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Getting Sweaty! Exercise & Fitness

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Hoola hoop anyone
08 Oct 2013, 10:57
My Zumba class has stopped, I am devastated and have been wondering what I can do instead. I saw a child's Hoola hoop in a toy shop and bought it. No goi couldn't keep it going for more than a count of 10, :razz: :cry: I looked up H H on the Internet and found out that it has to be the right size, you measure from the ground to your tummybutton and walla as with anything nowadays you can order one on E Bay. :grin: I got my new gleaming prized possession on Monday and could immediately do the prescribed amount of 21/2 mins in both directions :lol: :lol: I now do it morning and night 10 min in total I have measured waist a and tummy and hope to see a difference in a month. Seemingly a lot of the " stars" do it . anybody else out there nuts enough to do this.
P.S. after 6 months on this forum this is the first time I have ever started a thread.
Re: Hoola hoop anyone
08 Oct 2013, 11:00
Well done Ness on your first thread!
Have you any hooling tips? I wd love to do it but i cant get started! X
Re: Hoola hoop anyone
08 Oct 2013, 11:03
Oooer! apart from not having the room indoors to hula hoop (there is always outside brrr!) I could go for this, it would certainly help the waistline. I used to be able to walk and hula hoop, but never quite got into doing real tricks with one.
Re: Hoola hoop anyone
08 Oct 2013, 11:06
I must admit I bought a weighted hoola hoop a few years ago (it's now somewhere at my Mums house!).

I wish I could do it but I ended up looking like a Weeble that was being electrocuted! lol :lol:

Do let us know how you get on - I may decide to retrieve mine and give our new neighbours a shock on the patio!!
Re: Hoola hoop anyone
08 Oct 2013, 11:06
Sorry I have no hope of giving you a Linc but if you google Hoola Hooping there are lots of clever ladies that show you how it's done.
Re: Hoola hoop anyone
08 Oct 2013, 11:10
I have been considering getting one of those, so, yes, I will join your little 'hooping mad' club when I've got mine. See you there

Ballerina xx
Re: Hoola hoop anyone
08 Oct 2013, 11:15
Great that will keep me going 5min in the morning 5min in the evening. 21/2 min each way. Keep your tongue in in case anybody sees you, I find that last bit quite hard.
Re: Hoola hoop anyone
08 Oct 2013, 11:26
Keeping my mouth shut has always been a problm for me :shock: :lol:

Ballerina x :heart:
Re: Hoola hoop anyone
08 Oct 2013, 11:44
I've got one and use it in fits and starts (just about sums up my technique too :lol:). Not used it consistently enough to see any results though. If anyone is going to buy one I suggest getting one with a bit of weight to it and not a childs plastic one as these tend not to work so well with adults.
Re: Hoola hoop anyone
08 Oct 2013, 12:44
I got a very light child's hoop, which didn't work of-course, so I promptly gave up. I rather like the idea of hooping (hooling? hoola-hooping?) while watching TV. Must investigate further. I'll try anything that makes tumbo a little less jumbo!
Re: Hoola hoop anyone
08 Oct 2013, 12:49
Excellent topic to start Nessie and I'm really impressed with your hula hooping - both ways, wow!

I bought a 625g hula hoop off Amazon last December and spent a lot of time bending down picking it up so gave up. I then looked at You Tube and got my girls to help me (I was trying too hard to go side to side but you need to go front to back) and now I can hula hoop. I can only go clockwise but I can walk with it, although I look like a constipated duck!

A few weeks ago I decided to buy a heavier hoop and bought a 2kg hoop with a wave design on the inside and covered in neoprene. Well, the first time I used it it was soooo heavy and I could feel the heat in my waist. The next day I looked like someone had taken a good kicking . My waist and right hip were black and blue - literally. I did do it for 10 mins -oops. I am now just trying it for a couple of mins a day to work it up. It is great fun and you really need to hold in those core muscles. I do it while watching TV. My OH does complain as it causes a draught :lol: .

I think you've set me a challenge to do it both ways.

shachat, I've tried the girls hula hoops and I just can't do it - they are too light. If I had to buy one again I would probably go for a 1kg hoop.
Re: Hoola hoop anyone
08 Oct 2013, 13:08
HI Nessie. Yes I'm a hoolie. I have one lurking around and had a go on and off over the summer (in the garden where no-one could see me looking like a total idiot). Once I got the hang of it I could keep it going for quite some time and it was great for pulling in those stomach muscles (it was rough the first few days). I stopped doing it when the weather turned as its easy to knock things over in the house. As I'm trying to up my exercise at the moment, I might give it another 'whirl' :smile:
Re: Hoola hoop anyone
08 Oct 2013, 13:28
My whole family, including my hubbie, hula-hoops! I can do a few moves with it but lack the ceiling height for most, so in bad weather I stick to dancing around the kitchen with it. I haven't got a lot of room to move about but you can still burn off some energy and have fun as long as you can spin the hoop :smile:

In the summer, we take hoops to the park and get more adventurous :grin:

Check out hula hooping on you tube for inspiration and tutorials - there are loads of videos. I'm a big fan of Hoop Girl and Spiral.

Incidentally, I've been to various hoop events, and the consensus is that the heavy hoops with the nodules or waves inside are a bad idea. They can (apparently) cause internal bruising if you're not careful. The best hoop weight for a beginner is about 1kg and yes, to the navel. Mine is 39" I think. The smaller and lighter the hoop the harder it is to use as you have to move faster to make it stay up. My eight year old girls have proper hoops, and I can JUST about work with them, but its exhausting! :bugeyes: They on the other hand have no problem using my big hoop, but I limit how long they can use mine for.
Re: Hoola hoop anyone
08 Oct 2013, 19:02
I an so glad that there are other hoopers around. I don't feel so daft now. goods luck everybody I hope our waists get the hint.
Re: Hoola hoop anyone
08 Oct 2013, 19:11
I have never been able to hula hoop (I often have a go in the playground with the kids) any one have any techniques?
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