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Fasting today?

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It is so cold today and I am feeling very hungry - think I will cave in and have a cuppa soup and just deduct the 50 calories from my dinner tonight (spag bol with mostly veg and just a little mince!)
My first very positive fast today (5 fasts in total) l feel great, not hungry and have yet to eat anything. My last fast was Thursday which felt like a hard slog. I think many are finding the first fast of the week easier. I am looking forward to tomorrow morning, not for food but to hopefully experience the high that I felt the morning after Thursday`s fast!
I usually do Mondays and Thursdays. I tend to go all day just drinking tea until dinner at around 18:00 when I have something like a chicken stir-fry. I have to admit I'm looking forward to getting home and having dinner.
Loud grumbling from my tummy though it's had peppermint tea, and bouillon at lunchtime. Grrrrroooowwwwlllll!
I had 30g porridge oats + water + 1 tsp agave syrup for breakfast...I was tempted by a banana at lunchtime, but told myself to wait an hour - and didn't eat it! Coffee and lemon tea up till now (16h) and I've got a chicken and beggie stirfry in sweet chilli sauce planned for dinner. Mr FD isn't fasting (recovering from a nasty accident) so he's having more chicken and some egg noodles.
I am amazed how easy I am finding fasting. I really thought I'd be quivery and shakey by mid afternoon, but my only problem is feeling very cold. I want to eat something, but it's more for the "mouth feel" than because I'm feeling hungry.
I should read before I press "Submit"! Chicken and veggie stirfry. Not beggie!
Also fasting today after having a lovely week-end of treats including mother's day meal at a local pub last night.Was fairly good just had my main course but did indulge in 2 white wine spritzers.Always start to flag at this point in the day as just having black tea and coffee, herbal tea and sparkling water, saving my calories for evening meal at 6pm :wink:
Im fasting today. Had 4 cups of peppermint tea and feel starving! was hoping to go all this eve/night without any food (to try & outweigh my terrible day yesterday) but not sure if i can manage it :-(

Planned to walk to work this morning but the snow put a stop to that :-(
Fasting today, 6th week, 11th fast. Not hungry yet today and am feeling good but cold. I think I will have a hot chocolate in a bit to see me through the bus journey home. Good luck to all those fasting today.
jackdaniels wrote: Im fasting today. Had 4 cups of peppermint tea and feel starving! was hoping to go all this eve/night without any food (to try & outweigh my terrible day yesterday) but not sure if i can manage it :-(

Planned to walk to work this morning but the snow put a stop to that :-(

No, no, no, live in the moment and it'll be a lot less painful.

Binge, fast, binge when you fall off the wagon as it's too difficult, fast as punishment - this is a quick way to an eating disorder.

This is more a way of life, there is always another day. Be kinder to yourself, stop fighting and just relax in to doing this properly with decent food on both fast and feed days. :cool:
Still morning on the West Coast. Had oatmeal with some strawberries and a just a bit of chopped walnuts. The added texture makes it very tasty. Will drink teas and coffee until late this evening after swimming when I plan to have some soup. A bit congested this morning but hoping that teas take care of that, drinking Throat Coat (one of those cool herbal remedies with licorice).
Crikey, the snow isn't helping. I've not noticed feeling cold before, but today it's freezing. AND I'm hungry :(

I know I'll get through til this evening & then to tomorrow morning because I have sufficient willpower - that's what's excellent about 5:2 it really is one day at a time & not an interminable never-ending slog! :)
Hello fellow fasters! Not much longer to go til supper time - hurrah! On week 2 and lost 5 lbs in my first week doing 4:3, but weight loss this week seems to have tailed off.

Yes, weirdly, fasting after the weekend is almost enjoyable. I'm certainly making better friends with Hunger, and am no longer frightened to be hungry.

Good luck! x
I normally fast today (Mondays & Thursdays) but I woke during the night and was vomiting. Thought it would be best not to start a fast that way. Ill just do it tomorrow instead. I normally find Mondays very easy, hope Tuesday is the same. :confused:
My 17th fast day today, and after zero kCalories since 6.30 last night, I'm just beginning to get hungry. Time for a long brisk walk in the falling snow to warm me up a bit (she said, hopefully).
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