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Getting Sweaty! Exercise & Fitness

48 posts Page 4 of 4
Re: Hoola hoop anyone
14 Mar 2014, 23:12
@fern the hoop has to be the height of your tummy button, it is advised that if you are a beginner you should not have one that is too heavy as it may cause bruising, I feel a wavy one would have the same problem. I have to admit I didn't loose anymore on my waist once I started doing it . But I didn't carry on twice a day 2x5 min through December when I got too busy. Also I was at that time maintaining and my waist was, is, less than 1/2 my height I did feel a bit firmer, in fact you have maybe convinced me to take said hoop out of spare room and have another go. :like: Also I am a red wine drinker it's Friday night so I raise a glass to you. Hic. :wink:
Re: Hoola hoop anyone
20 Mar 2014, 22:07
Well....I took the plunge today and purchased one! It's 100cm....absolutely MASSIVE! I haven't tried it yet as realised I will be needing a LOT of space...can't imagine at the moment being able to do it...not like the ones I had when I was little at all!

Perhaps a glass (or two) of red wine will help?
Re: Hoola hoop anyone
26 Mar 2014, 18:25
Well, I'm pleased to say, slowly but surely, I'm getting the hang of this hula hooping :)

And, I'm pleased to say as well, it definitely works those abdominal muscles!!
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