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Fasting today?

Every day there will be a new topic in this forum for today's fasters to chat & support each other.
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82 posts Page 4 of 6
I'm in. Busy day, so hopefully it will be an easy fasting day! Have a great one!
I'm in - liquid fast. Travelling with work so probably won't get any other fasts in but hoping to do 16:8 all other days or half fast on Friday
CandiceMarie wrote: Have a great first fast @danalea73 x !

Thank you!

It's morning here, 6:30 am and I'm sitting at work (without my normal latte!). I'm a teacher so the kids will arrive soon. I've got a 21.1 oz bottle filled with black tea (sorry guys, its sweetened with sweet N low, can't drink unsweet tea, nasty stuff that). In the fridge in the break room I've got a large salad (oh, just realized I forgot the turkey for it!), soup and apples. But thats 3 1/2 hours away.

I keep busy until then because I teach. Teenagers!

So, okay. First fast. Wish me luck!!
:curse: :starving: :?: :shock:
I'm in for my ususal Monday fast. A bit of an indulgent wekend with pizza on Friday, Eurovision party on Saturday, left over party food and a few chocs yesterday . Seems like I will never get to my interim target :doh:
Absolutely in since last weeks fasts did wonders to the extra kg I gained during the thyroid "mishap".
Had nothing but water and a glass of Dolce Gusto Iced Coffee (47kcal) and right now have to stand the vapors from sons lunch... I'm hungry!!

I was kind of very good during the weekend, except I think I had my calories in wine :shock:

But lucky me, tonight will be the Hairy ones Jambalaya :)
Sounds like you've planned it well@DanaLea73which is half the battle..except forgetting the turkey of course!
Hope you get on ok x

Oh my goodness ..teenagers! :shock: :confused: i love them ..theyre great fun,but in small doses! X
Count me in. Probably over did things yesterday but I'm an ADFer so surely its allowed. Scales arent playing ball but I'm trusting the process... :grin:
I am in today :grin: I ate way to much this past weekend! Good luck everyone!
Woke up hungry this morning don't like to start a fast that way, so I decided to "bite the bullet" and try bulletproof coffee in the hopes that it will carry me over until dinner. I read all the threads on here about it - only problem of course was I did not have unsalted butter so I switched out cream which probably won't give me the cognitive benefits, but I'm really looking to not be hungry until dinner. The States have discovered the fat benefits talked about so often here in the low carb threads. When it makes Good Morning America & Dr. Oz, you know its going mainstream. I must say, I feel a bit smug already knowing many of the benefits thanks to all of you. I'll let you know how it goes...
Had a busy morning at work and only really felt a hunger pang at 2pm which i'm very happy with. just had some carrot soup at 87 cals so i can have a good dinner this evening.
I'm in. Not struggling as I've had a busy morning, but feeling cold and shivery.
I'm in - back on track from today.

My sparkling water is getting me through the afternoon :)
It's just turned 3:15pm here, fairly busy day up until now but got a couple of quieter hours and I'm starving! It's somebody's birthday in the office and she's very kindly bought in cream cakes - they're sitting looking at me in the corner :frown: Help!!!!! Feeling like I might break X
Oh no@hannahcolledge! Can you accept a cake to take home for tomorrow? X
Yes might do that instead! Good idea :-) Drank lots of water so the hunger pangs seem to have subsided for now - being hungry makes me feel really miserable. Does anyone else have issues with trying to keep their spirits up on Fast Days? I'm finding this to be my biggest problem so far, especially at work xx
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