The FastDay Forum

Fasting today?

Every day there will be a new topic in this forum for today's fasters to chat & support each other.
Please don't make extra threads in here besides the daily fasting threads, if you've got a question please post it in the relevant forum or ask in today's 'Fasting Today' thread, thank you.

72 posts Page 5 of 5
I haven't the calories left for anything more than a mug of tea @nursebean so no hot chocolate for me :( but I have had a very good first 2015 fast :grin:
First day back on the wagon done :victory:
I enjoyed my post-gym banana and my soup for dinner, and now I'm tucked in bed with a salted caramel green tea which is YUM and is helping me to not think of food too much. Hope you've all had a great day :like:
Well, my first 'real' fast isn't going too well. I was woken up 'accidentally' about four hours too early, which added even MORE time to my day, plus I wasn't thinking before I went to bed that today was a fast day and ate almost 5 hours before bedtime! Add to that a OH that has asked me to fix him both oatmeal AND spaghetti so far (and we've only been awake 4 hours!) and considering how cranky smelling the spaghetti made me, I'm figuring that this is going to be a loooong day (night for the rest of humanity).

I *can* do this. I *will* do this... but I make no promises on how nice I'm going to during the process! Fasting was SO much easier when he was at work and I wasn't having to have food in my face every 4 hours. :curse:

7 a.m. will not come fast enough.
Hello from Tuesday to people still in Monday. @RiverCityChick. Hang in there! You really can do it. It gets easier with time and the hunger passes in waves. Distract yourself. And is it possible to tell the OH that you can't get him any food until dinner time tonight? Can he please just look after himself until then? My OH gets a bit grumpy on fast days because there's never any pudding and I won't serve cake or anything. If he wants it, he has to get it himself. Big deal. I've already made the cake! But he's used to it now and just accepts it.
Hello. A late post but I have been fasting today. Went exceptionally well. Now in bed and lights out. Goodnight.
I'm in today! First fast of the new year! Trying to look on the bright side - maybe it will be easier to lose since there is more weight on? The holiday damage wasn't too bad - but I gained some weight in November and it's just been sticking around! Hoping the excitement of the new year will move things in the right direction. Today wasn't too bad - having my final cup of tea now. Found some Mahi Mahi burgers at Trader Joe's which are only 110 calories and don't seem too processed. Had one for dinner with a bit of sriracha sauce and some raw veggies on the side. It was good! Hope everyone else had a nice holiday season and an easy fast!
Hi @RiverCityChick- I definitely agree that your husband can get his own dang food on fast days! Boy that would make me very grumpy indeed.

We've got two fasters and a 14 year old boy. The boy understands that when he gets home from school, he can get his own snacks and please don't eat in front of me until dinner, when we all eat together. Further, we all know that crankiness on fast day is a given and should not be held against anyone :-)

Hope your fast day went as well as it could.
Fast day done in the next-to-last time zone of the forum. I had a latte midday - bit of a treat on a fast day. Then dinner was slice of turkey meatloaf, steamed broccoli, small bowl of butternut squash soup (store-bought so has some cream in it - another treat, I guess). Total was probably over my target of 350 calories, but certainly less than 500. Roll on, 2015.

EDIT: Finished off the evening with a mug of homemade turkey broth. Best low-cal beverage EVER :smile:
In for my second light day of the year. I fasted last Thursday....I messed up a bit last Monday. Went skating and had a lean protein bar, which apparently stimulated my appetite. Ultimately, I went about 150 cals over. I don't consider it a wasted day, as I learned (again!) about what NOT to do. Those bars just don't have enough bulk for their calorie content.

Today's been going well. However, my son decided to take a bus with no planning to a city south of us (Tacoma) that neither of us is familiar with. I ended up playing navigator via phone/computer. Noticed that when I feel stressed, I want to eat--not so much that I'm hungry, as I have the impulse to shove something in my mouth...but I stayed strong and didn't break my light day. Almost midnight here and I have 345 cals remaining for dinner and a little snack later. I plan on weighing and measuring tomorrow, as my HIIT Xiser stepper is supposed to arrive tomorrow, and I want a baseline before beginning HIIT. Although my knees have been better since getting under 190lbs, I still was unwilling to punish them doing other types of HIIT (running, ick; jumping rope, double ick...). The Xiser is supposed to be very knee-friendly. Making dinner now, YUM!
@StowgateResident Thank you so much for your kind newbie-support :smile:

Looks like we are continuing here, aren't we. Then I will tell you here and now that I was happy to wake up with no hunger at all. Decided spontaneously to add my second FD right away - it's flow-time so to speak. I have done this in the Christmas week (two days in a row) and was okay. Then I will see whether I do another fast on Friday which makes it 4:3 for the first weeks or if I stick to 5:2 like last year. I will decide that from the present moment like today.

Wishing you all a wonder-ful day fasting or feasting
:wink: M
I gave it a go yesterday... A very good day (decaf coffee definitely was better at avoiding growling tummy), but I rather overdid it in the evening. We had fab turkey soup, but then couldn't resist cheese, then chocolates. I'll be glad when they're finished, but not so much so that I can throw them away or let OH eat them all! :wink:

By the way... If you're doing back to back fasts @Mahalo join in the Tuesday fasting thread... There aren't many there yet. (It looked as though people were carrying on here, but it was still Monday for them because they are in a different time zone.)
Thanks, @Golarne,
like(d) the energy of this thread here :smile: :like: I understood the time zones. Australia ahead, USA past Europe... Maybe it will go on anyway.

I don't think I will regularily do back fasts was just my decision for the day. I am still undecided whether to do 4:3 or 5:2. The days are best for me when flexible. Anyway. It's fun to continue FDs in 2015 whenever :victory:
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