The FastDay Forum

Fasting today?

Every day there will be a new topic in this forum for today's fasters to chat & support each other.
Please don't make extra threads in here besides the daily fasting threads, if you've got a question please post it in the relevant forum or ask in today's 'Fasting Today' thread, thank you.

72 posts Page 4 of 5
Liz@lizbean i squeeze lemon juice into boiling water but let it cool ..drinking it hot seems to give me indigestion,but drinking it warm feels good. Supposed to give a host of health benefits and provides refreshment on fast days ..we have to get any little cheer we can thru the long fasting hours! :lol:
Thx@CandiceMarie - do you drink it during the summer too? I'm coming into my second year, having joined this time last year I was robust, I think this winter feels different to last season for me. Or perhaps is it just a NY winter hangover moment :shock: :shock:
Ohhh happy Anniversary for yesterday @lizbean youve done so well! X X
Hmm ..i drink it whenever i remember all year round but deffo gives me a little lift on fast n repair days! X
First fast in AGES, done!! Phew :victory:
Oh yes, happy fastiversary @Lizbean :-)

I've just had a pot of "Get Lost" tea by Republic of Tea. It's a rooibus blend with some other things that are supposed to make you feel full and reduce cravings for sweets. I'm not sure that it's doing that any much more so than any other pot of herbal tea, but I suppose we'll see when 8pm rolls around and I'm wondering how many calories I have left and exactly how many grams of dark chocolate that translates into ;-)
Completed my first 2015 fast. Feeling a bit hungry. Hopefully a hot drink before bed will do the trick. Stick with it guys nearly done :lol:
Will that be a hot milky hot chocolate @Skinnyjeans ? :shock:
My fast day is just around the corner . I seem to be out of sync with everyone but it's great to see so many of you back in the fasting saddle!
Poooh :bugeyes: today was a toughie for me. Hungry all the time. No water, no tea, no nothing seemed to help... It was almost like the very first one I did. Well, now I will gulp some more Heartwarming Yogi Tea and then it is done :victory:

Cheers to all and have a nice evening
Mahalo :smile:
Well done @Mahalo for getting through today's tough fast without cheating. You're nearly there...hold on!
It's a beautiful day in Boulder City, Nevada, not nearly as cold as it's been. The sun is shining (so much more welcome in January than in July :lol: ), and it's just one of those 'winter' days that makes me love living in the desert. I'm fasting today; exactly 30 pistachios in to the day--about 100 calories. I'm going to make some veg/chicken soup for later and ???? I'm down 3.3lbs since last Thursday--fluffy holiday lbs, not serious lbs. :grin: But, I just went on the lite and found that our family fitness challenge group now is 10 members strong. It is losing 4% of weight in 4 weeks. I mostly joined to support family, but I am finding it really motivational. I posted on our group, very simply, about using the 5:2 and how easy it is to manage. I know it may not suit everyone, but it sure as heck works for me. :victory: Kudos to everyone who is back at it. Perseverance is what will get us there, and more importantly, keep us there. :wink:
Only 2:30PM here, so I have a while to go. I'll eat dinner around 5, so not too long now. I've had 150 calories so far today, all this morning at 7AM after my boot camp workout. I'm not sure I could function without a little something after boot camp!
@nursebean (uhm, how does the tagging work I don't know?)
:grin: I studied some of the most wonderful success-stories on here to keep me going :wink: (And I am not a cheater, that is good, if I say I fast I do :geek: )
I was in today. I don't usually eat anything all day but today I had green tea all morning, home made butternut squash soup at about 2:00, 100g yoghurt and a cup of chai with coconut milk. Chicken with a big pile of peas and green beans for dinner. Will probably have another cup of chai before bed. Quite enjoyed it and am doing it again on Wednesday.
Thank you, @tracieknits - I feel better after a lie down and hope that I'll sleep tonight and that matters will improve.

Dinner for tonight was venison with cabbage dressed in anchovies. DH ate his but mine will need to stay over until tomorrow when I'm a bit more settled. It's mostly been 0% fat Total Greek Yoghurt for me today with assorted flavours. The kitchen's been closed except for tea for a wee while now. :) Looking forward to tomorrow.

:clover: to new starters, re-starters, and those with several more hours to go.
@Mahalo, if you want to tag someone, firstly make sure that you are using the 'Post a reply' button rather than 'Post a quick reply' button. Then when you have typed the name of the person, highlight it by double clicking or placing your cursor at the start or end of it and then dragging to highlight. Once it is highlighted just click on the blue 'tag' button just above the smilies, which are just above the box where you are typing. The words 'tag and some other brackety things will then surround the tagged name.
Other people seem to use the 'tag' button and then type the name between the two sets of brackets which will appear. Either should work and to check if the 'tag' has worked, press the 'Preview' button and the name should have magically acquired a @ sign in front of it and changed colour. If both of these things haven't happened, then check the spelling of the name - it needs to be accurate to work.
Hope this helps. It really is less complicated than I seem to have made it!
Don't forget to press 'Submit' once you are satisfied and I always wait for the post to appear on the page before going to another page - otherwise sometimes it seems to get lost in the ether - and that is really annoying!

Well done for completing your fast successfully. The end is in sight for a lot of us now. :victory:
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