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Getting Sweaty! Exercise & Fitness

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23 Oct 2014, 16:40
Well done you Caroline @carieoates, that will keep you on your training schedule!

@Annurca I had my first cool weather run this morning - first time I have kept my jacket on all the way! I was glad to have a headband that covers my ears, I think that makes a lot of difference. To be honest, I think it was easier running in the cool than it has been when it was hot. I think the key thing is to check the temperature before going out and kit up accordingly. I'm hoping to be able to carry on through all but the worst downpours or ice. We'll see....
23 Oct 2014, 18:36
Thanks for the good wishes everyone. I've got to get back to a regular 5k first, then before xmas will begin the intermediate training ive downloaded from the website. Call me chicken if you like but I'm waiting till xmas to enrole. OR do I need to enrole to spur the training on.
I do consider myself lucky that I've a treadmill in the garage, it's cokd in there but not as windy, rainy, frosty, snowy as outside I guess.
23 Oct 2014, 19:30
Wow @Carieoates, training for that will certainly give you some steps! Good luck with that!
Like @Belindab, I'm finding this cooler weather is actually quite nice to run in. It feels a bit silly wearing gloves and a T-shirt, but it works so... I wear them for about 20 minutes then carry them. Really like my Aldi buff too.
However I've rather undone all the good work of todays run as I've been baking today for a get-together, and I'm on desserts and cake duty. Hence there has been rather a lot of bowl and spoon licking going on!
24 Oct 2014, 17:05
Good for you @carieoates it will be a great motivator to have a half marathon to aim for. If I were you I would enter now rather than leave it until Christmas. If you could do a couple of 10k races before that will really help you too. If you can bear it, try and continue running outside as I'm sure it is better training. I love running outside, and prefer the winter to the summer even if there is rain and wind and it is cold. You could well have those conditions in March so practicing in bad weather is useful.
I've signed up for my first marathon in March too, in Rome. I've run a 41km trail race so the distance is no problem, but I will need to get some more practice on road running long distances. I prefer running on muddy footpaths through pretty countryside to pounding the tarmac, but it isn't good for increasing speed.
Anyway, good luck don't forget to post your progress on the runners forum!
24 Oct 2014, 18:03
OMG @Franglaise can I come to Rome instead.
I admit that I'm a wee bit scared. I've done 5km assault course, two now. Very wet, very muddy, but I'm not very good at being cold. Because I have Raynaulds syndrome and lose the feeling in my Digits.
I am going to enrole right now. Thanks. :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:
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