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Fasting today?

Every day there will be a new topic in this forum for today's fasters to chat & support each other.
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75 posts Page 2 of 5
Rumbles have started (they're coming later on in the day which is reassuring because it means I don't need breakfast on feast days!) but they don't bother me, I know I am more than capable with dealing with a rumbling tummy for a few hours!
Lil :heart:
I'm having rumbles too, just had a cup of hot Marmite to try and quell it.
Also feeling really miserable which doesn't help as I've just had a real estate agent around to value the house as we may be selling. Not sure why I'm upset, probably because our beloved dogs are buried here and we'll be leaving them behind. Yes, I know, completely irrational, but hey, I'm human!! And crying, so that must be it!
Aww Debs! *hugs* I understand, not easy contemplating leaving a place that you've called home for awhile. In the abstract you can put the feelings away, but the reality hits home when the wheels actually start turning.
Hi I start my fast day after 2 weeks holiday got to loose the jelly belly :cool:
You're right Betsy, it did just hit me as I was looking for photos for the estate agent. And we have nowhere planned to go at the mo either. Doesn't help!
Oh Debs that's not irrational at all it's completely understandable!
On the positive side, where are you moving to? What is your next adventure?
Lil :heart:
Don't know really. We both work interstate but want to live in Tas so we'll sell, look for a big block of land near the beach and go and annoy relatives for a while until we get sorted. We are only home one week in three so there is no point in keeping a house while we're not living in it. We both love Tassie though so we want to stay here permanently. We have Tassie Devils, Quolls and Wombats etc living here on our bush block, which we love so we want to find a huge piece of land to protect them!
May house sit, who knows? We have to sell it first which may be tricky as the Tassie economy is very depressed.
That sounds amazing with the animals!
Did you get my private message by the way? :)
Lil :heart:
Count me in for a normal Monday Fast. Monday is a normal day for fasting along with a Thursday. Having to do a lot of driving today so will be occupied for a few hours so will be able to last till 7pm for dinner with only green tea and black coffee then through to breakfast.

Good Luck all
Fasting today. Thought I hadn't lost any this week but double checked on and lost 1kg last week (the app doesn't seem to show actual amount, just the graph so wasn't sure). Very happy because the scales showed a gain a couple of weeks ago, even though I had kept to the 'rules'.

It's been 4 weeks and I've lost 3.4kgs, well 2.4kgs cos that first 1kg is always water weight. ;)
Debs, chances are it'll be years before you sell that house.
I'm in. Maintaining now, but off on a 10day business trip starting Weds so need to get down before that starts :(

(Wonders how TML13 is getting on with her AI?)
I wish I were fasting today. I'm feeling bloated and gross today. I'll be fasting Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday this week. It's always weird not to fast on Monday, but I have a work dinner tonight and Wednesday, so this worked out better.
Sallyo, you are such an optimist, but probably right!!!
Just making the filling for the pie and it's driving me mad. Roll on dinnertime!!
I am in! Week 5, day 9.

@MaryAnn, I can imagine. The Monday always feels like the perfect fastday. For me it is a reset after a weekend away with massive breakfasts, big dinners and 3 days of drinking alcohol...
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