The FastDay Forum

Fasting today?

Every day there will be a new topic in this forum for today's fasters to chat & support each other.
Please don't make extra threads in here besides the daily fasting threads, if you've got a question please post it in the relevant forum or ask in today's 'Fasting Today' thread, thank you.

72 posts Page 2 of 5
I'm in too ... woke up cold and miserable ( waiting to see if I am about to be made redundant) but hopefully I will get over myself before too much longer !
2nd Fast of the year .. and 1st weigh in tomorrow .. eeek !

Good luck to all fasting today :like:
I'm joining in today after being thoroughly mixed up last week and just not know ing what day it was! Monday isn't a usual fast day for me and there's nothing to beat the flexibility of this WOE.
Good luck to a lll fellow fasters especially new to this :clover:
Got through the day pretty well. @RedRobin, your situation makes me feel that my issues are minor. Do hope you are not made redundant. What a world! Life can be so complex.

I was severely tested but I withstood.
I'm in, back on my ADF routine, may the fast be with you x
Good luck Monday Fasters!
You can do this, yes you can :0)
Good morning everyone, I'm in today but not well. The hubs has the flu it seems, been bad for at least five days now.
So how many cals in a beechams? Four,
I'm in - usual Monday fast. Good luck peeps!
Bless you @Sallyo it's a tough company I work for and right now can't work out if going or staying will be worse given how understaffed we are already .. but C'est la Vie what doesn't flatten us completely makes us stronger :confused:

Hope all is well with your family ...if 2014 taught me anything its that family no matter how hard work they are ( and boy is my younger sister hard work !) are what really counts in life :heart:
I'm in today with my usual liquid fast, so just water and tea for me today.
@Carieoates@Redrobin@Sallyo I hope all goes with you.
I've managed my first fast of 2015 much easier than I thought. I guess my stomach is glad of the break!!
I'm off to bed earlyish to read John Cleeses autobiography, a Christmas present from my son, funny I nearly bought him the same book.
Happy fasting and good night.
Get well soon, Caroline and everabody who is not well!

:smile: I am in with you, too. Second FD 2015. Will eat my calories of the day at dinner, around 5 p.m. Started a tracker, too, just with the 31st of December data. New year, new challenge. And grrrrr I am hungry today :wink: :razz:

Best to all
I'm going to give it a good try and be in today. Kids are still off so it makes it harder. Spinach and butternut squash lasagne rolls for dinner with a piece of chicken and carrots.
BruceE and I are joining in. I cooked tonight's dinner last night so that I wouldn't have to do it on the afternoon of a fast day. Nothing on my agenda except giving the floors a good vacuum and hiding from the horrible weather. And definitely some knitting to keep my fingers from reaching for snacks ;-)
It's lunchtime and I'm feeling a bit irritable - not because I'm fasting but because it's my first day back a work and I can already feel my stress levels rising.
@RedRobin fingers crossed for a good outcome, you are so right!
@Anna-Maria - each day there is a fasting thread to join - where you can get support. Here is todays thread.
@Carieoates @Rawkaren and anyone else feeling under the weather, I hope you feel better soon. Which reminds me I have not had a drink of water yet! :shock:
I'm a bit under the weather - nothing to do with the date or official start of work. On the way back from kayaking last night a chum backed into a post when pulling out of a car space - it was quite a nasty jolt and a bit painful but I thought it would settle down. However, my face has bruised up, I've a vicious headache and I've been quite unwell - so I might go home in a couple of hours if I can re-arrange things. Bleugh.
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