The FastDay Forum

Getting Sweaty! Exercise & Fitness

48 posts Page 4 of 4
Re: Hula Hooping
12 Jun 2015, 16:54
Well, I've dug my hoop out of the storage shed and dusted it off. :grin: Now it is just sitting in the corner of the study glowering at me while I sit on my bottom at the computer! :curse: I'll pick it up and have a go with it one day. Promise! :smile:
Re: Hula Hooping
01 Dec 2015, 09:09
Thanks for this amazing advise. I used to do it few years before but I totally forgot about it until I saw your post. I think I'm going to start it again , thanks to you.
Re: Hula Hooping
26 Dec 2015, 00:13
You all have inspired me to buy a hula hoop. I LOVED hula hooping as a kid. I imagine it is tremendously fun exercise. I can't wait to report back and let you know how it goes. I was quite skilled as a kid. I'll be interested to learn if I've still got skills :-D
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