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Getting Sweaty! Exercise & Fitness

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Re: Hoola hoop anyone
28 Oct 2013, 16:12
Everybody is welcome to join tis group. I couldn't organise a p--s ip in a brewery so there will be no numbers or anything but it would be lovely to hear if there are improvements in measurements . Good luck all, thismay make me do the 2.5 mins either way morning and night.
Re: Hoola hoop anyone
28 Oct 2013, 16:34
Oooohh thank you. Must go and practice. I need to get that waist/height 50% thingy.

Re: Hoola hoop anyone
28 Oct 2013, 19:48
Picked up my hoop last night for the first time in a while and managed 10 mins to my usual side. Had a go at doing it to the wrong side and after a wee bit of dropsy I got the hang of it. Thanks for the idea Nessie.
Re: Hoola hoop anyone
28 Oct 2013, 19:52
Hi Ness
I want to jojn the hula group but first i need to buy my hoop
I will be away til 12 nov tho so its gonna be a while til i am all kitted out x
Re: Hoola hoop anyone
28 Oct 2013, 21:00
I have my hoola hoop and can't hula any more, boo hoo! I've lost the knack, I will study the video's again and keep on trying, but what happened!
Re: Hoola hoop anyone
29 Oct 2013, 23:08
@Nessie I LOVE hoola hooping!

In the summer I started going to an abs focussed exercise class where the warm up and cool down was a few minutes hooping. I had never been able to hoop before, but I can now hoop for ages and ages without it falling. I ended up buying one form my instructor, and I pop a few dance tracks on my computer and hoop most evenings.

Apparently, 10 mins a day is meant to help trim down the waist. OH, and if you hoop with your legs together and your arms together up over your head it's a lot harder, and works your abs nicely.

I'd definitely recommend hooping!
Re: Hoola hoop anyone
29 Oct 2013, 23:20
Julieathome wrote: I have my hoola hoop and can't hula any more, boo hoo! I've lost the knack, I will study the video's again and keep on trying, but what happened!

Hey, Julie. I have had the same problem with my "adult" sized weighted hoop. I think the problem is that the size is still not right. It's like riding a bike; I don't think you can forget how...but, my waist is a good deal larger now and I think my hoop needs a larger circumference.
Re: Hoola hoop anyone
30 Oct 2013, 00:42
I don't want to buy another hoop, but it may be the way to go. I just get the feeling that no matter how frantic I get, I can not wiggle fast enough to keep the hoop up.
Re: Hoola hoop anyone
30 Oct 2013, 00:51
It does sound like hoop is too small. When you get going it doesn't require speed at all. I also find that having too many layers can affect it. Hope you manage to master it.
Re: Hoola hoop anyone
30 Oct 2013, 06:15
After reading this thread I was compelled to buy a hula-hoop! I bought a weighted one from Amazon that comes in 6 sections, am I right in thinking the bigger diameter is for beginners?

I got this one because when you get better you can remove a section to make it smaller.

Right, onto you-tube now for some tuition...
Re: Hoola hoop anyone
30 Oct 2013, 11:31
Thought I would give this hula-hooping a go...the result was my teenage daughter rolling around on the floor laughing at me...but I did manage to hula!
Re: Hoola hoop anyone
16 Nov 2013, 11:24
It is 5weeks since I measured myself doesn't time fly. Bearing in mind I am maintaining so am still the same weight and only really if I am honest doing 5min per day instead of 5min morning and evening. The results are not too bad bad news is my waist is still the same 28 1/2 inches but my ribs have gone from 31 to 29 inches my upper hip ( between tummy button and hip measurement ) from 351/2 to 35 inches and my hips from 36 to 351/2. I hope all this makes sense, I think it is definitely worth carrying on. :victory: the waist may finally capitulate in time if I show it I am determined. :razz: :wink: :grin:
Re: Hoola hoop anyone
20 Jan 2014, 18:15
I love hoola hooping - maybe doing it along with my Pilates will tighten up this flabby tummy of mine!
Re: Hoola hoop anyone
14 Mar 2014, 13:34 is the hula hooping going folks?

Is it sustainable and does it work.. i.e. get rid of muffin top?

Also, as an aside, all the time I've been reading on this forum, I thought :lol: meant - ''I raise a glass of red wine to you!". Only just realised that's not what it means :doh: I thought I was in good company with lots of red wine drinkers! - though - I was a little concerned at the quantity of red wine consumed - thought perhaps some of you were on the wrong site :shock:

....anyway...back to hula hooping....I'm confused over all the different types of hoops..smooth ones...waved ones...beaded ones...magnetic ones...???? :confused:
Re: Hoola hoop anyone
14 Mar 2014, 19:22
As it's Friday, I'll raise a glass of red to you @Fern! :lol: (Now you mention it, I can see what you mean, it does look like a person behind a glass of red). Cheers! :booze:
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