so getting my steps in will be much harder.
02 Oct 2014, 18:48
SianS wrote: Hello Fitbitters,
I had a really good September, helped by a 3 day walking holiday in Dorset at the end of the month. The weather was kind and the scenery wonderful.
Unfortunately next week looks wet and windy so getting my steps in will be much harder.

Hey there, yes youve been very busy.
How's the son getting on at uni?
02 Oct 2014, 19:02
Thanks for asking @carieoates He seems to be doing OK, we don't hear much from him which I think (hope) is a good thing. We called in enroute to Dorset to drop a few things off last Saturday, and were met at the door to his block and dismissed with a hug. :smile:
02 Oct 2014, 19:35
I remember going to visit my son at Uni in his first year and finding a plate of Shepherds Pie in his wardrobe - he was saving it for later, when we had gone! As he said - at least he could actually cook! He was astonished that most of his friends couldn't cook, use a washing machine or iron their own clothes! What were their mother's thinking? :shock:

On another topic entirely - my Flex has just thrown a wobbly and refused to show my steps on my iphone5, my ipad mini or my Windows computer! On the first two devices the Steps category had disappeared completely and on my main computer it showed a measly 67 steps. It wouldn't sync or even recognise my Flex. I trawled all the User forums and finally decided to add it as a new device and, luckily, that seems to have fixed it, without losing any of my historic (six weeks actually!) data. Busy week this week and not managing to fit in the walks but at least I did go out today even if only for half an hour. My husband has just come home with a Fitbit Zip, so he's a very happy bunny! :grin:
03 Oct 2014, 07:40
Rope pic
Great news for you then Sian.
Stowie, that's good as you and hubs can have a little friendly competition. Mine has an office job so only catches me up at weekends when he plays golf. But apparently he's going to get on "his" treadmill over winter to keep fit. It's not his, it's mine, I've used it more than him. I will prob try the local park run soon, seeing as I love running in mud.
03 Oct 2014, 08:02
@Juliebulie10 My Fitbit has definitely been worth the money for me. I've had far more fun looking at the statistics than I ever would have believed! I've had it over a year now, so it has cost me on average less than £6 a month. The difference Fitbit made, particularly in the beginning when I was doing less steps, was that I'd been busy through the day, and thought I'd done 'enough' exercise, but Fitbit showed I'd done less than 10,000, it made me go and do an extra 500 steps, which often turned in to an extra 1000. This doesn't sound much, but that's an extra 10% or so , and often more, and crucially these steps would not have happened without Fitbit! My target number of steps could have been 2,000, or 20,000, it would still have had the same effect.
I should say my OH doesn't enjoy the same sense of 'reward' that I get from reaching target, so everyone is different, but I would encourage you strongly, and look forward to seeing you on the leaderboard!
03 Oct 2014, 22:26
I was lurking here earlier in the week and wondering about joining and then was in town this afternoon and bought a Zip on impulse as it was reduced. Feeling chuffed with it and hoping that it will motivate me to move more! The dogs will be ecstatic if it works. It will just be walking for me till I lose some weight and gain some fitness but it would be nice to aim for longer walks or short jogs over time. It's also a bit of an experiment as I slipped when walking last year and made a real mess of my ankle. It's all held together with pins, plates and screws now and still isn't 100% but I'm hoping more walking and time will continue to help. Apparently it should continue to get a bit better over the next year. I'd love to join your group for extra motivation!
04 Oct 2014, 07:23
Skippy wrote: I was lurking here earlier in the week and wondering about joining and then was in town this afternoon and bought a Zip on impulse as it was reduced. Feeling chuffed with it and hoping that it will motivate me to move more! The dogs will be ecstatic if it works. It will just be walking for me till I lose some weight and gain some fitness but it would be nice to aim for longer walks or short jogs over time. It's also a bit of an experiment as I slipped when walking last year and made a real mess of my ankle. It's all held together with pins, plates and screws now and still isn't 100% but I'm hoping more walking and time will continue to help. Apparently it should continue to get a bit better over the next year. I'd love to join your group for extra motivation!

@skippy pm me your email adress and I will add you.
Make sure you follow the email link and not look for us on the site as there are others and ours is an invite/closed group only.
Looks like we may have our 60th member everyone.

:victory: :victory: :victory:
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